57R-3971 RESOLUTION NO. 3971 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3940, ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF .ANAHEIM ESTABLISHING A BASIC COM- PENsATION PLAN FOR CERT.A.D( CLAJlSES OF EMPLOy- MENT IN THE MUNICIPAL SE:R.V~CE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM AND ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT OF E:wPLOYEES WITHIN THE WAGE AND SALARY SCHfCDttLES; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN FRINGE BENEFITS. :pHYSICAL ~INATIONS. .HOLJl)A YS AND VACATIONS AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NUMBER. 3355 AND AMENDMENTS rrHER.ETO. Ie: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the following change be made to Resolution 3940, entitled "A resolution of the City of Anaheim establi!lhing a basic compensation plan for certain classes of employnlent in the municipal service of the City of Anaheim and establishing regulations for the placement of present employees within the wage and salary schedules provided; providing for certain fringe benefits. physical examinations. holidays and vacations and repealing Resolution Number 3355 and amendments thereto. II ~- ' SECTION 3: ALLOCATION OF CLASSES OF EMPLOYMENT TO SALAR Y AND WAGE SCHEDULES. (b) (The following class title shall be added thereto): r Senior Typist Clerk 2.5 The effective date of this resolution shall be July 1. 1957. The foregoing resolution is approved and signed by me this 2nd day of July . 1957. Il4 ATTEST: ~ 7n~' , C ~I(OF~ ,-". ~)n ~ OEfltUTY CITY CLERK CITY OF ANAHEIM --- ",.... - ~ ~~Alas. 1, !m1lE...IlLI.p., City Clerkef the City of Knabia, do heH" -r'laifj Qat theforeg()ift9-R.so~lItlmt~w"dulY passed llnd adopted at an ad.jQUIMd. regular. _.U.n, of tile 'City Couatil of the Ci ty of Anaheim, .. on the 2nd day of J11I1y, 1957, by the following vot;e of. a.' JliUlbers thereofs ~- - , .AYG" OOlJIEIIJQ!Jh- Pearson, :Coorts," .Pry and s.c1l.utte"~- NOES s . CCllX;n.JI!Jh NOM --.us.rrl cOut.lC;p:JiE.s Wisser ..... t AJII) I FUR'IlIER catrFY "that the "yorof the CItY. of Anaheill approved"ane signed said Resoltttion on the 2Jm. day of July, 1957. II 1I11II!!SS 1IHU1roF, I have hereunto set .., h~d and affixed . . -.. -- . - , --- ~'- ~ .:. I the'seal of the City of Anaheim this 2nd day <If July, 1957. j)~b'~~ eIlY CLIRK OF ~_ ~..~)n..~~ O&:PUTY CITY CLER.K CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL ) ~