57R-3863 --- .......... ~ RIIOLUT ION NO. ~ A QSC1UTION 0' THE CITY COUNCIJ. 01' TM! CITY OF AMJIE1M PIrmING AND DETIRM.INING THAT A CHANG! OF ZOIIE IS NECESSARY IN CERTAIN AREAS 01" THE CITY, AND. THAT ARTICLE IX, CHAPTER 2 \)Jl' TM! ANAHEIM MUJUCIPAL COD! SHOOLD BE AM!NDEP TO ACCCIIPLISH SA 11') CJW<<)! OF zotC!. WH!I!AS, the 'City Planning CO~.I"lon ot the City ot Ana- h.la h.. h.retotore d1l1y p....d and adopt d . r..oluUon d.clarlng It. Illtatlon to chang. the bound.rl.. 0 i the zon. or zon.. h.reln... attt1" mentlon.d and d..orlb.d .nd did tlxi a tim. .nd plac. tor the boldS.; ot a public h..l'lng thereon. In thle manner and a. prelcr lb.d In -',Uele IX, Chapt.r 2 ot the Anaheim ~nlclpal Cod., and did duly hold and conduct such public hearing to don.ld.r .ald propol,d ch.nge ot .~. or zone., and did r.celv. .vldenc. and reports trom p.rlons lnt'I'..t.d th.r.ln, and WHEREAS, within a period ot rorlty (40) day. following the thual hearing th.reon, the Planning Commliulon did duly announo. by to~l r..olutlon Its tlndlng. or ractl .nd d.clar. It I opinion. and r...oa. tor r.comm.ndlng an am.ndm.nt to.ald Article IX, Chapt.r2 ot tile Anaheim Municipal Cod. to .frect ~he propolld chang.. In the bound.rl.. ot the zone h.rdnafter m.ntiClln.d Ind d..crlb.d, and WHEREAS, upon r.celpt or the r.port and recommen4atlon ot the City Planning Commllllon, the City Cduncll did th.reupon fix the ~day of ~, 19-51 , a. the tlm. and the Council ~In the ~h. cTIy or Anah.lm a. the pl.c, tor . public hearing upon .ald propo.ed chang. ot zon., Ind did glv. notice ther.of In the ..nn.r and .. provided In .ald Artlcl. IX, Chapt.r 2 of the Anaheim Municipal Cod., .nd WHEREAS, at the tlm. and place flx.d tor .ald public h.ar- lag, the City Council did duly hold and conduct luch public h.arlng and .Id glv. all p.non. Int.rested th.r,ln an opportunity to b. h..r' and did r.c.lv. .vld.nc. and r.port., and did th.r.upon con- ald.r the r.co...nd.tlon. ot the City Pl_nnlng COmmllllon, and WHlRIAS, the City Council do.. tlnd Ind d.t.rmln. that the prop.rty and &re& propos.d to b. obang.d trom the Ion. In Which It 1. ... tltuat.d to a dltt.r.nt Ion., a. h.relnatt.r I.t torth, S. mol" aultabl. tor the lone or zon.. to which It I. propo..d to chang. .ald prop.rty and ar.a and that the Inclu.Son of .aSd prop.rty and a,.. In .uch new Ion. or Ion.. will lncr.... the valu. of .ald p,operty and &r.a and will not d.pr.clate the valu'l ofprop.rty In adjoining lone.. NC'1II, TH!RIPOItE, BE IT RESOLVED by the ctty Councll of the City ot Anah.lm that all of the property and ar.a .ltuat.d In the City of Anlh.l., County of Orang., Stat. of C.llto,nla, d'lcrlbed a. tollo.., to wltr r--. Th.t portion of t~e sout~east quarter of the southeast q.arter of Sectioa 11, Township 4 South, aange 11 Vest, ia the Ianc:ho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, City of ARaheim, Ceunty of OranGe. State of California, as .aid secUon.h shown on a map recorded in Book 51, Page 10. of Mhcellaneou. Map., in the Off ic,e of the CQv.nty Re- corder of .aid county, descrihed a. follows: Commencing at t.he ..ut.aw.st eornerof the sout.heast ~arter ot the a..t~eaat ..arter of aaid SectioB 11, .,.\,,,,., -1- ' oft, ,{7 -, '" . .r"",., - I"""'" which corner is the inters.ctio. of the center lines of Lincoln Avenue and Grand ATe~ue; thence }lorth o. 311 15M West 152.42 feet along .aidcenter line of Grand Avenue to the true point ofbei_nning; thence con- tinuing North O. 31' 15M West ~O.OO reet alon~ said center line of Grand Avenue; th~nce Korth 8,. 41' 30. Eaat 400.00 feet; thence southerlly 492.42 reet parallel with said center line of Grand tven.. to the center line of Lincoln Avenue; thence oath 89. 451 45M We.t 300.00 reet along said. center 1 .ne of Lincoln Avenue; thence North 152.42 feet parallel with the center line of Grand ATenue; thence west 10Q.OO feet parallel with the center line of Lincoln Avenue, to the true point of ~eginninQ. ~e changed from R-A, RESIBENTIAL-AG~lCULTURAL ZONE to C-3, ItEAVY~.ClAL ZOJIE, upon tile follQviRg conditions: 1. That the owners of "~Ject ~roperty place Gf record standard City of ARaheim C-3 Dee4 Restrictions, approved by the City Attorn~. 2. That all eagineerinl re~ir~ents of the City of Anaheim, .uch a. cur~s and g~ttera, sid.ewalks, .treet Irading and paving, drainage: facllities or other pertinent work be complied with as r_quired by the City Engineer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authorized and dir.ected to prepare and submit to the City Council an amendment to Article IX, Chapter 2 of the Anaheim Maniclpal Code to amend said Anaheim MUnicipal Code to acc.mpli.~ the o~Ject herein found and determined to be .8ces- sa~ aad proper. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and ailned by .. this 7th day of May, 19$7. ~~ M.. . ... iJlUIM-~ ATTEST I /-'., ,,-.. t....- -2- if , - .", it sr~n.. OJ:. CA.L.....I.'.9......llNUl ~ Of 0RMGIi) &$. Cctty ,OF ANlHliXll ) . i .c _ ;.': . I, m~ )I.,. "IU.~"CJ tt Cl..~ of the, CiJyot A~e;Ua'J ~(lr.er~b.y,certifY itbatth!! JG:tego.!~.9 Resolution was dUly passed and adopted at,ClnaQjp~'1~ regular meeting, provided by law, df the City C~uncil of the Ci ty of Anaheim, held May 7, 1957, by the following vote of t~ ~rs th~reofl AYES. COUNCIIJIElh Coons, Fry, schutte and Wisser .HQ~~ C()tT){C~~N. None ABSPT~:QIi.J PursOln AND' I FUJl.nmR CERTIFY that the lAayor of the c.it~ of AA$he;' &pproV$d.ahd signed, 'aid~eul\1t~on .on the '7th, d~ of."y,1957.. , . IN'UNE$$' ~RiOF, I ha"", h.~nt(l':&et my hand and affixed the official seal of.~.CltY of ~eim this 7th day of May, 1957. ~~,,- .- hi] , '.Z~/~~~____ ,CITY CU:~ OFm Om; o,,.~Dt ($AI.) ~- '\.