lIJlDI. .AJ1) DHDllIII. !IA! A CIWrGI <lJ' lOa J8: DCJlSa.QT
II ClRfAnl' AUAS OJ' !BJ Clf!', .AID !BJ.! ,u!ICLI IX. CJWI!D 2
WRw.R.'R, the City Planning Oo.-1ssion of th. Oity of Aaaa.1a has
h.r.tofor. duly pa...d and ....pted a reeol'l'l.tion declarbg ih intention to c1uuIce
the bftn4ta1'1es of the Bone or lones hereinafter .enUo:aed and described and. 4111' fis
a ti.. an4 place for the holding of a public hearingth.reon 1a the .....1' aa4 a~
presciroell in Article IX. Chapter 2 of the ADab.i. MaAicipal Cod.. anA did 4al7
hold and conduct nch public hearing to con.idor sa14 proposed chaDg. of IU. or
Bones. and did receive evidence and reports fro. perseas int~r.sted therein; anA
pIlIlJl'R. within a period of farty (40) d~. following the final h_Fing
ther..n. the Plaaning o...i..l.. did du1y announc. b7 fora&! r..olution its findings
of fact 8 and declare i h .pinions and reasons for reco_ending &II. ..emdmeat to said
Article IX, Chapter 2 of the .AuheilD Municipal Cob to effect the propos.d chug..
in the b...tarie. of the lone hereinafter .entioned and described; an.
W1lmIll'R, upon reoeipt of the report and reeoDeadaUon of t11e City Planning
Comai..ion. the Cit7 Ceaaeil did th.reupon fis the ~th el~ of October
19~. aa the time and the W..ley Methodist Church. 30 lorth Le. ~ele. Street in
the City of Jaaheim as the place for a public hearing upon aaid propo.ed chuge of
lone, and did give notice thereof in the m8DJ1er and aa provided in s84d Article IX,
Chapter 2 of the .Auheim Municipal Code; and
WBIIRIAS, at the time and place fised for .aid public heari~. the City
Oouncil did du1y hold aad conduct .uch public hearing and did give all persons ia-
terested therein an opportunity to be heard and did receive evidence JJ1d reports.
and did thereupon consider the reco_eadationa of the City Planning c,..iaaioa; and
~.'S. the City Council does find and determine that the proper', and
area proposed to be changed from the. Bone in which it is now s1 hated to a different
zone. as hereinafter set forth. is more nitable for the Bone or lonee to which it
is proposed to change said property and area and that the inclusion at aaid property
and area in such new zone or zones will increase the value of said property and area
and will not depreciate the values of property in adjoining lone..
that all
State of
NOW, THDUOU. :BJl IT USOLTJlD by the City Council of the OUy of Jaahei.
of the property and area s1 tuateel in \he City of Anaheim. C...ty of OrUge.
California. de.cribed a8 follows. to wit:
That portion of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section 7, Towship 4 South, Range 10 West,
San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described as follows:
Beg:i.nning at the Southeast corner of said Section 7 and running
thenoe South 890 341 20" West 531 feet to the center line of
Kathryn Drive as show on a map of Tract No. 1633, recorded in
Book 47, Page 50 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange
Coun'y; thence North 00 161 100 West, along said center line,
325.50 feet to the center line of a 50 foot street, show as
Ranchito Street on the map of said Tract No. 1633; thence North
890 36' 20" East along the center line of said. Ranchito Street
258 feet; thence North 780 381 32" East 50 feet to the most
Southerly corner of Lot 44 of said Tract No. 1633; thence North
780 381 32" East along the Southerly line of said. Lot 44, 81.45
feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 45 of said Tract No. 1633;
;Z :J7? cS 9, Ib
thence North 890 361 20" East along the South line of said Lot 45,
and the Easterly extension thereof J..44 feet to the East line Qf
said Section 7; thence South ()O 161 10" East along said East line
350.19 f.et to the point of beginning.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the East 190 feet of the South 190 feet,
measured along the South line thereof,
Lots 1 and 2 of Track II 1633 in the County of Orange, State of
California, as per map recorded in Book 47,Page 50 of Miacellaneoua
Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and
That portion of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 4 South, Range 10 'West,
in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, in the County of
Orange, State of California, as shown on a map thereof recorded
in Book 51, Page 7 et seq. of Miscellaneous Maps, in the Office
of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of said East half and running
thence Jlorth 00 161 20" West, along the West line of said East
half 120 feet to the Southwest corner of lot 1 of Tract No. 1633,
as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 47, Page 50 Miscellaneous
Maps, in the of1'icla of the County Recorder of said County; thence
Morth 89Q 361 20" East, along the South line of said Lot anc:i the
Easterly extension thereof 129.27 feet to the center line of a
50 foot streetb shown as Kathryn Drive on the map of said Tract;
thence South 0 161 10" East, along said center line, 120 feet to
the South line of said Southeast quarter} thence South 890 361 20"
West, 129.27 feet to the point of beginning.
ZONE, upon the 1"ollowing cond:! tions:
1. That the owners of subject property deed to the City
of Anaheim a strip of land 60 feet in width, from the center
line of the street, along Brookhurst Street for street
widening purposes.
2. That all engineering requirements of the City of AnaheiJR
along Lincoln Avenue, such as curbs .~ gutters, sidewalk.,
street grading and paring, drainage facilities or other
pertinent work, be complied with as required by the City
Engineer, in accordance with plans and specifications on
file in the office of nid City Engineer.
3. That the owners of subject property pay to the City of
Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot for the installation
of street lights.
4. That the owners of subject p~r;liy place of record standard
City of Anaheim C-3 Deed Restrictions, approved by the City
5. That all of the above-mentioned conditions shall be
oompleted wi thin a period of 90 days from date hereof,
or upon completion of annexation prooeedings now pending
for the annexation of oertain territory to the City of
Anaheim in which subject property is included, the re-
classification of subject property being contingent
upon the completion of said annexation proceedings.
BE IT FlJRTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is
hereby, authorized and directed to prepare and s1llHd.t to the City
Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Municipal
Code to amend said Anaheim Municipal Code to aocomplish the object
herein found and determined to be necessary and proper.
THE liOREClOIHG RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this
4th day of Movember, 1958.
(!~~::::J _
) sa.
I, DEHE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at
an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th iiay of
NovEIIlber, 1958, by the following vote of the members thereof:
AIES: COUNCIlMEN: Pearson, Borden, Fry, Schutte and Coons.
AHD I FURTHER CERl'IFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved
and signed said resolution on the 4th day of November, 1958.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the
seal of the City of Anaheim this 4th day of November, 1958.
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C1TY CLJOO\. OF Tl1J!i Cl~~