57R-4190 ,- ,-.. ,-. RESOLUTION )JO. 1+1'0 A RESOLUTION OF THE OITY OOUIOIL OF THE OITY OF AlrABEIH DEliYING WI'rHOUT PREJtJDIOE VARI.AJlOE HO. 82'. WHEREAS, the Oity Planning Commission ot the Oity ot ADabei. did receive a petition tro. the ev.er of certain real property situated in the Oity ot Anaheim, County of Oraiige, State of Californla, aore particularly desoribecl. as follows: That portion of Lot 29 of Anaheim Extension, in the Oit1 of ARahelm, Oounty ot Orange, State of Oalifornia, as surveyed by William Haael, Deoember 11, 1868 aad fl1ed tor record in the Ottioe ot the Oounty Reoorder of Los Angeles Oounty, California, a copy thereof being onfile in the Offloe of the Oounty Reooreler of Orange, OOURty, California, in Book ,. Pages 16" et se~., of Los JAgeles County Haps, and that portion of Oitron Street abandoned by the Board of Supervisors by petition filed Kay 7, 191' in Road Book 2, Page 231+, in the Offioe of the County Clerk of sald Orango County, desoribed as a vhole as follows: Beglnnlng at the oenter llne interseotion of Vermoat Aveauo (formerly Broad Street) and CltroD Street as shown on said map; thenoe south 74- 31+' vest along the oonter line of said Broad Street to the easterly liDe ot the right of vay of the Southern Pacific Railroad; thence southeasterly along the easterly liDe of said right of vay to the center line of said Citron Street; thence northwesterly along said oenter 11ne of Citron Street to the point of beglnning. EXOEPT the easterly 160.00 feet of the northerly 18'.00 feet .easured along and from the center lines of street. adjoining. ALSO EXOEPT that portion thereof lying vesterly of the folleving described line as oited in D.eds to the State of Oalifornia recorded Karch 19, 1951, in Book 2160, Page 280, Offlcial Recorcl.s ot sald Orange Oounty and Harch 14, 1956 in Book 3435, Page 412, Otficial Records ot said Orange OouRty: Begianing at the interseotion of the center line of Vermont Avenue vith a line parallel vith and 65 teet northeasterly measured at rlght angles from the northeasterly 11ne ot the Southern Pacific Rallroad right of Willi thence souta- eashrly 79~.,1 feet along said parallel line to the beSia- JllJ!lg ot a tangent curve ooncave to the northeast and haTing a radius ot 250.00 teet; thence southeasterly along said ourve to the said center line of Citron Street. (Said property is looated at 800 West Vermont Street, Anahei., Oallfornia.) AID WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a pUblic hearing at the Oi ty HaJ.l 1Jl the Oity of Aaaheia upoa sald petltion on September ), 1957, notioes of vhich sald publio hearing vere duly given as required by law and the provisions ot Sectl0R 9200.17 of the A.rl.aheim )(unioipal Oode; and ,- -1... - WHEREAS, said City Planning Coamissiom, atter due in- speotion, investigation and studies made by itself and in it. behalf, and after due oODsideration of all eTidenoe and reports ,-- otfered at said hearing, did adopt Resolution No. 52 -- Series 1'51-58, reeolU1endiag to the City Counoil et the City of Anaheim that Variance No. 82) be granted upon the conditions therein set forth; and WHEREAS, thereatter, within twenty (29) day. from the date of the adoption of said resolution a wri~ten appeal was filed with the Oity Oounoil ot the Oity ot Anaheim protesting the aotion ot the Oity Planning Coamission granting .aid varianoe, and .aid a))peal wu set for pUblio hearing on the 1st day of Gctober, 1957, at 1:0G o'olook P.M., in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, and notioe of suoh publio hearing was duly given as required by law and the provisions of Seotion 9200.17 ot the Anaheim Munioipal Code; and WHEREAS, at the tiu and plaoe tixed for said pUblio hearing, the Oity Counoil did duly hold and oonduot suoh public hearing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity to be heard, and did oontinue said hearing to October 15, 1957, at whioh tlme the matter was deterred to November 5, 1957 tor turther aotion; and WHEREAS, atter due investlgatlon and studles made by itselt and in Its behalf, and atter due oonsideratlon of all the evldenoe and reports offered at sald hearlngs, the City Oounoil doe. find that: 1. There is no substantial property r1ght possessed by other property 1n the same vio1n1ty and zone and denied the subJeot property. 2. It appears that the subjeot property oan be ad.~uate11 deTeloped and used under the present zone. HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Clty Oounoil ot the City of Anaheim that the aQtion of the Oity Planning 00..ls810n granting Varianoe Ho. 82), r.~ue8ting permlss10n to ereot and operate an automobile servioe plant (auto pa1nting, upholstering, body and tender repairing, glus r.p~aoemeRt, eto.) on the property hereinaboTe described be, and the BUle is hereby, disapprove", and that Varianoe No. 82) be, and the same 1s hereby, denied without pre JwUoe. THE FOREGOIHG RESOLUTION Is approved and signed by .. this 5th clay of November, 1957. e;c~~ KAYOR OF THE CITY OF .AJtADIJI ATTEST: ."-' A/ ~ - ,~., , .. ~ "" /' . .~{~ ...~~/ a~o Gr'-THE CITY OF AMAKEIM -2- - ~ STATE OF G.UIFORNIA) COUITY OF ORANGE ) ss. crn OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE N. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the forego:l:ag Resolution was duly 'passed and adopted at a regular .-eting of the City Council of the City of Anaheia this 12th day of NOYember, 1957~ by the following vote of the mellbers thereofl ,..' 1 : . AYDI NOES I ABSENT I COUNCILlGilh Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser COUNCILllElh NoJUl COUlCIUlENI None AND I FURTHER CBRTIFY that the Mayor of ,the City of Anaheim appreved arid signed said Resolution onlle 12th day of November, 1957. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ~w:zito set 1lit mind and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 12th day of November, 1957. L C. '" (,....-. . . i . i.' ) i ,~ .t' :kA- /)/ - ?(/ -r <!/:" A- --if ---' CITY CIJ!R:K :OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEll) ~ "