57R-4022 ,,-.... ~ RE SOLUT ION NO. 4022 r' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Ai:J1:Ji::::nr AUTHORIZING THE DEPOSn IN E;SCRO'fl WITH BA~K OF A}&RICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION1 FULLERTOL BRANCH BY EUGENE A. FAHRION OF FUNDS RY:QUIRED FOR THE FlJR1;ISHING, INSTALLATION AND COlPLET2CN OF ALL UJPROVEJ.lJENTS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF iU;AHEIli IN TRACT NO. 3160; AND AUTHORIZING THE HAyDn AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUT}, AN AGRE:ElciENT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF TEE CITY OF ANAHEIM. h1fEID~),SI Eugene A. Fahrion has submitted to the City Council of the Ci t.y of Ananeim a Tract llap for Tract No. 3160 and has reouested the City Council to finally a9prove said Tract Hap; and ~HERbAS, said Eugene A. Fahrion has agreed to furnish or cause to be furnished and to pay for all labor, materials and equipment, and Derform or cause to be performed and pay for all work to wake 6:.nd complete all street improvements anct sewer and wccter mcins and lines ancl all engineering required inside of said Tract No. .3160, as required by the City of Anaheim, acting by end through the City Engineer and the Superintendent of the Light, Water and Power Department, and in accordance witll the provisions of the Anaheim Nunicipal Code c,nd ardine.nces of the City, all in accordance l'li th the specifications of the Ci t;y Engineer and the Superintendent of Light, ';,;eter ano, POHer of the City of Anaheim, said improvements to be completed on or before twelve (12) months from the 30th day of Jul,y, 1957; and '\'iHE:RJ::AS, in lieu of the posting lvi th the City of Anaheim of a surety bond or 8. deposit 8.S required by Section 11612 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California I Eugene A. Fahrion desL'ss to de:posi t with the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Associ8tionl Fullerton Branch, Fullerton, Cali- fornia, as escrow agent, caRh, in lawful money of the United statesl in ar:. amount estimi.teo. to be neceEisary to pay for the cost of all labor, mb. terials and equi})me;1t &no. the performance of all work for the installation and completion of said improvements, as a gUira.ntee that said Eugene A. Fahrion will make or caUse to be maD,e 8.ne:. completed said improvements [eS required by the City of Anaheim, and pay the cost thereof; and ~'fHEREAS, the City Council finds that the estima.ted cost of 88id street, sewer ane ,-later irnDrovements is the sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000.00); and' ("' ,iHER;AS, the City Council finds that if said sum is de- posited with said Bank of American National Trust and Savings Asso- ciation, Fullerton Branch and all claims for labor and materials are approved by the City Engineer or the Superintendent of the Light, liater and Power Department and. paio. d.irectly to the person, firm or corporEction Derf"orming such l2.bor or furnishing such materi- als by said Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, Fullerton Branch, and that -fifteen- (1.5) per cent of said deposit is held until thirty-five (35) days after the filing of notice of completion of said worl<;: and imorovements, that the City of Ana.heim will be adequately protected in the matter. -1- .- .- r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RiSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that said Eugene A. Fahrion be, and he is hereby, authorized to deposit the sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000.00), lc,wful money of the United Ste,tes, with Bank of America National Truet G.nc. Savings Association, Fullerton Branch, as escrow agent, as security for the payment of the cost of all labor, me.terials and equipment in making the street improvements and the sewer and water improvements, and all engineering, inside of Tract No. 3160, and that the money deposited by said Eugene A. Fahrion with the Bank of America National Trust and Savings AS20ciation, Fullerton Branch, Fullerton, California, as escrow agent, [S security for the furnishing and payment of all labor, materials and equipment required for the making, installation and completion of said improvements, may be used from and after the executi on of an c.greement by and bet\'leen the City of Anaheim, Eugene A. Fahrion, and Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, Fullerton to make progress payments to pay for materi- als fL~nished and labor performed in the making and completion of said improvements, such progress payments to be made as follows: Progress payments shall be made when the improvements hereinabove mentioned and described have been made and installed and the work of installation completed and a report thereof has been filed with the escrow agent, and as hereinafter provided. That all such progress payments shall be made directly by said Bank of AmeriCB. N~.~tion&2. Trust 2.nd Sc.vings Associe<.t ion, Fullerton Branch to the person, firm or corporation furnishing such materials or -performing such labor, U1)On \'lri tten itemized statements shm,ring the furnishing of such rr.aterials or the per- formance of such labor, a-pproved by the City Engineer for labor and materials furnished for street and sewer improvements, and approved by the Superintendent of the Light, \JEter and Power De- partment for water mains and lines, and by Eugene A. Fahrion. AND 3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerk be, and they are hereby, authorized to enter into and exe- cute an agreement for and on behalf of the City of Anaheim with Eugene A. Fahrion and Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, Fullerton Branch, Fullerton, California, in a form approved by the City Attorney, incorporating the provisions of this resolution and providing for payment of said deposit to the City of Anaheim, or SO much thereof as may be necessary to reim- burse the CHy, in the event of default by said Eugene A. Fahrion in the performance of said agreement. Tlu.t said agreement shall be dated the 30th day of July, 1957. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION WAS signed and approved by me this 30th day of July, 1957. r , i~~ MAYOR OF THE CI OF ~ ---- ATTEST: J - ;-7~'" . <<.vP~; ",~.L J P"h --....... v j CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ANAHEHl -2- - - SUT! OF CALIFORfUA f COUJrIY OF (lW\GE ) CITY OF J.NAltEIM ) l, DEME M. WIUIAIIS, Ci ty Clerll! of the City of Anallea, do hereby <l,rtify that the f>rego1ng resolutiqn was 1ntiodtitc:ed aM adopted a t an adjourned regulu ....ting 0 f the Ci 1!Y Co,unci 1 of. the Ci ty of Anab.1IAt held on the 30th day of July, 1957, by the following vot~l 58. ~ AYESl COUlCILMElh Pearson, Coons, Fry; Schutte .00 Wisser. IIJESI COUlCIIJmNI None. ABSENTI COUlfCILJmth None. AND I PURTDR CEJm:FY that the Ma}'Qr 9f the City of ARl.heu ap- pl'(Mld and signed said Resolution on the 30th day of JulYt 1957. IN WITlESS WHEREOF, I have her8W1to s.et .y hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anabea this 30th day of July, 1957. n ,i>) ~~.. /~'OF nm CI~~ l- llf