57R-3945 _f'\ I ----- .,,-. -.,,", - RESOLUTION NO. ~Q4~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE 20th DAY OF AUGUaf , 1957 , IN A CERTAIN TERRITORY IN THE COUNTY O~NGE CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED TO SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM; PROVIDIID FOR THE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION AND SUBMIT- TING TO THE ELECTORS R#lSIDING IN SUCH TERRITORY THE QUESTION \VHETHER SUCH TERRITORY SHALL BE ANlffiXED TO, INCORPORATED IN, AND MADE A PART OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUB- JECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY tnTH PROPERTY \flTHIN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TO PAY ITS PRO RATA PORTION, BASED UPON ASSESSED VALUATION, OF ALL THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY OF ANAHEIM OUTSTANDING ON THE 16t11 DAY OF APRIL , 19 57 , OR THERETOFORE AUTHORIZED; DESCRIBING SAI~ TERRITORY AND DESIGNATING IT BY THE NAME OF NQRTHEAST ANNEXATION NO.2-A ; ESTABLISHING AN ELECTION PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE IN SAID TERRITORY; APPOINTING THE OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR SAID SPECIAL ELECTION, AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did on the IGtA day of April , 19 57 ,receive a written petition asking that certain new territory described in said petition be annexed to the City of Anaheim; and WHEREAS, said territory so proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and is oontiguous to the City of Anaheim, and said petition oontains a description of said territory in words and figures as hereinafter in this resolution described; and WHEREAS, said petition is signed by not less than one- fourth of the qualified electors residing within the territory hereinafter described, as shown by the County Registration of Voters; and WHEREAS, said new territory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim does not form a part of any municipal corpor- ation, and more than twelve (12) qualified electors residErl wi thin the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed at the time of the filing of said petition for said annexation, and said electors are bona fide residents of said new territory and said terr-~tory is inhabited; and l,ffiEREAS, on the 16th day of A~ril , 19 57 , the City Council of the City of Anaheim id a0~p~ts Resolution No. ~~__. declaring it8intention to call a 8pecial election to be heL~< n.lt SoorJer t'J&n .."l.::'ty-flm.r (54.) days nun lB.ter than :"ev"l;]~y-:f'17e (75.' day, ar~e;-> Pl8 tey-r'5.nation of -r.r:.e heari:':1g of rr'o+;e~'i:sJ and of i'~~: inte:::t:..o'r1 to submit tll" Ql1Gst:Lon of annexa- tion 'co the 81ech:" 'i ]"E;s~d:'.rlg in the tArr:L'~ory described in said 1JY'~, ttep peti tiOl]~ 1,i:l~"(>h r0.<o>cl'J.t'top. did spocifica~ly describe -She uou"]c'.3rie,'J cof the t3rJcjtOJ':T p:>'Jposed to be annexed, and designate the ':F,T'rHor-:v by the na!lJ.e 'jf NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO.2-A b',r which it should be referred to upon t;:,e .onllots L'.sed at the ele~tion-, 9.:Jd did contain a notice 01' the day~ hour and place where any person owr::ing real pl'operty within said territory could appear before the legislative body of -1- ,- ~ /"'~ .... - ~..-...., the City of Anaheim and show cause why such territory should not be IlnDeJted to the City, not less than fifteell (1$) days nor more than. forty (40) day. s a1'ter the passage of said resolutio17, to wit, on the 21st day of XaYJ 19 57 ; and the City' Council did find and de~ine that the p~popents Wbofiled said peti- tion tor annexation had done and performed allot the things re- quire4 to. be done and. performed by the Annexation Act of 1913 (Title IV, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Articles 1 to 4, inolu- sive, of the Govemmen t Code of the State of California) ~d did further fi~d that all of the provisions of said Annexation Act of 1913>> as B..'llended, required to be complied ,.i th before the adop- tion of said resolution had been complied with prior to the adopt~on thereof~ which resolution was duly published once a weak for two weeks prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation publiShed in the City of Anaheim, there being no news- paper of general circulation published in the territory proposed to be annexed, and direoted the City Clerk to oause written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each owner of an equitable or legal interest in the land, other. than an easement or right of way Wi thin the territory to be annexed, who had filed his, her or its n~e and a general description of such land sufficient to identify it on the last equalized County Assessment Roll or with said Clerk, and furthor direoted that said notice be mailed not less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation, and ~VIIEREAS" saie.. City Cou.:1cil did, pursuant to its Resolu- tion No. _3814 , . hold a public meeting and hearing on the 21st day of "Xi;r , 19 57 ,at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the City vouncil Chamber in the City Hall, in the City of Arlaheim, the date fixed in said resolution as the day~ hour and place when and where any and all persons owning real property W'1 thin the boundaries of the territory So proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexation~ might appear before the Oi ty Councj.l of the Oi ty of Anaheim and show cause why such territoryahould not be so annexed, which said resolution did notify all persons having any ob:ections to such proposed annexa- tion to appear on said date at said hour and place to show cause, if any they had~ why such territory should not be annexed: and further notifying such persons that any protests against the calling of an election to submit to the electors residing within said territory the question of annexation to the City of Anaheim, and any protests ageins t the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim must be in writing and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim not later than the hour and date set forth in such resolution for the hearing of objections to said election and the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim, which said resolution was duly publiShed once a week for two successive weeks prior to the date fixed for the hearing of protests and ob- jections to said election and annexation.of said territory to the City of Anaheim. in the Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of gene~al circulation, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California; and WHEREAS, at pUblic hearings held on the 21st Qat;, of Hay, 1~'i7 ~Ii ~~ 1r\h day of June, 1957 .4 the Ci Council o the Ci y 0 naheim did hold hearings to hear all wri tten pro- tests theretofore filed objecting to the calling of said special election or the annexation of said territcry hereinaftar described to the City of Anaheim~ and the City Council does hereby find that written protests were not made by the owners of one-half (1/2) of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll, or otherwise; and -2- ,- -, r- ~'!"" WHEREAS, said petition contains a request that the City Council of the City of Anahe~ call a special eleotion to be held in said territory thereby proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim and giving notioe thereof as required by law, and to submit to the electors residing within said territory the question whether said new territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City of Anaheim, and said petition also contains a request that the question to be submitted at such special eleotion to the electors residing within said new territory shall be whether said new territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of said City of Anaheim, and the property therein be, after such annexation, subject to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata share, based upon assessed valuation of all bonded in- debtedness of the City of Anahe~ outstand~ng or authorized at the date of the filing of said petition, to wit: April 16, 1957; and WHEREAS, certain property owners owning property within the territory proposed to be annexed have requested that the following desaribed property be exoluded from the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, to wi t : r" , -; r'~' -)- [!r L .- -. DESCRIPTION OF LAlli) EXCL~D FROM NOR!llE;:AST ANNEXATION NO. 2-A _,I"'" A parcel of land located in the County of Orange, State of California and being the Nt of the st of Lot 15 in Block K of the Kraemer Tract as shown on a Map thereof filed in Book 12, Pages 87 and 88 of Miscellaneous RecordSt Los Angeles County, California, more particularly described as follows. Beginning at the point of intersection of the easterly right of way line of Dowling Avenue and the south line of the Nt of the st of said Lot 15; thence, 1. Easterly along said south line to the east line of said Lot 15; thence, 2. Northerly along said east line to the north line of the st of said Lot 15; thence, 3. Westerly along said north line to a point of intersection with the easterly right of way line of said Dowling Avenue; thence, 4. Southerly along said easterly right of way line to the point of beginning. ....-. .....,.J .J+- ,~ - r :~ AND WHEREAS, the City Council does find that the total area of the property so requested to be excluded from said annexation is less than five per cent (5%) of the total area of the territory originally proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim and that it would be to the advantage of and for the benefit of said property owners and the City of Anaheim to exolude the territory hereinabove described from said proposed annexation; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the territory hereinabove described in the preceding paragraph of this Resolution be,- and the same is hereby excluded from the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim in the NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO. 2-A proceeding. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that a special election be and the same is hereby called to be held on Tuesday, the 20th day of ~.t , 1957, in said new territory mentioned n he petition aforesaid and hereinafter more particularly described, and proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of submitting to the electors residing in said new territory the question whether the said new territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City of Anaheim and the property therein be, after such annexation, sub- ject to taxation equally with the property within said City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata share, based upon assessed valuation, of all of the bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim out- standing on the 16th day of April, 1957, or theretofore authorized. The new territory in which such special election is hereby called and shall be held, is situated in the County of Orange, state of California, the boundaries of which are described as follows: ..-"""" -5- - NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO. 2A --------------------------- A par c e 1 of land located in the County of Orange I State of California, and more particularly described as follows: ~ ~~ BegilUling at an angle point in the existing City limits line of the City of ADaheim as established by the Northeast Annexation of the City of Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 11 08 on December 6, 1956, and filed with the Secretary of State on January 8, 1957 I said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot 8, Block 9, of the Golden State Tract asahown on a map filed in Book 4, Page 66 of Miscel- laneous Mapa in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County: thence, 1. Easterly along the southerly line of Lot 7 of Block 9 of said Golden St,l.te Tract, to a point, said point being the southwest corner of Tract No. 1067 u ahoWll on a map filed in Book 34 of Page 34 of Miscellaneous Map. in the office of.aid. County Recorder: thence, 2. Continuing euterly along the southerly line of said Tract No. I06~ to tILe southwesterly corner of Lot 6 in Block 8 of said Golden State Tract; thence, 3. Contintung easterly along the southerly line of Lot 6 and. its easterly prolongation through Blocks 8, 7,6, 5 and 4 of said Golden State Tract to a point, s aid. point being the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 4 of said Golden State Tra.ct, --.id. point al.o being the westerly line of Tract No. 994 as shoWll on a map in Book. 33, Pale 8 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder; thence, 4. Northerly along the westerly line of said Tract No. 994 and its northerly prolongation to a point, said point being in the southerly right of way line of Oran..taorpe Avenue 80 feet wide: thence, 5. Euterly along the southerly righ.t of way line of said Orangethorpe Avenue to a poiat of intersection with the easterly right of way line of Miller /~ Street 40 feet wide: tnenee, 6. Southerly along said easterly right of way line of Miller Street to a point of intersection with the northerly right of wa.y line of Anaheim Road. 40 feet wiele: thence, 7. E&ll;terlyalong said northerly right of way line to a. point. a&id point being in the ..esterly line of Lot 42 of Hazard's Subdivision as shown on a map -6- - filed in Book 1, Pa.ge 26 of Records of Survey in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 8. Northerly &long sa.id westerly line to a line parallel with and G4. 64 feet ~, u.orta of the southerly line of said Lot 42; thence, 9. Easterly a.long a line parallel with and 424. 64 feet di.tant from said southerly line of Lot 42 to a point of intersection with the easterly right of wa.y line of the Atchison, Topeka and. Santa Fe Railway, lOO-foot right of way: thence 10. North~terly along said easterly risht of way line to it. point of inter- sedion witA the westerly right of way line of Jefferson Street 59 feet wide; thence, 11. Soutllerly along the westerly right of way line of said Jefferson Street to a point, said poiAt being ~O feet nortllerly from the southerly line of Section 32, Township 3 South, Ranie 9 West; thence, 12. W..terly along a. line parallel with and distant 20 feet as me_ured at ript anales from the southerly line of said Section 32, a distance of 20 feet; "enee , 13. Southerly 20 feet to a point, said point being inthe southerly line of said Section 32 and. distant 20 feet westerly as measured at right angles from the easterly line of said Section 32; thence, 14. Southerly alolll the westerly right of way line of J effers 011 Street to a point of intersection with ,the southerly line of Lot 2 of Section 5, Townahip "South, Ranae 9 West, S. B. B. and14., as shown on a map filed in Book 1 Pa,e 29, :a.ecords of Survey in the office of the County Recorder of said County; thellCe, 15. CoJd:inuiDa southerly alonl the westerly right of way line of said Jefferson Street to a point of intersection with the westerly prolonaation of the IlOrtherly line of Lot 21 of the J. D. Taylor Tract as shown on a Wap thereof filed in Book 5, PILle 16 of Miscellaneous Wap8, Records of Orange County: - theace, 16. Bastedy along the northerly line of said Lot Zl and its westerly prolongation 673 feet, more or Ie.., to a point, said point being the northwest COrner of a tJ'act of laad. d.escribed in a need recorded on March 2.6, .1.912 ana med in Book 207, PILle Z350f Deeds, in the office of the Couaty Recorder of. -7- said Orange County; thence, 17. Southerly alOAg the west line of the last mentioned tract of land, the following courses and distances: - o South 49 18' East 131 feet; th..ence, South 12.0 18' Ea.st 160 feet.; thence, South 470 10' East 353.34 feet; to the poW of intersection with the northerly line of t.lte Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Company Can.al, as shown on the Wap of Record of Survey filed in Book 4. Page 45 of Rtt::ords of Survey. in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence, 18. Southerly in a direct line to a point, said point being the northwest coraer of Lot 1 of Trac:t No. 58 as shown on a map filed in Book 10, Page 6 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; tIleace, 1'. Following the westerly and southerly boundary of said Tra.ct No. 58 to tile point of intersection with the east line of Section 9, TO'WDJIhip 4 South, Range 9 West, S. B. B. L: W; thence, 2.0. Soutlt.erly along the east line of said Section 9 to a point, said point Hi.. 2.000 feet D.orth of the south line of said Section 9; thence, 2.1. Westerly along a line parallel with ana 2.080 feet northerly of the south line of saidSedion 9 to a point in the east line of the southwest quarter of said Section 9; theD.ce, 2.2.. Continuing northwesterly in a direct line to a. point, said point being ia the e&st line of the west one-half of the southwest one-quarter of said Section I) aJld 2.300 feet north of the south line of said Section; thence, 2.3. Northwesterly in a direct line to a. point in the easterly right of way line of the C.a1iiornia State Highway Route ORA - Vll - o43B, said point being - 1958 feet south.erly as measured along said easterly right of way line from the intersectiGn of said easterly right of way line with the southwesterly houndary of said Tract )(0. 58; tllence, Zo4. Northeasterly along said easterly rigJa.t of way line of sai.State High.way to the point of intersection with the sO\ltll.erly prol~ij.oJl of tke ...t liRe of that parcel of land described in Deed No. 51318 to Margaret K. -3- -- Hill and recorded OctoGer 2, 1952, in the Qffice of theCouaty Recorder of said Orange County, said east line also Geing s.own on a map in Book 25, Page 2.6 of Recora. of Survey in th.e office of tlt.e CQ\Ulty Recorder of said Orange County; thence, ....... 25. Northerly along th.e southerly prolongation of said east liae to a point of intersection with t.b.e north.erly right of way line of Santa. Ana. Canyon Road; thence, 26. J(or'thwester1y along the northerly right of way line of said Santa Ana Canyon Road to a point of intersection with the east line of Lot 16 of the J. D. Taylor Tract as shown on a map thereof filed. in Book 5, Page 16 of Miscellaneous Maps, B.ecoras of O....e County; th.ence 27. lforth.erly along t.b.e easterly line of Lots 16,15 and 7 of the said J. D. Taylor Tract to the northeast corner of said. Lot 7; thence, 28. Westerly along tAe IlOrtherly line of Lot 7 of the said J. :D. Taylor Tract to a point of intersection with th.e northerly line of the a.."c:''ho Santiago tie Santa Ana.; thence, 29. Westerly along said Rancho line to a point of intersection with. the aou.taerly prolongatioll of the westerly line of Lot 34 of Orange Grove Acres Mo. 2 as Sh.OWll all a :map thereof filed in Book 7, Page 36 of Miacella.neou Maps, R~ra. of Orange County; thence, 30. Hortherly along th.e westerly line of saiel Lot 34 and ita southerly pro- lo.ation to th.e northwest corner of said Lot 34; thence, 31. CoJltinu.ina lUlr1:lLerly along th.e weaterly line of th,a.t strip of land. descriGed in a deed to Orange County and filed. in Book 433, Page 202 of Deea. Recora. of Orange County a diatance of 100 feet to the northerly line of said at rip of laad; thence, 32.. Easterly ala. the IlOrtherly line of said.stl'ip of land to a point of intersection with. tAe easterly right of way line of Hewkirk Road.;. thence, 33. Hortherly along the easterly righ.t of w..y line of aaidNewldrk Road and ita nol'therly pro1QDptioJ1 to a poW of intersection with the aor1:lLerly ript of way line of State Higkwa.y !loute 175-B; th.ence, -9- .- ,. 34. Westerly along the northerly right of way line of said State Highway :Ro\\te 175-B to a point of intersection with the southerly prolongation of the - ceRter line of DowliBl Avenue; thence, 35. JloriAerly along said southerly prolongation to a point of intersection with the soutaerly ript of way line of Corona Street; thence, 36. EasterlyalOAg said southerly right of way line a di.taace of ZO feet to the southerly proloJllgation of the easterly right of way line of DowliJlg Avenue; thence, 37. Northerly along said southerly prolongation and said easterly right of way li.. to a point of intersection with the south line of the N 1/2 of the S 1/2 of Lot 15 of Block K of the Kraem.er Tract as shown ona map thereof filed in Book 12, Pales 87 and. 8.8 of Miscellaneous :Records of Los Angeles County, California; thence, 38. Euterlyalong said south line to the east line of said Lot 15; thence, 39. North.erly along said east line to the north line of the S 1/2. of said Lot 15; thence, 40. Westerly along said. north line to a point of intersection with the easterly rigkt of way line of said Dowling Avenue; thence, 41. Northerly along said euterly right of way line to the southerly rigllt of way line of Anaheim :Road; thence, 42. Westerly along the soutll.erly right of way line of said .ADaheim. Road to a point of intersection with the easterly line of Lot 1, Block 10 of Golden State Tract as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 4, Pages 66 and 67 of Mis- cellaneous Maps recorda of Orange County; thellce, 43. Southerly along the easterly line of said. Lot I to the southeast corner of said. Lot 1; tkence, ,"" 44. Westerly along the southerly line of Lots 1 and Z, Block 10 of said Gold.en State Tract to a point of intersection with the noriAeasterly right of ....y line of State Hipwa.y Ro\\te 175-B;thence, 45. Southerly in a direct line to a point of intersection of the south- ....terly riJht of way line of state lloute 175-:8 with the ea.tady line of Lot 8 .... of the SoutllP1a.centia Tract )(0. 1 as showa on a map thereof filed in Book 5, -l~ - -- Pale 42, Miscellaneous Maps Records of Orange County; thence, 46. Southerly &long the easterly line of said Lot 8 to it point of intersection witla the northerly right of way line of East La P&lma Avenue (otherwise known as East North Street); thence, 47. Westerly aloll& the northerly right of way line of said. La Palma Avenue to a point of intersection with the existing City limit line of the City of .Anaheim as ..tahlieed. by the East Sycamore Annexation and paned. by Ordinance 1017 on September 2.7, 1955, and filed with the Secretary of State on October 28, 1955; t:h eac:: e , 48. Rortlaerly &long the existin& City limit line to an angle point, .aid point beiq on the northeasterly right of way line of said State Highway Route 175-B; t:heace, 49. Northwesterly along the northeasterly right of way line of State Route 175-B and. the existing City limit line to a point of intersection with the southerly line of the Northeast Annexation to the City of .Anaheim as e.tablieed by Ordh',"ce 1108 on December 6, 1956, and filed with the Secretary of State on January 8, 1957; thence, 50. Easterly &long the southerly boundary line of said Northeast Annexation to a point of intersection of the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 12. of Block 9 of the Golden State T r&ct as shown on a map thereof filed in Book 4, Page 66-67 of Miscellaneous Waps Records of Orange. County; tlaence, 51. Rortherly &loq the existiDJ City limit line and the easterly line of said. Lot 12 and it. southerly proloDlation to the point of beginning. .- -11- -- ,~- AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the polls of said election shall be opened at 7:00 o'clock A.U. of the day of said election and shall remain open oontinuously from said time until 7:00 o'clook P.M. of the same day, when said polls shall be olosed, exoept as provided in Seotion 5734 of the Eleotions Code of the State of California. -"", AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that at said special elec- tion the question whether said new territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City of Anaheim, and the property in said new territory be, after such annexation sub- jeot to taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed valu- ation, of all of the bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on the 16th day of April , 19.51.-, or there- tofore lituthorized, shall be submitted to the eleotors residing in said new territory so proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim. That said new territory hereinbefore and in said petition for annexation desoribed is hereby designated as It JiOB!HEAST ANNEXATION NO. 2-A," ~ and said territory shall be indioated and referred to by the name of NO~HEAST ANNEXATION NO.2-A. . upon the ballots to be used at said speoial eleotion, at whioh the ques- tion of suoh annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim is submitted to the eleotors of said territory, and the name "IORT.BEAST ANNEXATION NO.2-A" whenever used in the notioe of said speoial eleotion hereby oalled in said territory, and any and all proceedings for the annexation of said territory to the dity of Anaheim shall mean and shall be oon- strued to mean the territory hereinbefore and in said petition desoribed, and so proposed by said petition to be annexed to said City of Anaheim. That on the ballots to be used at said special eleotion in addition to any other matters required by law, there shall be printed substantially the following: MA,RK CROSS (~) ON BALLOT ONLY \lITH RUBBER STAl.{P: NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL. (~SENTEE BALLOTS HAY BE HARKED \HTH PEN AND INK .QB PENCIL. ) INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote on any measure, stamp a oross (+) in the votin~ square after tne word lIYESlI or after the word NOll. All marks, exoept t he cross (+) I are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. r-. ............. If you wrong~y stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspeotor of election and ob- tain another. On absent voter's ballots mark a oross (+) with pen or pencil. ~i2- - ~ NSA~URZ SUBMITTED TO VOTE OF VOTERS - ~'-'--+". '.-.'..--'.-.---- -,-.... : Shall NORTHEAST ANNEXATION NO. 2-.A. : : be annexea to .. the City at .tnahe1m, Cautor-: : n1a, and the property 1n said JlORTBE.A.S~ : YES ; 8~~~;f:tr~~-;-~ito-Ject to t~:~iO~r:~~l_~ :1y With the property within said City or : : A nahe 1m , to pay its pro rata ?ortlon, based: : upon aenca.ed valuation, ot all bonded.ln- : : deltte4nees ot said City of Anahe1m ou~tand- NO : inc on .A.1U"1l ~'th .. ,195'7, or :theretotore author1zed? A cress (+) plaoed 1n the voting square after the word IIYES" 1n the manner here1neefore prov1dE'!d shall be counted 1n favor ot the adoption of the proposition or measure. A oress (+) plaoed in the voting square a.fter the word "NI')II in the manner h~r$inbefore provided shall be counted ~lnst the adoption of the proposit1on. The qualified electors residing in said new territory so proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim are hereby dlrected to vote upon the question of the annexation of said. territory to the City of Anaheim and the subjection of said territory, atter annexation, to taxation eq~ally with the property within said C1ty of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata portion, based ~pon assessed valuat10n, of all bonded indebtedness of said City of Anahelm out- standing on #ri~ 16th . , 19 57 , or theretofore author- ized, by staJIping a cross\+rTii the~ voting square after the word IIYSS. on the ballots to be used in said election, or by stamping .;1. "roes (+) 1n the voting square after the word Il~O" o-n such bal~o~, If an elector shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the printed word IlYES", the vote oCsuoh elector shall be counted 1n favor of said terrltory being annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of the City of Anaheim and the property ln said terri- tory be, after such annexation, subject to taxation, to pay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed valuation, of all bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on April ~ , 19 57 , or theretofore authorizedj ana: if an eI&C\or shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the :)rinted word "NOli, the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. riND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the purpose of hold- ing said eleotion there shall be, and here is established, one election precinct designated as hereinafter stated. The polllng place for said precinct shall be the plaoe hereinafter designated and the persons hereinafter named, being competent ~nd qualified electors and residents of said torritory and of said election ---- Polling Plaoe: .A.l Tin J. Rogers t Garage - 16302 East Anahe1m Road, Orange .Oounty,Ca1.1fornia. Inspector: Leona Schulz "'- Judge: Judge: Myrtle B. Rogers Elizabeth L. Anderson 1 . t Except as otherwise provided in this resolut1on sald eu:1 iO~herebY called shall be conducted as provided by iaw for m c P elections in the City ot Anahe1m and the Annexation Act of 191J (Statutes 1913, Chapter J12, Title IV, D1vision 2. Part 2 ~~Pter 1, Articles 1 to 4 1nclus1ve, ot the Government Code ot ' eState ot Cal1fornia) and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City ot Anahei. be, and he is hereby, aUithor1zed and direoted to give notioe of said special election by oa.u sing a notice thereot to be pUblished onoe a week tor tour (4) successlve weeks prior to the 6th day of A1lg118t . 1957 in the PUf!1I!ftll COtDlIER _ _______ ~ . _, -- -. Poll1ng Place: Inspeotor: Alvin J. Rogers' Garage -- 16302 East Anaheim Road, Orange. County,Ca.l.1fornia. Leona SchUlz ~ Judge: Judge: Myrtle B. Rogers Elizabeth L. Anderson Except as otherwise prOVided in this resolution, said election hereby oalled shall be conducted as provided by law for municipal eleotions in the City of Anaheim and the Annexation Act of 1913 (Statutes 1913, Chapter 312, Title IV, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Articles 1 to 4 1nolU81Y8, or the Government Code of the State ot Oalifornia) and all aets amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to give notice ot said speoial eleotion by causing a notice thereof to be published onoe a week for tour (4) successive weeks prior to the 't.b. day of A~t , 19 57 ,in the pI..6CENTI~ ~O~IEB. , a newspaper of general ciroulat- ion printe a published outside of the City of Anaheim, but in the County of Orange, in whioh the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim is situated. Such notioe shall distinotly state the date of suoh speoial election, the measure or proposition to be submitted at such speoial eleotion, to wit: That it is proposed to annex to, incorporate in, and make a part of said City of Anaheim the aforesaid territory sought to be annexed and shall specifioally describe the boundaries thereof, and that after such annexation, such territory shall be subject to taxation equally with the property within said City of Anaheim, to pay its pro rata portion, based upon assessed valuation, of all bonded indebtedness of said City of Anaheim outstanding on the l6~ day of April , 19 57 ,or theretofore authorized. Such notice shall distinctly designate said terri- tory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim as NORTHEAST .llltpi:Y&.n.oN liO.........2-A as the name by which such terri- tory snaJ.l be indioated upon the election ballots; that such notice shall instruct the electors how to vote at said speoial election; that with respect to the assumption of bonded indebted- ness said notioe shall: 1. State distinctly the proposition to be submitted. 2. Specify the improvement or 1mprovements for whioh the indebtedness was inourred or authorized. ,,-. - 3. State the amount or amounts of such indebtedness outstanding at the date of the first publicat- 10n of the notlce. 4. State the amount authorlzed to be represented by bonds to be iSsued. 5. State the maximum rate of interest payable or tc be payable on the indebtedness. Suoh not1ce shall designate the election precinot, the place at which the polle will be open, and the hours at which such pOlls will be open for such election in said new territory as establish_ ed by this reeOlution, In suoh notice, the qualified elector. residing in said new territory so proposed to be annexed shall be direoted to vote upon the question of annexat10n as hereinabove provided. ...... - - r AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that immediately upon the closing of the pollsl the election officers for said election precinct hereinabove designated shall count the ballots, make up, certify, and seal the ballots and tally sheets of the ballots cast, and deliver them, with the returns, to the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim; that at its next regular meeting held not less than six (6) days nor more than seven (7) days from and after the date of the election, the City Council shall canvass the returns. The canvass shall be completed at the meeting, if praeticable, or as soon as possible, avoiding adjournments. Immediately upon completion of the canvass, the legislative body shall cause a record to be entered upon its minutes stating the proposition submitted, the number of votes cast, and the number of votes cast for and against annexation and thereafter the City Council shall take and conduct such further proceedings as are provided for in the Annexation Act of 1913 and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, hereinabove referred to. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me this JJlih day of Jue - , 19 57 . ~ .. Hb~~'NAHEIM. MAY~~NAHEIII. ..... STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUlfTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CrTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, D~H. w~ ' City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do here y oer hat the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at an;ar1J.rnft,f.~r. meeting provided by law of the City Council 0 he cJ y . Anaheimt held on the ~..... day of .runt ,1957, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: COUNCILMEN: Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser COUNCILMEN: None. Anaheim .1'"1:1,, ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Pearson. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayo?gf'fMe City of approved and signed sai d resolution on the 11th day of , 19 57 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Anaheim this lath day of Jue , 19 57 . ~~ ~AHEIM. .r" Jp..-' (SEAL) -:ui.- IF I I ~