58R-4654 -, R2S0LUTI01, 1'10. 4654 r". A 1-i:2.S0LUTION O:i'l'i-ili CFC:L COUaCIL 01<' THE urn:.,,,,' al'iAHEIk C01~ SEl~Tii.iG- 1'0 'I'HE CORl-lEC- 'nON AND RELOCATION O,"J.'i-iB BOUNDAR:{ LnE 3E'rWEEH 'l'iii:. crrY 01' ASAILSIH AJ.~D TEE CI'I'Y OF' GARDEN GROVE. illHEREAS, the City 01' Garden Grove has submitted to the City Council of the City of Anaheim a petition request- ing the consent of the City Council to the correction and relocation of a portion of the b01mdary line existing between tele City of Anaheim and the City of Garden Grove; and WHER~S, the legal description of the property which will be affected by said correction and relocation of said bo'mdary line is as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the existing boundary of the City of Garden Grove, said angle point beln': ene Southwest corner of the "Qortheast quarter om;") of the l~ortheast quarter (NE~i) of the SO'..lthwest auarter (SW-x) of Section 2e, ~ll'ownship L~ South, W311.'"e 10 West, in the Hancho Las. 301sas, as Sh01.fD on a map recorded in Book 51, Page 10, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of the County of Orange, State of California, and said angle point bein in the West line of Tract No. 2309 as shown on a map thereof recorded in Book 72, Pases 11, 12 and 13 of said Miscellaneous Maps; thence hortherly, alon~ said West line of Tract No. 2309, to the North line of Lot 112 of said rract No. 2309; tilence Easterly, along said North line and its Easterly prolongation, t~ the West line of Lot 92 of said ':Crac 1:; 1>0. 2309; thence 0ortherly, alon~ said West line, to the Korth line of Lots 86 to 92, incl~sive, of said Tract No. 2309; thence Easterly, alan' said North line and its Easterlv prolongatiuD, to a line parallel to and distant 20.00 feet Westerly from the center line of ~inth Street; thence Southerly, alonE said parallel linel to the South line of said Northeast quarter (liE?,,) of tile Northeast cuarter (HE-'l) of the Southwest quarter (::"W,t) of Section 28, and the existing boundary of said City of Garden Grove; thence Westerly, along said South line and existing boundary, to the point of beginning. AND W'lliREAS, upon consent to and approval of the correction and relocation of said boundary, the boundary line between the City of Anaheim and the City of Garden Grove shall be relocated and corrected to read as follows: ,--.. Beginning at an angle point in the existing boundary of the City of Garden;rove, said angle point being the Southwest corner of the l'1Ortheast quarter (NEil of tile Northeast Quarter (NE2~) of the Southwest quarter (SW1) of gection 28, -Township 4 South, Range 10 -1- It.. - - ~. ~"est, in the Rancho Las 301sas, as shown on a map recorded in Book 51, Page 10, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of the County of Orange, State of California, and said angle poirJt being in the l,-Jest line of Tract No. 2309 as shown on a map thel'eof recorded in Book 72, ?ages 11, 12 and 13 of said Miscellaneous Maps; thence Northerly, alons said West line of Tract No. 2309, to the i~orth line of' Lot 112 of said 'l'ract ho. 2309; thence Basterly, alon3 said riorth line and its Easterly pro- longation, to the West line of Lot 92 of said Tract No. 2309; thence Northerly, alan; said West line, to the North line of Lots 86 to 92 inclusive of said Tract No. 2309; thence Easterly, alons said North line and its Easterly prolongation, to a line parallel to and distant 20.00 feet Westerly from the center line of Ninth Street; thence Northerly alan; City limit lines. \ AND WiiEREAS, the City Gouncil does find and determine that it would be to the advanta~e and for the best interests of the two cities and tue property owners of the property affected, to correct and relocate the b01mdary as above indicated, pursuant to t~e provisions of Article 8, Chapter 1, Sections 50190 to 50200 of the Government Code of California; and ;i.'iEREAS, it appears that said petition was submitted to the Boundary Commission of the County of Orange and approved at its meeting of June 30, 1958; lifOvJ, TbEHKF'ORE, BE rr HESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that its consent and approval be, and the same are hereby, given to the correction and relocation of a portien of the boundary line now existing betweeri the City of Anaheim and the City of ~arden Grove, in the manner and to the extent nereinabove set forth. AND3b It i'1J iiTH.l::..lt RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and she is her'by, authorized and directed to forthwith prepare and file a certified copy of this resolution with the legislative body of the City of ~arden Grove. THE F'OREGOIlifG- RESOLU'I1i0N is approved and signed by me this 22nd day of July, 1958. AI'TES1' : ~~~> CITi" CL . OF THE CITY OF ANlL"lElh ,,-., f -2- 1''''