58R-4348 - r- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLtJ'l'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIAHBIH ACCEPTIliG A GRAN'!' DEED CONVEYING '1'0 '!'HE GIn OF ANAHEIM CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR AN EASBMBNT Foa pabllo at1l1tl ove~haag purpose, 4348 WHERBlS, the City Council of the City or Anaheim is d..l~oua ot purQhasing the hereinafter described real property tor public purposes, to wit: An easement for publlo atilit7 .ver~ purpose, i and WHBRIlS, the ownerJL or said property ha!!- orrered to sell and convey the same to the-UitYi and WHERIlS, the City Council of the City of A~,aheim finds that it 18 tor the benefit and best interest or the City\,of Anaheim to accept ,aid otter and purchase said real property. )fOW, THDBFORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cit)" ot AlIahe1m that the orrer or Xlnll4 A. Salth aDd IcUftA. JOhn'OR te ..11 tot~ City or Anaheim the following described real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County or Orange State of Calif- ornia, to be used for an ease.ent tor PUbllo utiiity overhaag pQrp,se" and ~re particularly described as rollows: An ease.ent tor pub110 atility overhaag purpose, over the Easterll tive <5> teet ot that parcel ot land looated in the City ot Anahela, County ot Orange, State ot Calitornia, described as tollows: '1'he Wi ot the Di ot the Hr.t ot Seouon 26, '1'oWR- ship South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Xeridian. ,,,-, be, and the same is hereby, accepted by the City Council of the City ot Anahelm, and that the City of Anaheim accept a conveyance or said property. BE I'!' FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer of the City ot AlIahel. be, andlhe is hereby, authorized to pay to the owners of sald real property, out or General Funds or the City or Anaheim, the sua ot ODe Dollar <$1.00). -1- ~"--~ ~ . - thi. u!lII:h 'OUOOING RJ:IOLU'fION i. dgn.d and ~proved by .e "'It day or 'e.ru&.r1 1.9 ,. . ;/ /~ ,.) /) , v~6~ ~-_ '-iA ' THE OI'ffb1~ ATT.ST: ,j .......-- "-'---j <----- ~,k~~ .. . ,01' Till: orn OJ' ARADIJI STAn OJ' CALIFORlfIA OOUIIft OJ' OJW(GIl CITY 0' AlUJIIIM ) ) 88. ) I, D.a. K. V1111... , Oity Olerk of the City of Anahe1m,do h.reby oertify that tn. tor,coln. Resolution was pa..ed and aclopted at aaaclJovJl.d. r.gular ' lIe.ting of the 01 ty Council held. on 'li.be 1AJl 48.y of J"ebrU&.r1 , 1.9 58 , by the tollowing Tote, or'the member. thereof: AYEII COUNCILJQ&N: Pearson, Coons, 'Mj, Schutte and Wisser NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSlNT: OOUNCILMEN: Fry AND I FURTHER OERTIFY that the Mayor of the C1ty or Anahelm .1gned and approved said Resolution on the 4th day ot rebrua~ , 19 58 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a~t1x.d the seal of the Oity of Anaheim this 4th day of F.'Q1'"uar7 , 19 58 . ~ <--be b~ ' ' , :a:R(OF THE, ,,' IIi ,-~