8434 E SARATOGA STPermit Types BlUf ELE MEC PLM X Permit Number:BLD2009-01667 Issued:05/27/2009 CITY OF ANAHEIM INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765 -4626 Quarter Section:219 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S.ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765-5153 Site Address:8434 E SARATOGA ST Legal Description:N TR 10983 LOT 101 Project Description:Plumbing for residential remodel:Change out water heater. Valuation: Construcion Types: Total Fees paid for Permit: N/A,, 136.73 People Associated with Project: Owner DONNA CHIARAMONTE 8434 E SARATOGA ST ANAHEIM CA 92808-1223 1235 GRAND AVE SPRING VALLEY CA 91977 0000Contractor Permit Applicant CALIFORNIA DELTA MECHANICAL INC DARCY TOKRAKS Electrical Fixtures Qty Type Plumbing Fixtures Qly TypeType Mechanical Fixtures Qly Water Heater 1 The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance.A new permit is required to commence or continue work.(hid ()errnil cotiilKj All applicable items below must be signed before utilities will be released. FINAL INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTORCityofAnaheim Building Division Final Gas Test Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Cross Connection Control (zi4)76s-}2ao Engineering/Grading Final (?14)765.5126 Fire Dept.Final (714)765-5041 Fire Sprinkler Final (714)765-5041 Water Engineering (714)765-4591 Do not occupy this building until the final inspections have been made .Sub List/Business License (714)765-5194BUILDINGPERMITDOESNOTAUTHORIZEELECTRICAL,PLUMBING,OR MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS -SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED,Zoning (714)765-5139 INSPECTION DATE Building Final (Last Inspection - Only After Above Complete) INSPECTOR Do not pour concrete until the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Ground/Underfioor Drain Waste)FINAL INSPECTION must be approved by the Building Division. Electrical Ground Eiectrode/Ufer PARTIAL INSPECTIONSSetback/Forms/Trenches (Footings) Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the follwing applicable items have been signed:Building Inspections Plumbing (Ground/Underfloor Water) Underfloor Rough Gas Mechanical (Groundwork) Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane Reinf.) Floor (Joist/Girders) Underfloor Insulation (Raised Foundation Only) 2nd Floor (Floor Nailing) Mechanical InspectionsDonotcoverorconcealtheworkbelowuntilthefollowingapplicableitemshave been signed: 1st Floor Shear Firesprinkler (Rough)(Fire Dept.) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) Masonry (Reinf,/Bond Beam/Pre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Duct (Mechanical) Plumbing IgspeplignshtKiVll !Rough Mechanical LXRiREDRoughElectrical Framing (Only after PIbg.,Ele.,Mec,&Fire)N-GPECT OtvInsulation(Sound/Energy) NOT COMPELDonottapeorplasteruntilthefollowingapplicableitemshavebeensigned: Drywall Drywall Penetrations (Ele.,Mec.&PIbg.)TTil^roPATE:Interior Lath Exterior Lath GENERAL ITEMS Electrical Inspections Electrical Service Meter Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T-Bar (Struct.,Ele.,or Mec.) Sewer Water Engineering Backflow (Testable Only) Water Service Permit Backs Master-2008.xls PERMIT APPUCATTOH NUMBER PERMIT .«»—VNUMBER'r^LD.^^ODQ~f^\^(g'7 JOB AODRES$-PARI ii <A-r<A.H f-'I r>\,(3/V ^ STREET <1. Ti'PE OF PERMIT fit .’.l(^lO>. TO (jbtslTi thin pgnniL ihft untf^rslgnfld hnraby fil«s appJlcatlort and cartlflas and daclsrssi That rtdllCS has teen glvnn mo that this permit may bo ut=d only in compllafita -yith litt Anahe'mWurtldpatCt»dS.and all Dthnr applltaols ordlnancRa and l4V/a, Th«this petmlt dotm not allow o«j5ancv,nnd that ar oocjiwncy Is p&rmiilsd,Of the cpnstrycrilonlot-Which Ihia permit Is Issuad until it haa oenn apcroved in writing by thla ClfiC*[Of pcpypnncyalterfinalinepftction. Ttiflt.thls porrrtli d&sa not aiipw,And noparate jsermits are rtiqujrDd lor,any plumblnfl,RlfiotrlQat,htat-Ing and a t bWiditlPning ivprk, That a dwWe fea wii!bn paid for any parntlt is?ii»d rrhar any worK tfisreby Hllowod haa been cwn-menced, 1 agrBfl that Iho City may enter ypon Itin joh prufflises at any ronfloncble time ot Inspect any workinetallBdunderIhiipermil,and tp clhnrwBD act 44 and when raquinjd by thd Anah^m Munlclpiiltieda. LICjENSED GONTRACTOfiS DSCURATION I hflrstjy atnrm that l am llccnaed uftder previsions of Chaptoi'9 IcommAnelng with Saclion 700(1)0(OIvlBion a ql Ihft SuHlnono ehd Prolsaslona Ct<>dR.and my tlCWSS la in full IdtohUcenaeOlaesNumlMr^nti^-Exp.Oats JMloiO Cemraclor ER-BUICOINtToeCURATION l^harafay affirm that i am exempt from the Contmofnr*s Ucenae Law fgrthH following reason (&efi.7031.5SunlnMHrtdProfesalonsCodeienycHyoroountyvrfdchre^julrsa e.pennlt to oDnstruct.alter,improve,dsmollah ar repair any StfUGtyr9v pripr iDlta laauoncB.zll66 repUlfSB Applleanlfar ouah permit 10 file asignedsiatefflenTlhalheiailwnwdpurauanltothaprpvldlonfloftheifionPaotor’s LloonDo LiW (Chfiplef6)(COmfflSnolf'p with Betpon yano nl DMnbn 3 of (he PyeinpRe and Prefoaslorto CodP)or that he IporomotItwefromandthebaelnforthanllogadnxnmpHcp,Any \rtDl9tlQn of Saollen 7031.5 ^arty applicantforapermitsubiectatheJ^ppScantto 0 dvll portal al rtOl mara thnn fiva hundraddollore ($500)i□L 8B owner gf me prapfirty,or rrty employaea With wsge?pa thdr Bblo oomperaation,wlB do flie work,and the etryptyra is not IntandDd-or-oHored for aale <Bec,7Q4A Bualrrans and PfOfcssiona Code?ThaC<mtr4^ctpf*e Ucanaa Lnw dooa not apply lo an owner d prapnrty who builds Of Impfoves tliereon.andwhodoeesuchworkhImaaHorthroughhlaownemployew.provldtd that such ImprroveTnentB are netintendedorofferedfarenia-H.howovor,tha budding of Irnprovement la aold within one year ol ccmptellon.lha OW^e^bUlli^er win have Iha burdonof prtvlrtp that he did riOtWId nr ImprtJvSr fw tho purpose o1 salB),□!,pa tha QvrrTFirnl tha praporly,am exclusively contrpctlna with llafirtAed corrtraetore la wnsfruct Ihsp«J|eg|($«,?D4A Bualnaaa ond PrOlesslotia Code!The Onntraior'a UoonOo Low does not apply I0 .towneryipropertywhobuilds□rlrnproveflihefeon,and who contraota farsuGhptolecia wHli a eonlrao-lor(Sj licensed pyrpuant to tho CcmtrD0tDr*5 UOurlS*Law) □14ffl exempt under Seo. an B &PG lor thl3 reaBon Date Owner WORKERS*COMPENSATION CECLABATlON I hsrafay atflnli th411 have a certificate of consent epH4naurn Insurance,op a certified copy ttiefrjof (gflc.,aaaa Ub.C)PoBoy NoCsrUfledcopyfumiahed,Exp.DkIaH L 2-00^ ^Werkera*CofhqeEsat3^0ompany wlZiV ■Dr AO nApeiicfihiOERTIPICATEQFEKEMPTtON'FnOM WORKERS*COMPENSATION INI , (Thia S^bn naad not be COmplOfad If the permit le br on®hundrod dallnra ($100)or lOaS).1 COrtlfymHl(n mq porlonriHriDa Cd the work Icr which Ihia permit fe leguad,1 ahnll nol Rmploy any porsori IcanymanniwhdhrotbatramDsubjecttoiheWorkora'Compenaatlpn L®w®□!tnilferritn. Dote ICE Appiteant NOTICE TO APPLICANT h.after making thin Ct»riino?do cl ExoiYipitoh,you ahQUW becoma subject ottheWorkers'Compengatbn previpiqna of ttia Labor Codn,yau ffluci fonhwllh comply with such Ofovl-elons or this permit sha6 be deemed twokfid, CONSTflUCTIQN LENDING AGENCY 1 horohy dffirffl that Itwre ts a cchetrusllpn lendln?ssency ter inq pnrfarmanaa cf tha vtork afr v.'hbhthispurmiiisIssuedfSec.DM7.Civ.C): Lender's Name Lender’s Address I cn^rtify fhai I bava mad thin applbatlon and aiato that the above information 0 wfrwt,1 aarealo complywrtihallcityQrWnBnaHaandsfatalawsrtilbllng10bUlkRoflcanstructloh,and hereby aulfiOfixeonwgdNbpntoruponthnnbovBmoniidnodpropertyforInapeciionpurposes.$HALL EXPIRE BY LIMITATION AW BECOME NULL AND VOfD IF THfS WORK13NOTOPCQMMEHCEDANDSUSPENDEDAFTERAPERIODOF180DATS.NEW PERMIT IS REQUIRED TO OOMMEWCE WORK. represen- l>/CMn6yiiT)Lkc5 DATE PjRINT WAI^Ot APPLICANT Ry