58R-4834 .~ DSOLU~IO! 10. 4834 A DSOLUTIO! O:r m& OI!'! OOnOIL O:r !BJ OIfi O'....4BIIJI 7IJDI. .AlI1) DI'l'DIID'IBG 'fHA! A C!WIGI o:r lOa ~8: IIOIS8.A1lT II' caTAI! .AU.U o:r m& CI!'!, .A:ID !BA! J.1l!ICLlI IX, CBAPHJl 2 o:r !'HI WUl'f MnICIP.u. COD SHOULD BI __U !O ACCOMPLISH SAID ar:w&1 oj ZOD. ~~&R, the City Planning Commi..ion of the City of Aa.a,t. ... h.r.tofor. duly pa...d and a4o~ed . r.solution d.claring its int.ntion to Cbaace the bn.n4ar1es of the lion. Gr zones h.reinafter m..H,ned and. descrlb.4 &11.4'414' fix a tim. and plac. for the hold.inc of . public hearing th.reon t. the .....r ..4 ... pr.scirb.d in Article IX, Chapt.r 2 of the Aaah.i. ~icipal 004., ~ did 4alT hold and conduct such public hearing to condd.r said propo..d. cluul&. of lIoa. or 1I000e.. and d.id receive eTidence and. reporte froll per.,.. int~r.sted. therein; aDd yR1I!'AlI&S. within .. period Gf fG1'ty (40) dq. following the final h.,riDg thereon. the Planninc o...i..i.. did d.uly annouace b7 forB&l resolutioa it. fiDdings of facts and declare its opiaio.. and rea.on. for recommending an ..e~ent to .aid Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Aaah.im Municipal Cod. to effect the proposed chug.s in the bouadari.s of the lIone hereinafter mention.d and d.scribed; &D4 VHD.~$. .pon re..ipt of the report and r.coam.:ad..Uoa of the Oi ty Planning Co.llinion. the Oity Onncil 414 thernpon f1x the 21st 4q of October, 19~. as the time and the We.ley M.thodist Church. 630 .orth Los ~.l.. Itr..t in the City of Anah.i. as the place for a public hearing upon ,aid proposed chug. of zone. and did giTe notice thereof in the manner and a. provided in said Articl. IX. Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WllIRBS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearillf;. the City Council did dul7 hold am4 conduct .uch public hearing and di4 giTe al~ person. in- terested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receiTe 'Tid.nce aDd reports. and did th.reupon consider the recommendations of the City Plannillf; o...is.ioa; aDd ~~, the City Council doe. find and determine that the property and. are. proposed to be changed froll the. zone in which it is now situated to a different zone. as hereinafter set fG1'th. is more suitable for the zone or zone, to which it i. proposed to change said property and area and that the inc1u.ion ot said property and area in such new lIone or zones will increase the value of .aid property and area and will not depreciate the valu.. of property in adjoining zon.s. WOW, THIRI70BE. BI IT RlSOLTmD by the City Council of the Oity of ADah.i. that all of the property and ar.a eituatedin the City of .Aaaheill. Couaty of Orange. State of California. de.cribed .s follow.. to wit: Tentative Tract No. 2495. ~~ -1- F J r - .<'/C)- , '", \...-:' /- '1 .'-" be changed from R-l, ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE to R-3, MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE, upon the following conditions: 1. That all buildings to be erected on subject property shall conform essentially to the plans presented by the applicant to the City Council and on file with the City of Anaheim. 2. That if there are any irrigation lines on subject property serving adjacent properties, said lines shall be maintained without interruption of service. 3. That any dwellings erected on Lots 1 to 7, both in- clusive, shall be limited to one story in height. 4. That the owner of subject property place of record standard City of Anaheim R-3 Deed Restrictions, approved by the City Attorney, which restrictions shall limit the buildings to be erected on Lots 1 to 7, both inclusive, to one story in height. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare and submit to the City Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to amend said Anaheim Municipal Code to accomplish the object herein found and determined to be necessary and proper. 4th THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me th~s day of November , 19 58 0 ATTE~ n4/ ~~~~ /7 /1 /~~:/~ ,,~6 ~.~ 6/W----r~ MAYO HE vC OF A ElMo - -2- - "",,, STATE OF CALIFORNIA) . COOJrI'Y OF QRAKGE ) s s . CITY OF JJWlEIM ) I, DENE Jl. WILLIJJIS, City Clerk of the Ci ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Reso1~tion was introduced and adopted at an adjourned regul.r meeting of the City COUncil of the City of A.naheim, held on the 4th day of MOve_I', 1958, by the following votel . A. ~S 1 NQBS 1 COUNCILMEN: Pearson, BClrden, Fry, .Schutte and Coons COllHCILMEM: None ABSENT: COUMCIWJh None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the MayOJ.' of the City of Anaheim appr~ved and signed said Resolution on the 4th day of Noveliber, 1958. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 'set ray hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this 4th day of November, 1958. ~- ~ ~ hr. . -'.:~ C1 - . CLERK OF TIlE cm OF .....IIl (SEAL) , /