vmEREAS, public convenience and necessity require the
acquisition of certain real property within the City of Anaheim
for the follovling purposes, to wi t ~ highway easement and public
utility purposes; and
WHEREAS, the City Council does find and determine
blat public interest and necessity require the acquisition of
all that certain real property herein described by the City of
Anaheim for nighway easement and public utility purposes.
Nm'l, 'I'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of
the City of p~aheim that public interest and necessity require
the acquisition of that certain real property situated in the
City of fu1aheim, County of Orange, State of California, more
particularly described as follows, to wit;
An easement for :nighway and public utility purposes over,
under and across the following described parcel of land~
Commencing at the centerline intersection of Katella Avenue
vlith the centerline of Struck Avenue (now knO\vn as Howell
Avenue), said point of intersection is described as a point
bearing North 890 31' 35" West, 1,218.67 feet from the
intersection of the centerline of said Struck Avenue, with
the centerline of Doug-lass Road, as said Douglass Road is
described in deed recorded in Book 682, page 109 of Official
Records of Orange County, California, as described in Parcel
A of the Final Order of Condemnation to the County of
Orange, recorded July 8, 1960 in Book 5321, pages 397 through
401, inclusive, of Official Records of Orange County,
California, said centerline of Katella Avenue being in a
curve concave Soutneasterly and having a radius of 1,000
feet; thence Sout11westerly along the centerline of said
Katella Avenue along said curve blrough a central angle of
410 20' 10" an arc distance of 721.45 fee"t, to a point here-
inafter referreci to as Point Ai thence i."lJorth 410 06' 21;1 Hest
a distance of 60 feet; thence South 480 53' 39 West 176.91
feet to the true point of beginning of the hereinafter
described parcel of land; thence South 540 54' 581' \ves-t a
distance of 311.37 feet to an intersection with the North-
easterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
Company rig.tlt of vIay line (100 feet wia.e): thence South 700
52' 09;; East 37.63 feet along a portion of the lJortheasterly
line of said railroad right of way to an intersection with
a line parallel witn and 60 feet Northerly of the centerline
of the aforementioned Katella Avenue; thence North 480 531
39 if East 290.97 feet to the -true point of beginning
A temporary easemen:t for t.:l1e const.ruction, .llaintenance and
operation of a railroad shoofly over, under and across the
,.....r'o r
L.Lgress ana egress for temporary detour purposes, describe6.
as follo\.Vs~
Conuuencing at tile ce:nterline intersection of Katella Avenue
with the centerline of Struck Avenue (nm'l known as Howell
Avenue), saia. point of intersection is described as a Doint
bearing North 890 31' 35" Hest, 1,218.67 feet from the~in-
tersection of the centerline of said. Struck Avenue, with
bIe centerline of Douglass :Road, as said Douglass Road is
described in deed recorded in Book 682, page 109 of Official
Records of Orange County, California, as described in Parcel
A of the Pinal Order of Condenmation to the County of Orange,
recorded July 8, 1960 in BOOK 5321, pages 397 through 401,
inclusive, of Official Records of Orange County, California,
said centerline of Katella Avenue being in a curve concave
Southeasterly and having a radius of 1,000 feet; thence
Southwesterly along the centerline of said Katella Avenue
along said curve blrough a central angle of 410 20' 10 II an
arc distance of 721.45 feet;: thence South 410 06' 21" East
60 feet to the true point of beg-inning, thence South 480
53' 39" West 99.26 feet; thence SOUdI 43045' 05;/ Nest 286.47
feet to an intersection with the Northeasterly line of the
Atchison, 'l'opeka and Santa Fe Railway Company right of way
line (100 feet wide)., thence South 700 52' 09" East along a
portion of the Northeasterly right of way line of said rail-
road company right of way (100 fee-t wide) a distance of
242.73 feet; .thence North 640 03' 49" West 97.17 feet leav-
ing tne Nort:i:leasterly line of tile said Atchison, 'l'opeka and
Santa F'e Railroad right of way line (100 feet wide) to an
intersection with a line in a curve concave Northwesterly and
having a radius of 600 feet; thence Northeasterly along a
portion of said curve through a central angle of 230 55' 31"
an arc distance of 250.55 feet to the beginning of a reverse
curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 365 feet;
thence Northeasterly along the last mentioned curve through
a central angle of 130 14' 44" an arc distance of 84.38 feet
to an intersection witn a line parallel with and 60 feet
Southerly of the centerline of Katella Avenue (120 feet wide)
thence North 480 53' 390 East 3.53 feet along said parallel
line to the true point of beginning.
~1 easement for highway and public utility purposes over,
under and across tne following described parcel of land:
Conunencing at the centerline intersection of Katella Avenue
\'lith the centerline of Struck Avenue (now known as Howell
Avenue), said point of intersection is described as a point
.bearing North 890 31' 35i! Hest, 1,218.67 feet from the inter-
section of the centerline of said Struck Avenue, with the
centerline of 00uglass Road, as said Douglass Road is
described in deed recorded in BOOK 682, page 109 of Official
Records of Orange County, California, as d.escribed in Parcel
A of the Final Order of Cond.erill.l.ation to the County of Orange,
recorded July 8, 1960 in Book 5321, pages 397 through 401,
inclusive, of Official Records of Orange COllilty, California,
said centerline of Katella Avenue being in a curve concave
Southeasterly and naving a radius of 1,000 feet; thence
Soutilwes.ter1y along the cen.terline of said Katella Avenue,
along said curve -tllrough a central angle of 410 20' 10" an
arc distilllce of 721.45 feet to a point hereinafter referred
to as Point: B;: .t:'lence South 480 53' 39"VJes-t 693.46 feet,
tangent to saia curve along the centerline of said Katella
Avenue to a point; thence South 410 06' 21:1 East 60 feet to
an intersection wit.n a line parallel with and 60 feet Soutn-
erly of the centerline of said Katella Aavenue, said point
of intersection being the true point of beginning; thEmce
l~or-th 480 53' 39" East 179.00 feet to an intersection with
the Southvves-terly line of -the Atchison, Topeka and Santa
Fe l<.ailway COlnpany rig.i.1t of way line (lOU feet wide) ;
thence Soutil 700 S2' 09" East 40.32 feet, thence South 480
53' 3911 West 229.41 feet, -thence i.'~ortll 000 03' 00" \\lest
46.36 feet to the true point of beginning.
PARCEL 1:;-5:
A temporary easement for cons-truction, maintenance and road
and public utility purposes over, under and across, together
with -t:i.1e right of ingress and egress for temporary detour
purposes, described as follows;
That certain irregular shaped parcel of land in the City of
Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, being all
that portion of Lot 5 of Tract 71, as snown on that certain
map recorded in Book 10, page 22 of Miscellaneous Maps,
records of said County, more particularly described as
Beginning at a point in the Westerly line of that certain
a.B85S-acre parcel of land described in deed recorded May 16,
1930 in Book 380, page 357 of Official Records of said
County, said Westerly line being also the Easterly line of
that certain parcel of land described in deed from Jacob E.
Schlli"Uacher et ux, to ~.laurice E . Bivens, et ux, recorded June
17, 1927 in 300k 62, page 45 of Official Records of said
County, distant North 00 08' West along said Westerly line,
581.31 feet from the Southwesterly corner of said 8.8858-acre
parcel of land, said Southwesterly corner being also "ene
Southeasterly corner of said parcel of land recorded in Book
62, page 45 of Official Records of said County; thence North-
erly, from whence a t.angent bears North 130 13' 52" East
along the arc of a curve concave Easterly and naving a radius
of 369.265 feet t:nrough a central angle of 160 35' 13" a
distance of 106.90 feet, thence North 260 08' 28" East 52.30
feet; thence i~ortheasterly from whence a tangent bears North
370 47' 3l" East along- the arc of a curve, concave Sou-th-
easterly and. having a radius of 376.265 feet through a central
angle of 370 39' 47" a distance of 247.34 feet to a point in
the Southerly line of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail-
way Company's laO-foot wide right of way, described in deed
dated lvlarci1 15, 1883, and recorded r-~arch 26, 1888 in Book
407, page 130 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County; thence
North 700 53' West along said Southerly line 150.24 feet to
a point in the Southeasterly line of Katella P~venue; thence
South 4811 52' 25" West along said southeasterly line 163.99
feet to a point in the Westerly line of said 8.8858-acre
parcel of land; thence South 00 08' East along said Westerly
line 221.04 feet to the point of beginning.
EXCEPTING therefrom any portion thereof lying within Parcel
3 above described.
An easement for highway and public utility purposes over,
under and across the following described parcel of land:
COIrunencing at Point B as estanlished in Parcel 3 above
described; thence North 410 06' 21" West a distance of 60
feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 60 feet
Northerly of tile centerline of Katella Avenue; thence South
480 53' 39" West 467.88 feet to an intersection with the
Northeasterly line of the l\.tchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail-
way Company right of way line (100 feet wide), said point of
intersection being the true point of beginning of the here-
inafter describec:i parcel of land; tl-lenCe South 480 53' 39"
West 115.20 feet to an intersection with the Southwesterly
line of the Atchison, 'ropeka and Santa Fe Railway Company
right of way line (100 feet wide) f thence North 700 52' 09"
Hest 40.32 feet; thence l~orth 480 53' 39" East 115.20 feet;
-chence South 700 52' 09" East 40.32 feet -to the true point
of beginning. -
An. easement for rugnvlajl and public utility purposes over,
under and across the following described parcel of land"
Commencing at Point B, as establis:ned in Parcel 3 above
aescribeci; thence South 410 06' 2111 East, 60 feet to an in-
tersection with a line parallel with and 60 feet South of
the centerline of Katella Avenue; thence South 480 53' 39"
West 399.26 feet to an intersection with tne Northeasterly
line of the h.t.cl-~iso:i1, rl'ol?e~;:a and San"ca Fe =(ailroad Company
rig-l1t of ';Jay line (100 feet \\7ide) I said point of intersection
being' the t.rue point of ;Jeginning of -the aereinafter
described parcel of land, said point of beginning also oeing
hereinafter referred to as poin-c C, thence South 480 53' 39"
West 115.20 feet to an intersection with the Southwesterly
line of said Atc:l.1ison, Topeka and Santa Pe Railway Company
right of way line (100 feet vlide) r thence South 700 52' 09 it
East 40.32 feet; thence Nortn 480 53' 39'; East 115.20 feet;
thence North 700 52' 09" West 40.32 feet to t~e true point
of beginning.
A temporary easement for construction, maintenance and road
and public utility purposes, togetl1er wi tl1 the right of
ingress and egress for temporary detour purposes, described
as follows;
Couu~encing at Point C established in Parcel 7 above described;
thence South 700 52' 091; East 40.32 feet to the true point
of beginning; thence South 480 53' 391' 'i~est 115.20 feet to an
intersection WiUl the Southwesterly line of tne A"tcl1ison,
Topeka and Santa Fe Raihvay Company's right of way line (100
feet wide) ~ thence South 700 52' 09" East 98.40 feet to the
beginning of a curve concave Northerly and having a radius
of 439.90 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve through
a central angle of 160 08' 55 Ii an arc distance of 123.99 feet
to an intersec.tion Witil tne Northeasterly line of the
Atcnison, 'roJ?eka and Santa Fe H.ailway Company's right of way
line (100 feet wiCi.e) ~ thence North 700 52' 09 il ~.vest 113.81
feet to the true point of oeginning.
An easement for highway ana public utility purposes,
described as follows.
Corrnnencing at the cen-terline intersection of Katella Avenue
with .the centerline of Struck Avenue (now knmvn as Howell
Avenue), said point of intersection is described as a
point bearing North 890 31' 35" West, 1,218.67 feet from
the intersection of the centerline of said Struck Avenue,
with the centerline of Douglass Road, as said Douglass Road
is described in deed recorded in Book 682, ~age 109 of
Official Records of Orange County, California, as described
in Parcel A of tne Final Order of Condemnation to "the County
of Orange, recorded July 8, 1960 in Book 5321, pages 397
through 401, inclusive, of Official Records of Orange County,
California, saio. cen-terline of Katella Avenue being in a
curve concave Soutileasterly and having a radius of 1,000
feet; t:i:lence Southwesterly along the centerline of said
Katella Avenue, along said curve through a central angle of
410 20' 10" an arc d.istance of 721.45 feet; thence South
480 53' 39 il \^lest 548.77 feet along the centerline of Katella
Avenue, to an intersection wi th t~le Southwesterly line of
the Atchison, rropeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's righ"t
of way line (100 feet '\,-lidi;;:), tllence North 70052' 09i1 West
69.12 feet; t:nence South 480 53' 39 n Hest 6.17 feet to the
true point of beginning of the hereinafter described parcel
of land; thence Souti1 480 53' 39" ~\[est 178.84 feet to the
beginning of a tangent curve concave Nortl1erly and having a
radius of 940 feet, thence Southwesterly along a portion of
said curve through a central angle of 190 31' 22" an arc
distance of 320.29 feet to a point in a line being in a curve
concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 800 feet; thence
Northeasterly along the last mentioned curve through a cen-
tral angle of 230 31' 37;; an arc distance of 328.50 feet;
thence J.\; or ti 1 440 53' 24!: East 164.06 feet to an intersection
wi th .the Soutilwesterly line of the Atchison, Topeka and
Santa Fe Hailway Compan:Jt' s right of \'lay line (100 feet wide) ,
-thence Sout11 700 52' 09' East 19.78 feet; thence South 000
08' 00" Eas-t 5.67 feet to -t:ne true point of i:Jeginning.
An easemen.t for nigflway and public utility purposes over,
under and across b1e following described parcel of land;
Comrnencing at tile centerline intersection of Katella Avenue
with the centerline of SJcruck Avenuc (now known as Howell
Avenue), said point of intersection is described as a point
bearing North 890 31' 35" ~vest, 1,218.67 feet from the inter-
section of the centerline of said Struck Avenue, with the
centerline of Douglass H.oad, as said Douglass Road is
aescribed in uee~ recorded in I Book 632, page 109 of Official
Records of Orange County, California, as described in Parcel
A of the Final Order of Condemnation to -tj,1C County of Orange,
recorciea. July 8, 1900 in Book 5321, pages 397 through 401,
inclusive, of Official Records of Orange County, California,
said centerline of Katella l'Nenue being in a curve concave
Southeasterly and having a radius of 1,000 feet; thence
Soub:n,.,esterly along the centerline of said IZatella Avenue,
along saio. curve through a central angle of 410 20' 10:1 an
arc distance of 721.45 feet, thence South 410 06' 21" East
GO feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 60
feet Southerly of the centerline of said Ka.tella Avenue;
thence SOUtl.l 480 531 39'; 'vJest 693.46 feet to the -true point
of beginning of the hereinafter described parcel of land;
ti1ence South 000 08' 00 I' East 34.68 feet to a point in a
curve concave Northerly and having a radius of 1,505 feet;
thence Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle
of 70 29' 26" an arc distance of 196.76 feet; thence South
650 24' 53'1 Hest 164.86 feet tangent to said curve to a
point in the line of Katella Avenue, being in a curve con-
cave Northerly and having a radius of 1,060 feet; thence
Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of
160 31' 14" an arc ciis-tance of 305.64 feet; thence Nort:n
480 53' 59" East 74.63 feet to the true point of beginning.
A temporary easement for construction, maintenance, road
and public utili-ty purposes, together with -the right of
ingress ana egress for temporary detour purposes over, under
and across the following described parcel of land~
Conunencing at the centerline intersection of Katella Avenue
with the centerline of Struck Avenue (now known as Howell
Avenue), said point of intersection is described as a point
bearing North 890 31' 35" West, 1,218.67 feet from the inter-
section of tne centerline of said Struck Avenue, with the
centerline of Douglass Road, as said Douglass Road is
described in deed recorded in Book 682, page 109 of Official
Records of Orange County, California, as described in Parcel
A of the Final Order of Condemnation to -the County of Orange,
recorded July 8, 1960 in Book 5321, page 397 through 401,
inclusive, of Official Records of Orange County, California,
said centerline of Katella Avenue being in a curve concave
Southeasterly and naving a radius of 1,000 feet; thence
Southwesterly along -the centerline of said. Kat.ella Avenue
along sai<i curve t:nrough a central angle of 410 20' 10"
an arc distance of 721.45 feet, -thence South 410 06' 2111
East 60 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with
and 60 feet Soutnerly of the centerline of Katella Avenue;
thence South 480 531 39" ~1est 693.46 feet; thence South 000
08' 0011 East 34.68 feet to the true point of beginning of
the hereinafter described parcel of land; thence South 000
08' DO" East 76.57 feet to a point in a curve concave l~orth-
erly and having a radius of 435 feet; thence Sout:mvesterly
along said curve through a central angle of 450 48' 23" an
arc distance of 347.77 feet to an intersection with the
Southerly line of Katella Avenue, being in a curve concave
Northerly and having a radius of 1,060 feet; thence North-
easterly along a portion of said curve through a central
angle of 00 31' 29 a an arc distance of 9.71 feet; tJ.1ence
North 650 24' 53" East 164.86 feet, tangent to Jche last
mentioned curve to tne Deginning of a tangent curve concave
Northerly and having a radius of 1,505 feet; thence North-
easterly along said curve through a central angle of 70 29'
2611 an arc distance of 196.76 feet to the true point of
.0eg inning- .
BE IT FURTHER HESOLVED that the City Council cioes Ilereby
:t:~nd and determine that public interest and necessity require the
acquisition of said land by the City of fu~aheim for the afore-
said purposes and that the taking of the property hereinabove
described is necessary therefor and that the uses to which it is
to be put are uses aublOrized by law and the taking of said
property is necessary to such uses.
BE I'l' FURTI-II::f~ I\ESOLV.8D that tJ.w Ci-ty Council CLoes hereby
authorize tile acquisi'tion of said property by the City of l:.na:neim,
and t.ne City At-torney of the City of ArJ.aheim is hereby directed
to institute an action in erninent domain for the acquisition of
the title to said property, and to perform and carry out all of
tne necessary proceedings and steps incident to the acquisition
of t.i1e title to said property and -to obtaining irmnediate
possession thereof.
'l'HE FOREGOIJ:JG RESOLUTION is approvea and signed 'Dy
me this 31st day of January, 1967.
:---/ ~L~i~
I, DENE H. WILLIAHS, City Clerk of the Cit:'i of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and
adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the
31st day of January, 1967, by the following vote of the members
AYES: COUNCILdEN: Dutton, Pebley, Schutte, Chandler,
and Krein
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Hayor of -t:1e City of
Anaheim approvea and signed said Resolution on the 31st day of
January, 1967.
IN WITNESS ~vHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed tne seal of the City of Anaheim this 31st day of
January, 1967.
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 67R-64 duly passed
and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 31, 1967.
~ k ~~..--
-7- City Clerk