1035 S BRIANNA WAY (3)Permit Types'“6lU £LE MEC PLM X Permit Number;BLD2009-01364 Issued:04/30/2009 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765-4626 Quarter Section;215 Site Address:1035 S BRIANNA WAY Legal Description:N TR 12685 LOT 61 CITY OF ANAHEIM BUILDING DIVISION 200 S.ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765-5153 Project Description:Plumbing for residential remodel:Change out water heater. Valuation: Construcion Types: Total Fees paid for Permit: N/A, 136.73 People Associated with Project: 1035 S BRIANNA WAY ANAHEIM HILLS CA 92808-1465 24707 RAILROAD AVE SANTA CLARITA CA 91321 0000 MILAGROS V MANAPSALOwner AFFORDABLE WATER HEATERS &PLU SCOTT LITTLEFIELD Contractor Permit Applicant QtyMechanicalFixturesQtyTypePlumbingFixturesQtyTypeElectricalFixturesType 1WaterHeater The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of !i"l penniipermitissuance.A new permit is required to commence or continue work. All applicable item below must be signed before utilities will be released. FINAL INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTORCityofAnaheim Building Division Final Gas Test Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Cross Connection Control (7i4)765-428o Engineering/Grading Final <714)765-5126 Fire Dept.Final (714)765-5041 Fire Sprinkler Final (714)765-5041 Water Engineering (714)765-4591Donotoccupythisixiilriindimillthefinalinspectionshavebeenmade. BUILDING PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ELECTRICAL,PLUMBING,OR MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS -SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED. Sub List/Business License (714)765-5194 Zoning (714)765-5139 INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Building Final (Last Inspection - Only After Above Complete)Do not pour concrete until the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Ground/Underfloor Drain Waste)FINAL INSPECTION must be approved by the Building Division. PARTIAL INSPECTIONS Electrical Ground Electrode/Ufer Setback/FormsTTrenches (Footings) Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the following applicable items have been signed:Building Inspections Plumbing (Ground/Underfloor Water) Underfloor Rough Gas Mechanical (Groundwork) Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane Reinf.) Floor (Joist/Girders) Underfloor Insulation (Raised Foundation Only) 2nd Floor (Floor Nailing) Mechanical InspectionsDonotcoverorconcealtheworkbelowuntilthefollowingapplicableitemshave been signed: 1st Floor Shear Firesprinkler (Rough)(Fire Dept.) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) Masonry (Reinf,/Bond Beam/Pre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Duct (Mechanical) Rough Mechanical Plumbing Inspections Rough Electrical Framing (Only after PIbg,,Ele.,Mec.&Fire) 1Insulation(Sound/Energy) Do not tape or plaster until the foiiowing applicable items have been signed: Drywall Drywall Penetrations (Ele.,Mec,&PIbg.) Interior Lath Exterior Lath GENERAL ITEMS Electrical Inspections Electrical Service Meter Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T-Bar (Struct.,Ele.,or Mec.) Sewer Water Engineering Backflow (Testable Only) Water Service Permit Backs Master-2008.xls PERMIT APPLICATION JOB ADDRESS PART 2 NUMBER STREET PERMIT NUMBER TYPE OF PERMIT 5 To obtain this permit,the undersigned hereby liles this application and agrees,certifies ar>d declaies: That notice has been given me that this permit may be used only in compliance with the AnaheimMunicipalCode,and aD other applicable ordinances and laws. Thai this permit does not allow occupartcy.and that no occupancy is permrtied.ol the constructionforwhichthispermitisissueduntilIthasbeenapprovedinwritingbythiso«ice lor occupancyafterfinalinspection. That this permit does rrot allow,and separate permits are required lor,any piunbirig.eleciricaf.hcai-ing and air conditioning work. That a double lee will be paid for any permit issued after any work thereby allowed has been commenced. I agree that the City may enter upon the job premises at any reasonable bmc to inspect any workinstalledunderthispermit,and to otherwise act as and when required by the Anaheim MunicipalCode. LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencirtg with Section 7000)olDivision3oltheBusinessandProlesnionsCode.ar>d my license is In lull lorce and effect. C3t3 ^■'^0'/olicenseClassEip.Date.^LiC.Number Contractor 7OWNER-BUILDING DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt Irom the Contractor's License Law lor the following reason (Sec7031.5BusinessandProfessionsCode:any city or county which requires a permit to construct,after,improve,demolisfi or repair any slroctute,prior to its issuance,also requires Ifio applicant lor such permit to file asignedstatementthatheislicensedpursuanttotheprovisionsoltheContractor's license Law (Chapter9)(commencing with Section 7000 ol Division 3 of the Business and ProlessionsCoOc)or that he isexempttherefromandthebastslortheallegedexemption.Any viotalion ol Sectioo703l-5 by any applicantforapermitsubjectstheapplicanttoacivilpenallyofnotmorethanfivehundreddollars($SOO).D I.as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compens*jn,will do the work,and the structure is not Intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044 Business and Professions Code:TheContractor’s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,andwhodoessuchworkhimselforthroughhisownemployees,provided that Such improvements are notintendedorofferedlorsale.H,however,the building or improvement is sold within one year of Compleoon,the owner-boikJer wilt have the burden ol proving that he did not build or improve for Ihe purpose ol sate) □I,as the owner of the property,am exclusively contractng with licensed contraelors to conslnjct theproject(Sec.7044 Business and Prolessiorw Code:The Contralor's License Law does not apply to anownerofpropertywhobuildsorimprovesthereon,and who contracts lor such projects with a contraclot(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). □I am exempt under Sec B &PC lor this reason Date Oivnnr WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certrticaie of cxtnserrt lo seH-iosure,or a eertificaie of Workers'Compensation Insurance,or a cerWied copy thereof (Sec.3800 Lab.C)Pokey No‘?:Ct,7A^-y?t^'^fofnpanyT)W Certified copy furnished.Exp Dale ^t ~1 ^ CERTIFICATE Of EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS"COMPETTsATION »6URANCE (This section need not be completed it Ihe permit is for one hundred dollars (S10D)or less).I certifythatintheperlormanceoltheworklorwhichthispermitisissued.I Shall not em^y any person any manner sc as lo become subject lo Ihe Workers'Compensation Laws of Cailomia Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:ft.after making this Cerlificale ol Exempliort,you shooM become subject toIheWorkers'Compensation provisions ol Ihe Labor Code,you must forthwith comply with such provi.siorts or this permit shall be deemed revoked \mi~.Applicani in Dale CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby attirm that mere is a constVuetion^endmg agency fO'me perlormance ol the work lor wfnehmispermitisissued(Sec.3097 Civ.C) Lender's Name — Lerrder's Address I certily that I liave read this application and state that Ihe above information is correct.I agree lo complywimalldtyordinancesandslatelawsrelatinglobuildingconstruction,and hereby aufhorue repiesentalivesolmisdtyloenteruponmeabovementionedpropertylo'inspection purposesTHEPERMITSHALLEXPIREBYLIMITATIONANDBECOMENULLANDVOiO IF THIS WORK IS HOT COMMENCED OR COMMENCED AND SUSPENDED AFTER A PERIOD OF 180 DAYSNEWPERMITISREOUIREDTOCOMMENCEWORK. L;THC-f Iti DATE PRINT NAME OF AflPLICANT YjBYOWNEf^GE^eUILOEROFFICER BLOG ●16 Rev.6'68