57R-4055 -- - RESOLUTIOI NO. ~55 r- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AlflHBIJ( ORDERIIIG rHEV.lC1TIOI .lID AlWID010IENT OF EASEMENTS FOR ROlD AND PUBLIC l1Tn,ITY PURPOSES UPON, OVER, AOROSS, ALONG, AND THROUGH THE HER:I- IMlFTER DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. WHERElS, the City Oouncil of the City of Anaheim, a municipal corporation of the State of California, did, ~n the 30th day of Jl1l7, 1~7, pasa its Ordinance No. 1161 entitled .~ OiDIHlNCE OF THE CITY OF AlWflrv DECURING THE IJlTENTION OF THE CITY ooUIfOIL TO VACATE AND .lB&NDOI IlSEMDTS FOR ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES UPON, .lLONG, OVER, ACROSS AND THROUGH THE HEREINAPTER DESCRIBED RlW. ~PBIlTY} FIXING A TIllE AND PUCE POll .t HEARING THEREON} AND DIRECTING THE POS'l'tNG ON NOTICES THEREOF AND TID: PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE," whereby it declared its intention to vacate and abardon and close to public uae easementa for road and public utility purposes upon, over, across, along, and through the hereinafter described property, under the provisi.ons of the Street Vacation Act of 19k1} and. WHEREAS, the City Council in said Ordinance referred to a map on file in the Office of the City Clerk for further particulars as to the proposed vacation, abandol1lll8nt and closing to public use of said easement. tor road and. public utility purposes; and WHEREAS, said City Council did by said Ordinance fix the 20th day of Au,.st, 1957 at 1.00 o'clock P. M., in the Council Chamber. in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim as the tilDe and place for a public hearing on the matter of such vacation, abando~nt and closing to public use of saii ease_llts for road and public utility purposes, for all persons interested ill or Qbjecting to such proposed vacatiQn, abandonment and closing to public use to appear and show caus., if any they bad, why such ease_nt. for road and public utility purposes Should not be vacated, abandoned and closed to public use) an. 1IHEREAS, said Ordinance was publi8hed. on the 2nd clay of August, 1951, in the Anaheim Bulletin, a nnspaper of gueral circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, Orange County, California} and EEREAS, by said Ordinance said City Council directed that notices of the passage of said Ordinance and of the time and place of the hearing on the Il&tter of the vacation, abandoIllll8nt and closing to public use of said. easements for road and public utility purposes be posted conspicuo..~ aleDI the line of said ease_nts proposed to be vacated, not more than 300 feet apart, at least ten (10) days berore said hearinl, and not less tball three (3) such noUcesmould. be posted; and. WH!REA.S, J1UR.Cl COOl did on the 9th. dq of .1up..t, 1957, post con.picuous~ !lot 1... than three (3) nch notice. along the line of said e..elll8nts which nQticu were posted. le.s than 300 reet apart, and were posted at least ten (10) days before said hearing; and ,~ WHEREAS, said City Council did on the 20th day of August, 1957, at 7.00 o'clock P. M., at said City Hall, conduct a public hearing on the matter or whether said easements should be vacated, abandoned and closed to public as., and at said hearing did hear evidence thereon; aDd -1- - -. r'. 'flIlR.....Il, the City Council tinds fro. all the eTiaenee nbllitted tlaat ..id ea.e.nta tor road and public lI.tili1y purpo.es described ill. the Orcti.naace ot InteDtion and hereinafter descri~, are wmece..ary tor p~ ...t or pro.pectin read ea pllbl1c utility, ~.e., and. tbat an order Tacatine aDd aband.oning nch easement. for re~ and. pUblic utility pUl'pG.e. abov.ld. be .... 1 . lib., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t~e City 90uncil ~f the Cit,. ot ~iJu .. ~ , 1 r 1. That it tinds the reciWs her.~nbefore set torth 1B tJd.s i.uolv.Uon te De trueJ 2. That it tiads from all the .Tidel'1O. nbllitted that said eas.. Mat. ter read and pllblic utilit.y purpe... de.oribecl in said OrdillaDce are ~eoe..ary tor pre.ent or prospective pab1ie purp.sesJ 3. That it does hereby order that said ease..nts for road aDd pulltlic llti11t.y purpo..s'be,ali\d they are here.y vacated, abancionecl aDei clued to public u.., , ll. That said ..sementa for road and publi~ utility purpose. hereiD eri..red vacated, abaftdoMCl aDel c1esed to ptlblic us. are those described iD Mlcierii..... Wo. U61, are situated in the etty~.t .lIlah.iII,: County ot OraD.., Stat. ot Calitornia, aDd are IIIDre particular~ described aa t,ll!W8' The lasterly 23 f.et .r the Weaterly 27 teet of that parcel ot 1ud located in the City of Anah.ia, Comty of Oraa..,. State or Calitornia, described as rollo.a. The Southea.t quarter ot the Southeast qu.rter etl the Norta- I. \, ea.t qv.arter ot Section 12, Tcnmahi, ~ Sollth, RaDge 11 .est, S.B.B. & M. Excepting theretro. the Southerly 230 teet. m BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be, aDd aha is h..e.., alltlllerued aad directeel to cause a c.rtiti.. copy .t this R.1I011lUo. ~ Order, att..teel by h.r ud.r the ..a1 of the City of .Anuei., to be recorded in the Otfice ot the County Recorder of Orange County, Cal1fo1'llia. THI FOREGOING RESOLUTION IS UPHOVD and signed by me this 20th ~ of .lUg1lst, 1957. ..~~/l //p. /.. / ./ (/v iu.~ OF THE TY OF' ~. .l '!'fEST. ~ ~~W~ -2- If if: Ii 1 - ,- $TAll! Of ~I ~ ~.> ..... m:n OJ .. . I, J1E)ll! .. w;u.LIAIIS, City Clerk qf the Ci ty' of bahe1la, do henjy _Uf'y that the foretoint Jtes4.1lltioa .u ~y paned ad adqt.. at an ldlje1D1led ref'llar ..t~ of the City: ~il of the ti ty of ~ia, held Oft the 20th ,day of Augud, 1957, by the following wItS of the .....n tM~f. . AYES. c::olJlI::ILllliJh 'earson, coon., Pry, Schutte aWl. .isser RIlIi$. ~. ROlle' AI8EJIT. COWICIIJID. Mou AID IPwn. cann tlY.t the..,..1' .1 t;he (;lty of ' .ballei. &,proved and sigtid. sait .esoluti_ Oft. the ~tA day .t AlltUst, 1.7. , IJlIIT_""', I tt1/e aer..t. '. III ~~ aacl affixecl the seal. of thlt City ef .....1a ~. 2ll~ d4yof At.ipa~ 19t>7. }J..' , ~h..~~'. CIlY.ctiiiOf 'IIIil.,ct1'Y OP ~ (lEAL) , J I I I JIl j