57R-3739 - - ,"""" -- RESOLUTION NO. ~ A Ra$OLU'11ION OFTllE CI'.FY COUllQ!L OF THE 'et.~ OP AI.E. NQWLEDGING REOf1lllPT OF 09PYOf Mottoa of . .ON .-roCI,ROUL4T,m .A}lEl'J.'~TX:01f IDtLATIlfGTO ..TH.E. ANNElXATION OF :Ta:RrTORY .110 THE anY' OF ANAHEIM Attt> AP'FIX>~VI'l' O.FP_t(J~- TION Td_F.l AWl) APPROVING U'ijE cntCULA~:to)f of SAID PMITION. \vHEREAS~ the following ~lE\med pt'oponents, to wit: i >; 1 DONALD A. YATES, LUELLA I, YAtES, )fRS. GENE UNRUH, N. Ii. SANFORD, JOliN F. ANDERSQN, ALVIN J. ROGERS, MIRTLE B. ROGERS and FRED C. ~.EPElIBRINlt have published a notice of intention topircu1ate .11 iPet1tlon re- lating to and for the annexation of the ter~~torydeScrlbed in said natio3 to the Cit7 of Anaheim.\( wh'ich said notioe was d\11,. pub 11 shed on the 12th day of Karcll .' 19 S7 . ,pursuant to and in aoeordan'ee with the El.cttons boa. of tMS,tate of California in the Ana1l.1Ja Bulletin .. I a ,newspaper of general ciroulation: printed, published and oirculated in the County of Orange, State of California; "here such tarri tory 1s situated,. ancl that an affidavit of publication duly executed by ,_l1.,..rd Fl!,S!.hle.. the prtncl..!al Clerk of saId' new8JiRper~ has been fUed in the of rice of the City.Clerk of the Ci ty of Anahe 1m; and WHEF.EASJ said notice contains the names of the propon- ents intending to circulate the petition and the specific bound- aries of the territory proposed to be annexed to the City 01: Anaheim, and is accompanied by a printed statement not exceedins 500 words in length" containing reasons for the circulation of said pet! tion :for annexation of said territory to the C1 ty of Anaheim; and . 1,IHEREAS, the Cit~T Council finds and determines that it would be to the advantage ane. for the best interests of the resi- dents and citizens of the City of Anaheim and the property owners and qualified electors in said territory for the City Council to approve the circulation of said petition. ....- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the reoeipt of said notice of intention to circulate said petition for the annexation of the property therein described to the City of Anaheim be1 and the same is here- by, acknowledged and that the circulation of said petition by said proponents for the annexation of said territory to the City of Anaheim be, and the same is hereby approved. """-- THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thi s 12 t.b. day 0 f llarcil. , 19 ~7 . -, / .....~./ L.~~'~~ ..~y ~'.'. . T: . '~i . '+- ' . . IlilYOR OF mE a ~.? . . /)1~/ . .t!iHK 0# ~~.l:!iIM. -- S'tnl OF ~'RNIA ) camrrr 0' 0IlIIG! ) ss . cm OF UAHElH ) ~- I, .. M. W1T"~TA., City Clerk of tne City of Anaheim, do herebr c~utify tlaat. the foregoing "iesolution wasiuly pllned and adopted at a~' regular -.ti:ag of t1fe City Council of the City. flf Ana.hebn, held on the 12th day of March, 1957, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYJ8: COOHCIUO:ll: Pearson, Coons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser NO.: C()tlJCIUmN: None ABJIllT: COUHCII.HU: N9ne AND IFUr.tl:wt CDTIFY that the Mayor of theCity of J.naheim approTeG. and. sign_ said Resolution on the 12th day of Karch, 1957. IN Vll'ID1IB lfJOOtIOP, I haTe hereunto Nt my hand and. affiDd. the seal of tll.e City of .baheilll this 12th day of Mareh, 1951. ". ,. ;" /~~~~~ (SIlL) ~ -