57R-4189 ,- ,,,,-... RESOLUTIOI NO. 418~ A RESOLUTION OF TBJ: CITY COU.OIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIX DENYIIG WITHOU! PREJUDICE APPLIOA,.. TION NO. 1-51-58-6 FOR A OIWfGE OF ZONE I:M.l CERTAIN ABEA OF'THE CITY 1D:UINAJ'i':m DESORIBED. WHEREAS, the Oity Plannlng O.amlsslon of the 01ty of Anahelm has heretof~re duly passed and adopted a resolutlon de- olarlng lts lntentlen to ohange the boundarles of the zone or zones herelnatter mentloRed and desoribed and did fix a time and plaoe for the holdlng of a pllbllc hearlng thereon ln the manRer and as presorlbed in Artiole IX, Ohapter 2 of the hahelm :Munloipal Oode, and dld duly hold and oonduct a pUblic hearing to consld.r suoh proposed ohange of zone or zones and dld r.oeive evidenoe and re- ports from persons interested thereln; and WHEREAS, within a perlod of forty (40) <lays following the huring thereon, the Plannlng COllllBls81en dldduly aD1'1CIl\l1l0e 1I>y formal resolution its fln41... or facts an<l declare lts opinions aDd r.asons for r.o....nding aD ..endm.nt to said Artiole IX, C_pier 2 of the Anahell1. :M1:illlo1pal Cod. to effeot the prep~sed ol:1aage 1. the beuadarles of the zone herelnafter mentloned and desorlbed; aad ,- WHEREAS, apon reoelpt of the report and r.coamen<latlon of the 01ty Plan.lng Oommlssion, the Clty 00unol1 dld thereapon tix tae 5th d., of Noveaber, 1'57 as the tlme and the Councl1 Ohamb.rs 1n the Cl ty llall of the 01 ty of Anaheim as the place foro a p.bllc hearlng upon sald pr.pos.d ohange of zone and did give notloe ther.of in the mann.r and as provlded ln said Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anahelm :Munioipal Oode; and W1n!1U:AS, at the time and plaoe fixed for said publlo hearing, the Oity Couol1 did duly hold and condtlct such publio hearing and did give all p.rsons lntere.ted therein an opportaalty to "De heard and did reoeive evldenoe and. reports, an4 did therellpon conslder the recona.ndations of the Oity Plannlng Commission; and W~AS, the 01ty OOYAcil doe. flnd and determlne that tae property and ar.a propos.4 to "De challg.d trom 0-1, llEIGHBOUOOD OOMMEROIAL zon to X-l, BEAVY OO:MllERCIAL zen 1& mere su1~alltle tor the zone in whioh it is now incorporated aad that a chan&'e ot zone should not be granteel, 10Y I THEHD'OU, BE IT RESOLYEJ:) by the Clty CQuae11 or th.e 01 ty of J.nahe1m that all. of the property aAd area 81 tuated. 1ft the Oity of Anaheim, Oounty of Orange, State of California, d.scribe" as fellows, to wlt: That port1on of Lots Four, Flve and Slx of South Plaoentla Traot 10. 2, as s~n en a Map recorded ln Book 5, . page 42 of :Misoellaneous Maps, reoor<ls of Orange Ceunty, OalifGrnla, de.oribe.. as follovs: Beglnning at a point in the oenter line of the street extending along the Westerly 814e of said Lot Four, distant thereon 108.75 f.et SOlltherly from the point of interseotloR of said 11ne wlth the Northerly line or the Westerly extenslon thereet, of sald Lot Four, said point of beginnlng belng at -1- - the pOint of interseotion of said oenter line ot said street wlth the Northerly 11ne. or the West- erly extenslon thereof, of that certain 7.38-aore paroel of land deloribed ln a deed recorded Aprl1 5th, 1912 ln Book 201, page 194 of Deede an.d run- nlng thenoe Northerly along the oen~er 11ne ot the street extending along the Westerly slde ot said Lots Four, F1Te and Six of laid Traot, 522.13 teet; thence Easterly, parallel with the Southerly 11ne of said Lot Six, 13'2.61 feet to a point ln the oenter line of the street extending along the Easterly IIlde of laid Lot Six, a8 shown on said map, which polnt is 340.92 teet Northerly trom an angle point in said center llne of said street; thence Southerly along the center llne ot said street, )40.92 feet to said angle point in said center l1ne; thence Southwesterly along the oenter line of said street, 345.59 teet to the most Easterly corner of said 1.38-acre paroel; thence West along the North line of said 7.38-acre parcel 988.59 feet to the polnt of beglnnlng. EXCEPTIlIG THEltErROM the Westerly 30 teet lias hereto- fore excepted and reserTed tor road purposes.' ALSO EXOEPTING THEREFROM that portion oonveyed to the State of Oallfornla by deed dated August 19th, 1954 and reoorded October 22nd, 1954 ln Book 2849, page 312 of Offioial Records. remain in the zone ln which lt is now inoorporated, and that the reclass1fioation to a different zone, as reoommended by the Oity Planning OOaBlesion ln its Re.olutlon No. '4 -- Serles 1'51-58, be denled wlihGut preJudioe. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ls apprond and 81gn.4 by me thie 5th 4aY of lIoT..ber, 1'51~. '~ Li~t. .O"TO: O~~ DAIlEnr .A.ftES'f: ~~;Ji~IM ,,-.. -2- .- Res. 4189 ~ ..,.-. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUN1Y OF ORANGE ) s s . CITY OF ANAHE IM ) I, DENE M. WIllIAMS, City Clerk of the Ci ty of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was dUly passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the city of Anaheim, held on the 5th day of November, 1957, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: None AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Resolution on the 5th day of November, 1957. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 5th day of November, 1957. /' ~ ~;r. 4J~/ CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ( SEAL) ,..- , -