57R-4053 .7 RESOLUTION NO. 4053 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRANTING A VARIANCE. (775) -. WHEREAS, the City Pl~nning Commi~sion of the City of Ana- heim did receive a petition from the pro~erty owner~ and/or of certain real propert~ situated in the City of ADaheim, Oounty of Orange, State of jalifornia, described as follows: Lot JIe. 5 of Tract 10. 483. (Said ProtMrt;y is located at 1719 West La Pa1a .1ftDU8, _abeia, CalLiferata.) AND WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a pub- lic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim upon said peti- tion on Jul,y 1.. 1957 , notices of which said public hearings were duly given as required by law and the provisions of Section 9200,17 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiga- tion and studies made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, did adopt its Resolution No. ~ . recommending to the City Coun- cil of the City of Anaheim that Variance No. 775 be granted upon the conditions stated in said resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council does find that: 1. There are exceptional or extraordinar: circum- stances or conditions appltcable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 2. That such a variance is necessary for the pre- servation and enjoyment of R substantial property right possessed by other propertJ in the same vicinity and zone and denied to the property in question. .- 3. That the granting of such ~rAriance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 4. That the granting of such variance will not ad- versely affect the comprehensive general zoning plan. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that a conditional zoning variance be, and the same is hereby granted to JIIlS. JfI.T ElTTY .~Cft~, E1' .AL., 7921 Soutll Eucl$.4 .1___, _- ill, Ca1it'Omia, to erect a siqle-ner;y fll_ere!al .U_ "~<~: -1- ,-.. .'-" .. the preperV heniuhoYe 9acri:H4, _Ject te till follovia, ca- ditiOll't ,.. 1. That the _era of' .eject JIIl'OJMl't.7 "e4 te tIa. Ci il' 0.1' ....1. a .uip of' lad. ~;r (rO) feet. ia. wid.U. a~ La Pa1aa.1.,... fer .~t wi_ia., pwJtO.... 2. TW all _liIl.eerl~ reqai r_attl of' tlle Cl V of' .&IIIabe i., ... aa C1lltIta .d ...ten, .IMwlb, .\rut grMing ... JlM'lag, lInf....r fllCllltl.. or other pcrtlMat. writ, l>>. ..,11_ Vitia u requir_~;r * Ci t;r lag1aMr. 3. nat till ..tHck re.ireaea1l8 e,tUUM" b;r t.a Clt.;r Couacll 1a haolutlOll 10. 4Q52 be c.-pU.d vl1b. Sal4 ..U>ack l'eftUlr....ta ue ufo11"t ( a) TIIat a aetH.ck llae for INlldiag JNl'JlO,.a, oa Lotti 4 t:hnutll 21 of' Tract". J&8" he ..tabU__ to _ a liRe .. ..t 1... ~ M feet ud. aot .1'8 tIa-. 66 f.etlre. tile prop8z!t.7 U.. of ..id lota. That a .tadard. parkiag area liae be .,tabUahad to be a liae SS f.et fro. tile frOl1t propert.;r lia., .ad ... 55-f.t .... "11 M ..tabllllac4 ud ulntal..d for ,..rid.; purpo... 1a c:oat'ol'llit;r with tile ......1. ..lel,..l Cede. (D) (c) nat.. OJIUe t... SS feet .1'... the propert;r lia. te 60 feet. fna u.. pnpert;r lla8 _11M .,t.U- U... .... aalata1aed 1I-r ~ pvpoa.. _ .ach lot. r (4) TIaat.. INU4lag aall " .. c..tnct.e4 u to _ 1Md 1 t .... tlae lut 10 t.et. ~ the pnpert.;r to \M rear} lNt. tluat a rear 1!U4 of' 10 f.et *all be e.t.aDll_4 beWeal the rear of t1le "11.1.9 a4 the rear propert.;r liae. 4. Tlaat _Ject Jm'PCZV Jile .we4 I. aClClordao. witla pl... llbait.te4 to .. Cit;r 0..011 ud _ .1'11. with tM Cit)- .f' JaaMia. S. Tllat all plea .... lIJMC1f'i_UOIl8 tor u.. 1Mdld.1ag to _ erecte4 _ tIII.".,.rt;r "'~l be _Jeet to ~ ot _ .&rcWtectwal c..ut.tee -.etllt.lafil of' the f'ollo1da. (a) OM ","...tat-lye of ~ .-.er" their bdn or ....iga.; (b) OM repre...t.atli.. 01 the Cit.y llJIIpelated by the City c...cllJ (e) .l ...tral party to be .decte4 by the .-era ad the City ~ .....i.. Tbia ce.it.tee *all revi." .tIle plaa. ud apeclf'ioat.i.. tor stftctual "4l'Ii~t"1 U'Cbit.eotval ..IF, _U4- lag loa.ti., parldal f'acU~t.l.., acl other _tkrs. 0. set of' pl... aIaall be a~"" . each of' the .&rclll- tectwal c-l t.t.ee ad tn., wi th t1le .Ud.la. Iupector of the Ci ~ ot ......i.. TM CiV ColaClU laereb)' re..rye, th. rigllt to moke nc1l variac. pel'llit for ...c1 __ or failun !Of ..id .-ra, their Jaei1'll, ..ce....,. or ....1... to -..17 with tJae '-eia _icipal Coca. ad re.-laU.. aa4 tIl. nadl tl.. bereia.. ~4 varia_ la grate4 tor tM tera PftlCribed. the -..i. JIlaiciJl!a1 Code _1.., -'nrl.. .,.clfi.. bareia. -2- :! - - r 'DIE FOREGODG RES:lLUTICII is si gIl8d aad approved by lie this 2Oth.....~_ot, 1?S? ~. '. ^~ _rot( . ' ~~~ Sl'.lTE OF ClLIFOHIU ) OOUITY" 018. ) ss. CITY, fI JJI: T X ) I, IDa X. 1II.LUARS, City Cler~ of tM City ot .baJada, do bareby eer\ify tU.t the toreglliag rellOl_t!i.. .. iatroduced ad adepted at. _ adJ8UI'a8d. regll1ar Metillg ~lded by 1av of U. Cl t1 c._eil of the City of ....la held OIl t. 20th dq of ....gut, 19$7, by the tollendag _tel "'lES: C>>~1Jl!lh hU-lIlIlll, 00..., Fry, Sc1mtte _d Visser. JIOES: OOUICILB'I lone. ABSDT: ~CIL81 loae. .lID I 1'1IKIJ11:lK <ZRrIFY that the lfapr of the Ci~ of .&aahela Ipprov84 Mc1 sl..d aid re..1.tl_ oa tlle mth dq of ....gut., 19$7. II 1l1'lESS WIEREOF, I haw be~to set ray hDd ad aftlDd the official seal of tile City of AIlaheiathis . 20th dq o! .l....8t.,19$7. ~~- / ?f ," . mr'! ~. ( SEaL) r " -3-