58R-4675 r r-- - ........., RISOLUT ION NO. 4615 A RUCLUTION 0' THE CITY COUNCIL OP' THE CITY OF ANA.JtEIM , um ING AND DET!IUUN IN() THAT A CHANG! OP' ZOIE IS N!ClSSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS 0' THE CITY, AND THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 OF THE ANAHEIM MUJUCIPAL COD! SHOOLD BE AMENDEO TO ACCOMPLISH SAID alAMO! or ZONE. WH!R!AS, th. 'City Pl.nnlng Commls.lon of the City of An.- hel. h.. h.ret.otote dUly p....d and .dopted . rllolutlon declaring itsllLt_tlon to chang. the bOlllndarl1l ot the IOn. or zonll h'l"eln- afl. I'IIentlon.d and dllcrlbed .nd did fix. time. .nd plac. for the ho1.la; ot . public h..rlng thereon In the manner .nd .. pre.crlbed In Artlel. IX, Ch.pt.r 2 of the Anaheim MUnlclp.l Code, .nd did duly holt and conduct such public hearing to con.ld.r ..Id proposed ch.nge or lo.e or zone., .nd did r.celve evidence and report. from per.on. Inter.st.d ther.ln; .nd WHEREAS, within a period or forty (40) d.ys tollowlng the rl..l h..rlng thereon, t.he Planning CommllSlon did duly .nnounc. by to~l r..olutlon It. finding. of tacts and d.clare It. opinion. .nd 1'...... tor r.co..ndlng an am.ndment to .ald Article IX, Chaptlr2 otthe Aftahelm Municipal Code to etr.ct the propond ch.ng.. In the bODel.rle. ot the zone hereln.ner m.ntloned .nd dllcrlbedJ .nd WHEREAS, upon receipt of the report .nd recommend.tlon or the...C.lty Pl.nnlng Commission, the1~~tYtCOUncIl did thereupon rlx the ~day of ~,19 8 ,a. the time .nd the Council ~In the ~ot the C y 0 Anaheim.. the phce for. ""lc hearing upon ..1d propo.ed ch.nge ot zone, .nd did glv. notice thereot In the ..nner and .. provided In ..Id Article IX, Ch.pter 2 ot the Aftahelm Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, It the time and place rlx.d tor ..Id publIc h..r- 1".1 the City Councl1 did duly hOld. and conduct .uch publlc hearing .. did glv. all perlon. In terll ted ther eln .n opportun I toy to be h.-rd .nd did r.celv. evldenc. .nd r.port.., and did th.r.upon con- Ilde, the recommendation. ot the City Planning Comml'lloft' and WHEREAS, the City Council does find .nd d.t.rmlne that the pr.,.rt.y and area proposed to be changed trom the zone In which It II ... 'Ituated to a dlft.rent zone, a. hereinafter set torth, II more lultable tor the zone or zon.. to which It I. propo..d to change .ald property and are. and that. the lnclu.lon of .ald prop.rty and a'.. In such n.w zone or zon.. will Incr.... the valu. of ..Id p,.,.rty and ar.a .nd will not d.precl.t. the value. of property In adJoining zonu. NOW, THER!I"ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aftahelm that all or the property .nd .re. Iltu.t.d In the City ot Anaheim, County or Or.nge, Stat. of C.llfornl., d..crlbed at fOllOWS, to witr Revised Tentative Tract No. 2222. (Said property is located on the north side of KatelIa Aveaue, apprOXimately 660 feet east of Nutwood Street.) ..~".. -1- ' $7~ s-'1-1 ,.- -. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor of the City of Anaheim be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the owners of said real property, out of General Funds of the City of Anaheim, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). ~, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this 5th day of AUR;Ust , 19.2L. ~~ .. . . \ AT'l'EST: r ~7:~ ~~~;;~ S~ TE OF C.lLIFORNIA ) COO.l\l'l"1" OF Ofu\NGE ) s s. c:noy OF AUHBIM ) I, DEl~ M. WILLIM1S Anaheim, do hereby certify that the and adopted at an adjourned regular held on the ~th day ot August loving vote 0 the members thereot: AYES: COUNCILMEN: pear.on. Borllea. 7rT. Schu.Ue aM. Coea.. , City Clerk ot the City ot foregoing resolution was passed meeting of the City Council , 19 58 , by the tol- - NOES: COUNCILMEN: Bone. ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Bone. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor ot the City ot Anaheim approved and signed said resolution on the 5th day ot Allfll st , 19~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and attixed the seal ot the City ot Anaheim this 5th day ot August 19-51L. , ~~~~ ,/ -. W . .. ~F-' . IE (SEAL) 1"""'. -2-