7870 E MENTON AVEPermit Types BLC-,ELE'MEC PLM X Permit Number:BLD2009-01662 Issued:05/27/2009 INSPECTION REQUEST LINE: (714)765-4626 Quarter Section:215 BUILDING DIVISION 200 S.ANAHEIM BLVD. (714)765 -5153 Site Address:7870 E MENTON AVE Legal Description: Project Description:Plumbing for residential remodel:Change out water heater. Valuation: Construcion Types: Total Fees paid for Permit; N/A, 136.73 People Associated with Project: Owner ROBERT GEORGE COVINGTON 7870 E MENTON AVE ANAHEIM CA 92808-1556 1235 GRAND AVE SPRING VALLEY CA 91977 0000Contractor Permit Applicant CALIFORNIA DELTA MECHANICAL INC DARCY TOKRAKS Qty TypeElectricalFixtures Plumbing Fixtures Qty Type Mechanical Fixtures QtyType Water Heater 1 The permit shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work has not passed final inspection 365 days from the date of permit issuance.A new permit is required to commence or continue work.ii"l l‘●:‘^lnlr comt)o 'r All applicable items below must be signed before utilities will be released. FINAL INSPECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Final Gas Test Building Division Electrical Final Plumbing Final Mechanical Final Cross Connection Control |714)7S5-j28o Engineering/Grading Final (714)755-5126 Fire Dept.Final (714)765-5041 Fire Sprinkler Final (714)765-5041 Water Engineering (714)765-4591DonotoccupythisbuiidinnuntilthefinalinsoectionshavebeenmadeSubList/Business License (714)765-5194BUILDINGPERMITDOESNOTAUTHORIZEELECTRICAL.PLUMBING.OR MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS -SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED.Zoning (714)765-5139 INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Building Final (Last inspection - Only After Above Complete)Do not pour concrete untii the following applicable items have been signed: Plumbing (Ground/Underfloor Drain Waste)FINAL INSPECTION must be approved by the Building Division. Electrical Ground Electrode/Ufer PARTIAL INSPECTIONSSetback/Forms/Trenches (Footings) Do not install subfloor or pour floor slab until the foilwing applicable items have been signed:Building Inspections Plumbing (Ground/Underfloor Water) Underfloor Rough Gas Mechanical (Groundwork) Electrical (Underground Conduit) Pre-slab (Compaction/Membrane Reinf.) Floor (Joist/Girders) Underfloor Insulation (Raised Foundation Only) 2nd Floor (Floor Nailing) Mechanical InspectionsDonotcoverorconcealtheworkbelowuntilthefollowingapplicableitemshave been signed: 1st Floor Shear Firesprinkler (Rough)(Fire Dept.) 2nd Floor Shear Roof (Sheathing/Diaphragm/Frame) Masonry (Reinf./Bond Beam/Pre-Grout) Rough Plumbing (Top Out) Rough Duct (Mechanical) Plumbing InspectionsRoughMechanical Rough Electrical Framing (Only after PIbg.,Ele.,Mec.&Fire) Insulation (Sound/Energy) Do not tape or plaster until the following applicable items have been signed: Drywall Drywall Penetrations (Ele.,Mec.&PIbg.) Interior Lath Exterior Lath GENERAL ITEMS Electrical Inspections Electrical Service Meter Exterior Plaster (Brown Coat) T-Bar (Struct.,Ele.,or Mec.) Sewer Water Engineering Backflow (Testable Only) Water Service Permit Backs Master-2008.xls PERMIT AFPUCATTOH *^~S_nO E^-.Avg.Ar^/\MF~ HUMBER NUMB5H r^0:y^oi3-<0/i o foA JOB AODRESS-PARI .1 m STREET &u^'Id {n^TYPE OF PERfJjT cJ ■R](?t3l5tTi Jh(H pAmit.{m*untf'jrslgnnd haroby fiI«S appHcnHort arrd Rsran^.cBrtl^lca and d-idarse! TbiJ rtfitICfi haa glvnn mo that tWt o^rmH may bo uiid only in cnrrpllaaoa v/i(h tha An^^9^rnMunicipalCW*.and di DiharcppilcaBla ijfdinancns and l4V/5. TTist this permit dcAfl not allow ocsjsancy,nnd ihat rr&eccjpanny is pbrraltied,of the constrydlontfil’which this permit Is iPCUfid urilll it h^a tann apart'/S'S h writing afy thlil oUlC®iCf occupancyattarfinalinspsGtion. TtiHt.thla porrrtll dcas nol allpw,and nopanitfl partnUs arfl rnquijtfd i6t'<my ptvmblng,fltnctrtca(,h(jat-Ing and a r C&ndltloning wpfk, That a dcuble r(jA will afn paid fc?r any parmit leauad nft&r ariy worX therr^by dtawod has been wm-mancMf, 1 agrBfl that Iho City may anlar yppn tbn (oh prcmlWS at any rnBaanoblo tiiYifi ot Inspect any wartiInatBllndunderihiapermit,and to plhRrvriao act as and whan roqulrad by Lhfl Anaheim Mynl^pHlCoda. LICENSED CONTRACTOflS DSCUHATIDN I hereby affirm that t am llcorteed under provletonn of Chapter 9 {ccmmAnclng with Seclien 7000)0[Qlvlston g pi tfift BunlnuoB ahd PrctSSSlpns CpdB,and llcyift®is In lull toicfi an ' Uesnse Claes loJOSiiExp.Date>er OVi/NER-BUIl.ning$DECLARATION1hsrRbysfflrmihatlamexemptfromthpConirFinter’s Ucenae Law otrtha bllowing rtaaflo (5*4.7031,5BussingartdPrsfesstonsCodetanychyoraountywNchredulreeapermittooomitruct,Altar,improve,damDllsh ar repair any structure,phpr tD (ta (aauancB,itifip r«tUlrSB fipplloantafr Queh porfrtt 10 file asignodnt«awent lhal he is llpenwd pursuanl tu lha prewiaions of the ContraDtor’s UconoB Law (Chapterfi)(commenoins ’Min petpon zqdd □(Dlvldon S of (he BueinaHa nnd ProfoaalQrtD Code)or Ihsi he leDKtJihbnhefefromandthebaelflfnrthRHllogndoxompdOfi.Any vtolijittQn alaDatlnn 7031.5 by any applicantfdrPpermitaublectetheappncnnttoaolvilpopphyofnotmornthnntivahundreddollars($600),□l»aa owner oi in?prapBriy,or rrty empl&Y«sa With wagee «oi thotr DOlo oofnpenflallon,wlH dt}iPe wprft,ehd the Strvolyra la not Inhanded or oHored lor sale (BOA 7044 BuHlnoas artd Professions codet ThRContractor's Lietmim Low dnoa not apply lo an owner d propnrty who bulldfi Of Improves Iherwn,nndwhodoessuchworkhlmnoHorfhrfaughhlflownemployow,provldsd that such Improvements are notirtsridedoroltoredtorshIr.if,hovravor,tha bdicflnp or Improvement In Bold within one year of ccmplellon.lha w^e^0uIl^Jer win tinvR ihn burdtm of prPvIrtp That he did not Wld or iTTTpnJvP etr tho purpose M sale),□I,PS thn Dwaraf thg property,am oxclusivofyoonlrpctlng with lineraed eonirfictore la wnelruot Iheproleot($«,?D44 BuHlnffaa nnd PrOfesstertS Code!The Oontmtor'n UconTiB LiiW does flOl apply leowneroiprppflrtywhobuildsarImpnayepthereon,and who wntraats for such ptP|eotfi wflh acpnlrao-lor(Sj licensed f^uunt fn thn Contractor's LiOortSe Law) C]I am exempt under 5&0, Contraelof an B &PC lor this reason Date Qwngr WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hcroby arfflrto tftfri I have &64rtlficate Of consent 1o wH4nnurH [nsorance,or a cetofied copy maf^or (fiflc.^aoa Lsb.G)Paiipy NoCertifiedcopyfurnished,Bxp.DtoflU I 200^OEftTlFICATE QF EXEMFRONtnOM WORKERS'COMPlfJSA'(lOf^SURANCE^htn s^lon nood not be fipmpleted IF the permit is lo?one hundrnd dollara ($100)or lOoS).1 4&rtifythHtInmqpcrlDnnartoncrithewerkfOfWhichIhiapermitfaIseuad.I Rhad not Bmploy any porr^ih IrtanyrnannRrsoantobBcuffin5ub|(j4t tP the Viterkera'Compenwtton Ujwg n1 Callfamta. Applicant -- NOTICE TO APPLICANT!It,nher msking thin Cflrtlfloffio □(Ejflmption,you Should becoms 8Ubi«t ottheWorkers'Compgngatton provigtona cl mn Labor Codn,you rrtuct etrthwilh comply With such creui-slorwj or this permit shaS ba deemed nwakod, mmWcfkera'Comqepsi_Company SIS ,Dr Apptlcanl Date CONflTflUCTION LENDING AGENCY I horuby afflnn thit there Is a wnslruclion lending agency Inr otn pnriarrnanaa of iha vrork afr whichih[3pnrmiilPfc6uid(Set.0O87.Civ.C):»-^r LendefsName Lender's Address that {Hava rand this applioatlon and atata thfiT lha Above Informaflcn l0 wnect,1 R0r59 Id P9topl¥iMth Bir city ord nBnoHB and staia laws arltitlng lb buitcUftfl canatoJcllDn,and hereby aulhorixe represen-topvg|prthtodty to entarupan otn nfacjvnrrrentianBd prOpflity lor Inspection purpose*.THS P^WIT shall EXPIRE BY LIMITATION AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF THIS WORKf3hotOBcommencedandBUBPENDEDafteraperiodof180DAYS.HEW PERMIT 13 flEQUlReo Tg OOMMENCE WORK. l>iranoRiT)^c5 DATE PBINT NAl APPLICANT ^lY -4ss