-- ",-..
WHEJtEAS, the Ci ty PIAMing Collll\ijisioJ'l of the City of Anaheill
did J:.eCeive a petition froa the OWJler of certllin real property situated in
tl. City of Anaheia, County of orange, State of California, d.escribed as
That property previously occupied by the Walt Taylor LUllber
COlIpaRy at 125 North Mnchester ~vuue. This property
extends southeasterly frOll the Sputh line of appl1cut's
present auto wrecking plut, 24P feet alonglli.achester
Avenue and. is approxillately 265 !feet deep, extending
Westerly fnJII lanchester, ud is acre particularly described
as followsl
PARCEL 1& That portion of Lot 1 of Helen and Lynch's $ubdivisioR,
as per .up thereof recorded in B~olt 442., at page 158 of
Deed, records of Los Angeles COl$ty, Cal1fomia, bouadeci and
described as follows 1
Beginning at a point in the Southwesterly line of the .State
Highway as described in parcel 11 in deed recorded S.eptellber
23, 1935, in Book 78, at Page 1018, of Official Records in
the office of the County Recordeir of said Orange County, dis-
tant thereen North 470 39' 06" 1I!eat 24.61 feet from the
intersection of said Southweste~ly liRe by the Easterly line
of said Lot 1, and l'UJ'Uling thenCleSouth nO 59' West 130 feet,
thence North 4'tl 39' 06" west, earallel with said. Soutlu!esterly
line, 120 feet; thence North TfO 59' East 130 feet to said
Southwesterly line of the State Highway! thence South 4~
39' 06" East, along said Southwesterly line, 120 feet to the
point of beginning.
P~I. ~I That portion of Lot 1 of Helen and lynch's Subdivision,
ill the City of Anahe~ County of Orange, State of C&lifo1"llia,
as shown on a aap thereof recorded in Book 442, at page 158
of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California, bounded
aad described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the Southwesterly line of the state
Highway, as described in Parcell in deed recorded September
23, 193!>, in Book 780, at page tOe en Official Records,
i1'l. the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County,
distant thereon North 4'tl 39' 06" West 144.61 feet froa the
iAtersection of said Southweste:dy line by the Easterly line
of said Lot 1, and running thence South 770 591 .est 130.00
feet! thence North 470 39' 06" West, parallel .iah said
Southwesterly line, 120.00 feet; thence North 77 59' East
130.00 feet to said Southwester~y lineJ thence South 470
19' 06" East along said Southwesterly line 120 fett to the
point of beginning.
PA:RCE~ 31 Beginnil\g at a point in the Korth line of that certain
property described in deed recotded in Book 109, page 162
deed records of orange County, California; said poW being
located. 130.00 feet South 770 59' West froa the intersection
of the Southwesterly line of the State Highway as described
in Parcell in Deed recorded Septeaber 25, 1935, in Book
780, page 108 of Official Records of Orange County, California
with the West boundary line of the City of .Anaheill running
from said point of beginning South 770 59' West 154.35 feet
to the Northeasterly right of way line of the Southern
Pacific Railway! thence North 510 09' 30" West 146.69 feet
along said right of way line; thence Morth 00 20' 30M W.st
113.89 feet to a point; thence North 770 59' ~ast 81.71 feet
to the Westerly corner of that certain parcel of land con-
veyed to Edward WagJler and wife l>y deed recorded SepteMber
5, 1946, in Book 1432, page 296 of Official Records of Orange
County, California; thence South 470 39' 06M East 264.61 feet
to the point of beginning.
Reserving there fro. for egress and ingress the right of way
over the Southeasterly and SouthWesterly 20 feet thereof.
Being a part of Lot 1, Helen and. LynchSubdirlsioa.
AMD WHERE.AS, the Cl ty Pl4MiJlg Cj)aission did hold a public
hen-ing at the City Hall ia the City of Aaa,he'" on August 6, 1%6, notices
of which said public hearing were duly givea, as required by law aRd the
proviaiofts of Section 9200.17 of the AnaheiIR lNnicipal CodeJ and
1lIERaS, said City Pal:nnin.g Co~saion, after due inspection,
iJt:vestigation and. studies JUde by itself and in its behalf, and after
chle ~ide1'lltlon of all evidence, artd. reports offered at said heariag,
did adopt Resolutioa No. 24, Series 1956-57 rec.-nding that Varince .0.
605 be denied for the reasons therein statedJ and
WHBREAS, tureafter, withill twen!ty (20) days fra the date of
tlw adoption of said resolution, a wrUMn a~al ,.s filed with the
City COWlc11 of the City of AnaheiIR protesti~ the actiOl'l of the City
Planning COIaission denyillg said variance, .... said appeal was set for
public hearing on Septe.r 11, 1956, at 7100 O'dock P..M., at the City
Hall in the City of AaaJteia, and notice of sm:h public hearing was duly
gIven as requU.d by law and the provisions of Section 9200.17 of the
baheill IIwddpal Code; and
lOIlREAS, at the time and place fixed for said public hearing
the Ci ty Council did duly hold and conduct such public hearil'tg and did
give all persons interested thereil\ an opportunity to be heard and did
consider evidence and reports, and did thffreupon continue the utter to
$epteD&r 25, 1956, to allow ti_ for worlting out condi Hons to be estab-
lished for this type of business and for ins.pect1on of the premses; aDd
WlGiREAS-, The City Council did on SepteJlber 25,195.6, agree
to grant said ..,. iaJl~ upon certain CONti tion$ hereinafter set forth and
did again continue the ..tter for a further petted to eRable said applicant
to subJdt plans to be p..sed upon by the City Co~il; and
_flEAS, the City Council does find that!
1. There are exceptional or extraordinary cirCWllStUlcea
or conclitions applicable to the property involv&ll or
to the intended use of the property that do not apply
generally to the property or elass of use in the sale
vicinity and zone.
2. That sl.tCh a variance is necessary for the preservation
and enjoYIMnt of a substantial property right possessed
by other property in the Salle vicinity and zone od
denied to the property in qUesti~
3. That the granting of such ~1aJu:;e will not be _tariaUy
detri..ntal to the public welfare or injurious to the
property or impro~nts in such vicinity and zone in
which the property is located.
4. That the granting of such v~iance will not adversely
affect the cOllprehensive gel'leral zoning pl~l'l.
NQI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of An&heim that a conditional zoning variance. be, aDd the SaM is hereby
granted to Kenneth E. Clark, 137 KorthJrlanche~ter .lvenue, Anaheim, California,
to expand his ~tollObile wrecking yard to include the property hereinabove
described, upon the following conditions.
1. That s~faced off-street puking for customers ol'll.y be
2. That the parking area be IIIa:1'led for parking stalls.
3. That the property be surroun4ed with an eight-foot
corrugated iron or aluainua fence, except that the
west fence uy be chaiR link. All rences are to be
kept in good repair.
4. That no uterials be stacked so that they are visible
frOJll the highway.
5. That signs shall be lillited to one double-faced neon
sign on poles as covered by ~he BuJ.lding Coci.e; and one
other sign parallel to the b\itUding, which sign shall
not exceed 2' x 81 in size.
6. That all cORStruction, alteratiGns., etc. shall be in
accordance with plans and dr~l'lg. subadtted and on
file with the City of A.nahei..
The City Council hereby reserves the right to revoke such
vax-ianee perai t for good cause or failure of $aid owner or his heirs,
succesSQr& 01' assigns, to (:ollply wi th the Anuela JIWlicipal Code and
regulations and the conditions herein. Said variance is grated for the
teDl prescribed by the Artaheia Jlufticipal Code unless othendse specified
TIE FODGOIMG RESOLtJTIOIll is si~d and approved by DIe this
1st day of Kay , 1957.
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~ OF 11iE CI'lY OF A~
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I, DEE M. IILLLWS, City Clerk of the City of A.naheia,
do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced. DO. _opted
at aJi. adjoumed regular ...ting provided by law, of the City CoucH
of t" City of A.naheill, held on the J,at d.ay of ~v , 1957, by
tbe followiJIg vote I
AYES I COtJICIIJIEKI Pearson, Coons, Fry and Wisser
And, ,I rurtaer certify tilI.t the ~Q.1' of the Clt.Y of ~1a
apprc.Wd a.n.d. s1gJaed sU4 resoh.tiea .. tJae. -..E. clly of- Ka.y , 117.>7.
IN 1fITIIESS IHUEOF, I have h.ere\1Ulto set my hand and affixed
the official seal of the City of Anaheia thi$ 1st day of May
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