57R-4194 ;-"' RESOLUTION NO. 4194 A RESOLUTION OF THEOITY OOUICIL OF THE OITY or ANAHEIM DENYIIG VARIANCE NO! 846. WHEREAS, the City Planning Co.-18sion ot the City ot Anaheim did reoeive a petition trom the owner ot certa1n real property Ii tuated in the Oi ty ot Anaheim, County ot OraJige, State ot Oalitornia, described as tollows: T.e :lut 75 teet ot the Horth 240 teet ot the Northeut quarter ot the lortbwest quarter ot the lortheast ,.arter ot Seotion 22, Township 4 South, Elange 10 West, San Bernardin~ Base dd Meridian. (Said property is looated at 222 West Ball Road, Anabei., Oal1tornia.) AID WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissi.n did h.old a pUbl1c hearing at the Oi ty Ball ift the City ot .!nahe1ll Oft Ootober "(, 1951, notioes ot whioh said public hearing were duly give., as re,uired ~y law and the provisions ot Section 92GO.17 ot the Aa&heim K\U1ioipal Code; and WHEREAS, said City Planning Coamission, atter clue ln- speotion, investigation and studie. ..ae by itselt and in its behalt, &ad atter due consideration ot all evidenoe aad reports ottered at said hearing, did adopt Resolution No. 80 -- Serles 1957"58, reoolllllending that Varidce No. 846 be deaied; 8.Rd WHEBEAB, thereafter, within twenty (20) days troll the date ot the adoptio. ot said resolution a wri'tten a,ppeal was tiled with the City Council of the Oity ot Anaheim protesting the action of the Oity PlanniRg CO_is8ion 4eaylng said variance, and said appeal was. set for public hearing on the 5th day ot Nove.ber, 1957, at "(:00 o'olock P.M., in the Oity Hall in the Oity of Anabei., and notioe of suoh public hearing vas duly given as required by law and the provisiQns ot Secticn 9200.17 ot the AnaBelm Municipal Cede; and WllEBEAS, at the time and place fixed tor said pub110 hearing, the City Council did duly hold and conduct such pub11c hearing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, atter due investigation and studies lllade 8Y itself and 1n its behalt, and atter due oonsideration ot all the evidence and reports oftered at said hearing, the City Council does tind that: ."-" 1. There is no substantial property right posselsed by other property in the saae vicinity and zone and denied the subjeot property. 2. It appears that the subject property CaR be adequately developed and used under the present zOlle. -1.- - HOY, THERErORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City COWlel1 of the Clty of Anahelm that the ~ctlon ot the Clty Plannlng Oo..lssloft denylng Varlance lIo. 846 reCluestlng permission te convert a portlon ot the exlstlng house on the property Mre1nabove a._scrlDed to an offlce for the practloe of Publlc Aocountanoy be, and the same ls hereby sustained, and that Varlance No. 8~ be, and the 88JIUII ls hereby. denled. THE rOREGOIHG RESOLUTIOH 18 approved and 81glll.ed by.. this 5th 4a1 of Rove.ber, 1'51. ~~ R 'OF THE. OI'!'Y OF AI.Am:IX -, ATTEST: ~~?1F ~~~6~F~AWiIx ft.ATE OF O.ALIFORllIA. ) CCUI!Y or ORANGE ) 88. 01 TY OF AlABi:IX ) I, DERE K. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the Clty of Anaheim, do hereby certlfy that,th. feregoing r.solutlolll. Was lntroduo.d and adoptecl at all adJournecl regular. ..etlng provlclecl iy law of the Clty Clondl of tile Clty of ARal!leill, lleld on the 5tl'l ~ tlf Hov..ber, 1957, by the followlng vote: .AYES: OOUHCILKEN: Pearsoll, OOORS, Fry, Sohutte 8Jld Wlsser. NOES: OOUlICILMElf: lone. .AlSEI'f: COUICiLMEN: ITone. AID I rtlRTllER CERTIn that the Hayor of the CUy of Anaa.iIl approved and slgned said resolutlon on the 5th da1 of loneer, 19.57. II WI'1'RESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set .., l'Iaacl .... affixed the offlclal ..al of the C1 ty of Anahd. this 5th day of ITovellber, 19.57. L ~)n. 2)::---- -~ OIn ClLERX OF '1'HE~ or DAHEIK ( SE.AL) /"--"" -2-