58R-4357 RESOLUTION NO. 43!;i7 - ~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A PETITION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CIn OF ABAHEIM, DESIGNATING THE TERRITORY AS THE "BIlOODURS!-R.l~J'. J.D'i!rAUOI _0. 2": ~~ DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY PROPOSED %0 BE ANNEXED AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE DAY, HOl:JR AND PLACE WHERE AND WHEN ANY PERSON OWNIHG REAL PROPERl'I WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY SO PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE AImEXED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. WHEREAS, the OitT Counoil or the CiV of Anaheim. did QD the It t.h daT of ".laruary , 19~, reoeive a written petition asldJ1g that oertain new territo17 desoribed in aid petition be annexed to the 01tT of Anaheim., and WHEREAS, before the filing of said petition, the pro- poeal for the annexation of the terri t017 hereinafter desoribed to the Ci tT of Anaheim. was suba1 tted to the Boundary COJIlIIlis81on of the CauntT of Orange, State of' California, and reported upon Or lI&1d Bolmdary Coais81on with respeot to the definiteness and oertainv of the proposed boundaries, and WHEREAS, said terri t017 proposed to be annexed to said CUT of Anaheim. is situated in the CountT of Oranp, State of California, and is oontiguous to the CitT of Anaheim. and is un- iDhabited territo17, and said petition contained a desoription of said territo17 in words and figures as hereinafter in this Resolution described, and WHEREAS, the City Counoil finds from evidenoe and re- ports reoeived that at the tim.e of the filing and reoeipt of said petition~ it was and now is signed b7 owners of not less than one- fourth (1") of the land in the territo17 b7 area and b7 assessed value in the terri t017 proposed to be annexed, aooording to the last preoeding equalized oountT assessment roll, and ~' WHEREAS, the CitT Counoil finds from evidenoe and re- porta reoeived and from said petition that at the time of the filing and presentation of said petition that said new territo17 proposed to be annexed to said CitT of Anaheim did not form a part ot anT munioipal oorporation and that said territo17 was un- inhabited and is oontiguous to the Ci tT of Anaheim, and WHEREAS, the CitT Counoil finds frQlll said petition and evidenoe and reports reoeived that the boundaries of the terri t017 so proposed to be annexed to the CitT of Anaheim are as follows, to wits ~...~. - 1 - BROQKHURST -BALL ANNEXA nON NO., 2 A parcel of land being a portion of Section 19, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, "'.......;;;,: S. B. B. & M., described as follows& Beginning at an angle point in the existing Anaheim City limits line as estab- lished by the Brookhurst Ball Annexation to the City of Anaheim by Annexation No. $4 as passed by Ordinance No. 990 on May 10, 1955, and filed with the Secretary of State on June 13, 1955, said point being 30 feet South of the north line and 30 feet west of the east line of said Section 19, thence 1. Southerly parallel with said east line of said Section 19, 1018.34 feet, more or le8~to the point of intersection with the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 30 in Tract No. 2273 as shown on a map in Book 63, Page 27 of Miscel- laneous Maps filed in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California, thence, 2. Westerly along said easterly prolongation 10 feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner of said Lot 30 of said Tract No. 2273, thence, 3. Continuing westerly along the north line of said Lot 30 and the north line of Lot 31 of said Tract 2273, 140 feet to a point, said point being distant 4.23 feet east of the northwest corner of said Lot 31, thence, 4. North 00 12' 33" W. 12.14 feet to a point, said point being the most southerly corner of Lot 12 of Tract 2473 as shown on a map in Book 72, Pag,. 27 and 28 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County, thence, 5. Continuing north along the easterly line of said Lot 12 of said Tract 2473 92.26 feet to an angle point in said easterly line, thence, 6. N 890 47' 27ft E. 5.01 feet to an angle point in ea$terly line of said Lot 12, thence, 1. Northerly along the easterly line of said Tract 2473 and its northerly prolongation 971.69 feet, lIlore or less, to a point, said point being 30 feet south of the north line of said Section 19, thence, S. Easterly parallel with the north l1ne of said Section 19, 145 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. -2- ............ ;WI:ilHVNV J:D UIO :HEX .!to '1I~O '~IQ :!!H.t ]is mIA,'IOs:rn .IiI :m 'mIO.i:ll'l:I:iIHJ. '1'1ON -. - ~ . . ,.... ", . - -. " HOunoO All0 e~l ~ll^ '~Ulll~ U1 'uolluxauuw ~ons Ol sluesuoo ~19~ pa!lJ ~o uOlluxeuuw ~OJ p9uoll1lad ----- aAwq paxeuuw aq Ol p9sodo~d Ltoll~~al aql JO HU JO s~eUi'l.o ~o ~aUi'l.o aql l'lrtf.l. pun seop uounOQ AHO a~l l"9t!l aah1OS:irn 'H:mJ.'l:IIlJ J.I aa: aNV 'uolln!ose'H Sl~l JO 9~ussud e~l ~elJu SAUP (09) AlXls uvql e~om ~ou SAWP (~!) ueelJ1J uvql sse! lOU les eq Tr&qs iu1~t.{ e~ ,+uaA9 ~olt.{J'L ul 'uounoo AnD eq,+ q'llJ'L '~Unl~ U1 'uonw -xeuuw qons Ol s,+uasuoo ~la~,+ pa!lJ ~o uOl,+uxeuuw ~OJ pauolllled 9A"9t! paxeuuw aq Ol Lto'+l~~al eql JO HW JO s~eUi'l.o ~o ~eUi'l.o et.{l sse!un 'uolln!OSG'H Slt.{'+ JO e~wsswd e~l ~elJ~ SAUP (09) AlXls U"9t!l e~om ~ou (07) Al~OJ u~ql sse! lOU 'lae elup at.{l uodn pat.{ eq !!Wqs ~Ul~wat.{ 01!qnd ~ lWtll G:iA'IOS:irn 'H3HJ.'l:IIlJ J.I aa: . 'pePtAo~d ~e+J'8U1G~9q S'lJ uM18.(q8ol9t{ eq UOnuxetm'Bpuod ..oolli t{ons JO eo1'+ou l'lrtf.l. plIt/.. "Z.01( aOn,'txea:uy ltwg '-+..m~volll.lI 11'8 p9,+'BU21sep eq UOnUX9tIUl3 pesodo.Id qons lvqJ. .sllUel !W~aue~ U1 Al~edo~d et.{l JO ~~u plIt/ uOlldl~osep e~l plIt/ paloeJJw Al~edo~d e~l JO ~eUi'l.o eql JO a1lI'9U et.{l el?\.s H"9t!s pw l!Iut'll.IJ'L ul eq !!Wt.{s lselo~d P1T1S 'uonuxauuw eq,+ ,+sulwl!I'8 lselo.Id ue'+'+l~ w ~~eto All0 eq,+ qllJ'L e!lJ Aum Ltoll~el PlwS U1qllJ'L Al~edo.Id JO ~eUJ'LO AUB 'suolloerQo l!Iul~eq ~oJ les ~oq e~ e~oJ9q emtl AUB ,+'8 l'lrtf.l. pUB ~paxeuuw eq 0'+ pesodo~d LtolP~el eq,+ uH'+lJ'L Al~edo~d !we~ JO s~eU/'lO .IO .I9UJ'L0 AU~ Aq epwr SlSelO.Id ..rse~ !HJo\ HOunoO AllO e~l 9~eq^ pUB ueq^ eO'8!d plIt/ .moq 'A'8P e\{l s~ pax1J 'Aqe~1Ilq sl eums et.{l pu-e 'eq mteqmIV JO AHO eq,+ JO H'llH All0 eql U1 S~\9qll1'8qO HOuno::> A'+10 aql lW ' 'W"""Z" ~OO!OIO OOIL JO ~ot.{ eql l'8 '-gs-6! q:o.r'8K JO AUP q!l.~n eql l"9t!l Gah10S:irn 'H3HJ.'l:IIlJ J.I :iI8: 'pelJloads eAoqmIle~eq ~U1~aq JO el~p e~ Ol ~01.Id SAUP (OC) AlueJo\'+ lS'8e! l~ pela!dUlOO aq T'rUt{!il uon~o.n:qnd qons l"9t!'+ pu-e f .&... ~o.lnVD "Huw.n, lel v"Wt 1llJ'L ol 'mtetreuv JO All::> eq,+ Ol pexauuw eq 0'+ pesodo~d 9Aoq~U1e~eq Ltoll~9'+ 9~ pelwoot sl ~OHJ'L U1 'e~U'lJ.I() JO Aluno::> at.{l ul ':l-nq 'A~HO et{l JO 9Pls,+no peqsHqnd 'uonw"[t\o.I1o r9~aue~ JO .IedwdsJ'Leu '8 ul OS!~ plIt/ '131tLIoJHuO 'AlunoO a~UB~O 'mtGtfErUV JO trnenna mteqmrv eqJ. 1llJ'L ol 'All0 e~l ul peqsl!qnd 'UOllu"[t\o~lo tw~euel!l JO ~edwdsJ'Leu '8 U1 '~eaJo\ '11 aouo UBt{'+ ~eu9'+Jo lOU lnq 'eol^'+ lS~9! ,+'11 pe~Sltqnd eq ol uOl,+n!os9'H slt{'+ JO Adoo ~ esnwo ol peloe.I1P pUB pezl~oqlnw 'Aqe~eq rq: e~s plIt/ 'eq :l{~e!o AnD et{'-t l"!lt[l aU'IOS:irn mrRJ.'Hf1.[ J.I :iI8: '-" 'uOllUXGUUW pesodo.rd eql uo l!Iu1~~eq oltqnd lS~lJ et{l e~oJeq SAWP (OC) AlUaJ'Ll u"!lt[l sset ,+OU ueAll!1 eq !t"!lt[s seollou ~U1ol!le~oJ et.{J. . AlunO:) t{ons JO S~oslA.Iedns JO p.Iwog e~,+ Ol peuum eq Ol UOn'9 -xeuuw pesodo.Id qons JO eOllou ue'+ll~ esn'eo OStt/ "[TElt.{s mtet{mIV JO AHO et{'+ JO :l{~a!o AHO et.{'+ 'AlunoO w Aq peUi'l.O Sl mtetfBUV JO An 0 et.{l Ol pexeuuw eq o':\. pesodo~d Lto':\.l~el eql ulqllJ'L va'B! l'et.{':\. ':\.ueAa et.{l ul pu-e fJ{~el0 PlwS q':\.lJ'L 'atqwHnbe ~o !~et .J:e~le '':\.sa~9':\.U1 AUB s"!lt[ at{ t{olt{1'\ ul spu11[ JO uon'lJTl!lsep et{q. pu-e sse.Ippa prm eumu slQ pat1J s'9q 0t{J'L uos~ad AUB o':\. pw ':l{~e!o A':\.10 PlwS o':\. Ui'l.otO[ S'e ~o tto~ lUellIssesn Plws uo Ui'l.0t.{SSS9.IPP"8 et{l ':\.w 'pe':\.'el':\.lul a~eJo\ S~U1pe900~d et.{l 9'+WP et.{l uo 'e!q~!laAW no'~ lU8mssess~ A':j.UUOO pezHwba ':\.s~1 et.{!j. U1 'pessess'e sl pexetzml eq o':\. pesodo~ A.rOll~el e~ ul~llJo\ PUS! 1lI0QJ'L ol uos~9d t.{owe Ol penum aq 0'+ uOl':\.uxeuuw pesodo.Id qons JO eonou usn l.IJ1. esnwo 0'+ pe':\.oe~1P put/ pezl~ot{':\.n'e 'Aqe~eQ Sl et{s prm 'eq mtet.{mxv JO Ana et{':\. 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