RES)UTnOl 10. 4071
A ~ OF ~ D A cmr.AII AREl OF '!HE. CITY.
WHEREAS, the Citqr Couacil of the Citqr of .All.a)aaia didlB 1'8to-
fore, to wit, oa the 25th _ .f June, 1951, adopt Resolution ... 39S9
in aaeaded reclassification proceediAg Bo, F-SS-S6-4l, upon an ..ended
applicatiGll by Iu L. Rbow for a change of zone of certain real
propertqr "scribed in said .-ended applicatiCll1; and
WHEREAS, the City Council dees fiad that the descr1ptioa ot
the prepert;y proposed to be reclassified, as contained. in said Resolu-
tion 110. 3959, is erroneous and should be corrected; anIl
WHEREAS, the City Council does further find that as a result
of said erroaeous descriptia, the portions of subject propert)'" pre-
posed to be reclusi.t'1ecl to C-.3 and R-3 Zones were also incorrectl;r
described; aad
VHEREAS, the City Council does further find that since the
adoption of Resolution .0. 3959, Coaditioa Jlo. 1 ef said resolution
requirlag the dedication to the Cit)'" of .AlUlheim of a strip of land
30 feet ia width along the south FGperty line for street wi4eaing
purposes, has been cOJlPlied with, and that said conditioa or re-
quireact should, therefore, be eli.iuted; ad.
WHEREAS, the City CoUllcil does find that an ordinaaee has
never been adopted directing ..id. chaage of zones am. c0IIp1eting ..id.
lIJV, mEREFORE, BE IT RES:lLVED by the Cit)'" Couacil of the
City of .\a8hefa that Resolution .0. 3959, adopted June 25, 1951, be
aaended as follows:
1. That the description of the real property aentioned in
said reso1utiOfl be corrected to read as follo1lS:
"The eut hall' (t) of the northRst quarter (Di) of the
northwest quarter (nil of the northwest quarter (Hi)
of SeCtlOfl 16, Township 4 South, Range 10 Vest., S.B.B. & M.,
-~G 11IEREFroM that portion lying south of the
1a01lUlllented center line of Lincola Avenue con~cI. to the
State of California by Deed:lo. 99035, and filed in
Book 3173, Page 305 of Official Records in the Office of
the County Recorder of Ormge County, California;
-.ALSO E1Il.;!ytIlG 'l1iEREJllI)M the southerly 30 feet.-
2. Tbat the southerly 322.97 feet of subject property be
reclusifi ed. R- 3, h1 tip1e FlIlId ly" Residential Zone; aad.
That the reaaiader of said property, being the northerly
307.03 feet of the east 1/2 of the nort.lnrest 1/4 of the
northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Sect.ion 16, T01&-
ship 4 South, Range 10 Vest, S.B.B. & M., EXl.2YrIlG
therefroa that portioa ly"ing south of the IIOQUIII~ted
center liRe of Lincoln Avenue COflveyed to the State of
California by Deed 10. 99035 and filed in Book 3173,
Page .305 ef Official Reccrds in the Office. of the
Co1S'l.ty Recorder of Onnge County, california, be changed
to C-3, Heavy Coaercia1 Zone.
~- 5~ ~.:J.- G.- ~/ I
3. nw.t CeIldit.ion .0. 1 eet forth in Resolution .0. 39$9,
readinSl as follows:
II"I'hat the nners of nbJect p~r1:.7 _ed to the
Ci ty of AaIJleia a strip of lad ~ feet in width
along the South property Hne fot' street Yid.8aiag
be ella1nat8d.
E IT FUR'l'II!R RES>LVED that in ,.11 other respects sai4
Reso1uUea Ie. 39$9 he Mod reMi- in tull ferce aa4 effect.
.lID BE IT FURlHER RES>LYED that the Ci:v .A.ttorney be, ad
he i.1lerU;y, autbC)r1zed. _d 41"c~d to ~ uad Iu1la1t to the
Ci t.y eo.ci 1 _ ...Grll t to Article lX, pupter 2 of the .Anabela
_iClipal Code to ...d sai4 AMb.eia "i~ipa1 c.c:te \0 accoaplleh
the ebj_t Ilereia feand _d cletera1aed td he aeCtISU7 ad proper.
'!HE FOR.EQ)DG RES)LU!IQI is approftd _4 signed 1J,y a.
this 21th tJq of .A.u,.st, 19$7.
:J .~. ~ 2> .."_J
.tbA~C1TI ~~
STATE 'or C'.ALIFQal.A. )
aMI!Y .. IBlltE )
I, DElE Jl. II'" u-.c;, City Clerk of tile Ci ty of ..... la, cLe
hereby certify that. * forego1a. resolu~iGll ... pauad ad. adopted.
at a rcgllar aeetiDg of the City Cow.cil held. -
the 21~ _ of .A.UJUf., 19$7, by the follGWla..,.te. of the __ers
oo1lJCIL1U: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Sckutte and Wisser
.ABSEJIT: 00\11<::[1"': Hone
.AID I F'lQfDt"X CDrIFY that the 1Iqoi' of the City of .....ia
si!Jl8d. ad. approved. said rellOluti_ Oil the 27th 4lIir ofA1IIgUt., 19$7.
III II'l'ESS ~, I baYe he~to set fIT had ad. aff'iD4
the seal of the City of ......la this 27th day' of' Augt.lSt, 19;7.