(lIft: OF nIt . ~. 1 5.liJRIT .' C .AD D.
WHEREAS, the Oity Council of the .City of Anaheim did cause to
be published in a newspaper of general o1~o~ation, printed, published and
oiroulated in the Oity of Anaheim, to wit: The ~~aheim Bulletin, on the
26tn ef SeDte.lllber and 2nd of ootoper , 1956 , a notioe inviting
sealed proposals for furnishing the followi~g:
All plant, labor, services, materials and
equipment, and all utilities ~d transportation,
including power, fuel and vattr, and performing
all work necessary to furnish and install, in a
good and workmanlike manner, in strict accordance
with the specifications, plan. and drawings therefor
on file in the Office of the ~ity Engineer of the
City of Anahe1m, two 16-inch water wells in the
vicinity of West La Palma Ave~ue between Citron and
West Streets and on West Side of Flaceatia Av.nue
600 feet South of Vermont Stre.t, in the Oity of
Anaheim, to be designated lWELL NO. 14" and "WELL
NO. 151 respectively, Work Order No. 1415, Units
C and D,
in accordanoe with the designs, plans, profiles and specifications pre-
pared b,. ~A~C. E Ho1~akA ni~y T.n~ina.p and the notice inviting
sealed proposals, whio said notice specified that sealed proposals as
speoified 1n said notice would be reoeived up until 7tOO o'olook P.M.
of the tth day of Ootober , 19 5' , and which said notice
did state and declare that, pursuant to the provisions of Seotion 1770 ot
the Labor Oode, the City Council of the City of Anaheim had ascertained
the preVailing rate of wages for each type of labor needed to execute
said contract and did set forth the prevailing hourly wage soale so ascer-
-. ~ tained; and
WHEREAS, at a regular meeti5~ of the City Oounoil held on the
9'tb. day of Oo"iober , 19 , at the hour of 1:00
o'olook P.M. of sald date, said Oity Counoll did hold a publio hearing
for the purpose of opening sealed proposals reoeived up to that tim., tor
furnishing of all plant, labor, servioes, ~erials,and equipment, and all
utilities and transportation, inoludlng power, fuel and water, and per-
forming all work neoessary to oonstruot ~nd oomplete. in a good and
workmanlike manner. in strict aocordanoewith the speoifications.
plans and drawings therefor on file in the office of the City Clerk
of the City of Anaheim, of the publio impWovement here1nabove more
partioularly desoribed and set forth; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did th~reupon refer said bids to
the a~ ty Ell6rine,r .. for examination
tabulation and report to the City Counon!. and said City E~in.er
did thereupon exam~ne and tabulate sai sealed
proposals and report the result of his ta.bulation to the City Counoil;
WHEREAS, the City Counoil did mee!t in regular
session on the 9th day of October . 19 "7 , at the hour
ot 7~eO o'clook P.M, to oonsider the s~aled proposals submitted
for furnishing materials and performing t~e work hereinabove more
partioularly desoribed and set forth, and the City En~ine8r
of the City Of Anaheim did thereupon make his
report and submit his tabulation of said sealed proposals, and the
City Counoil did thereupon find and determine that the sealed proposal
submitted by TiU.TER wtr.T.T, SUPPLY. 11224 S. lPl"Wallr HoulAva,.t1, Mn-row..'lr,l'1alif.
for the oonstruotion, installation and oo~pletion of saiddr1l11nr of two
16M w.tar Welle Well No.14 and Well No. 1 k r & D
hereinahove mentioned and desoribed was t e lowest responsible pro-
posal submitted therefor, and thereupon aooepted said bid and did
award a oontract to said W.A.TER WELL SUPPLY
for furnishing all plant, labor, servioes, materials and equipment
and all utilities and transportation, inoluding power, fuel and water,
and performing all work neoessary to construot and oomplete, in a good
and workmanlike manner, in strict aooordanoe with the speoifioations,
plans, and drawings, the said public improvement as speoified in said
notioe inviting sealed proposals, and did authorize the Mayor and the
C1ty Clerk of the City Of Anaheim to exeo~te a oontraot for and on
behalf of the City of Anaheim with WA'l'I:Bj WELL SUPPLY
, whieh said oontraot was duly
made and entered into on the 12th day of Ootoher
19.....1L-; and
WHEREAS, the said lU.TER WI.T. S~JlLY
has furnished all plant, labor, servioes, materials and equipment and
all utilities and transportation, and performed all work neoessary
for the oonstruotion and oompletion, in a good and workmanlike manner,
in striot aooordanoe with the speoifioati~ns, plans, drawings, of said
publio improvement as speoified in the notioe inviting sealed proposals
and 1n the detail, design, plans, prOfiles, drawings and speoifioations
prepared by Gtor~e E. Relyoke, City E~in,er , and the oontraot
made and entered into with it by the City of Anaheim; and
WHEREAS, the Oi ty Engineer
has duly oertified to the oonstruotion and oompletion of said pUblio
improvement hereinabove mentioned and desoribed in aooordanoe with
the plans and speoifioations and the oontraot doouments duly made and
entered into with said Va tar Well SUPP~T ; and
WHEREAS, the Oity Oounoil finds that said oontraotor has oom-
pleted said publio improvement hereinabove more partioularly desoribed
in aooordanoe with the provisions of the oiontraot and the oontraot
doouments, and that notioe of oompletion should be filed and payment
of the balanoe due said oontraotor authorized 1n aooordanoe with the
oontraot documents.
NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Oounoil Of the City
of Anaheim that all plant, labor, services, materials and equipment
and all utilities and transportation, and the performance of all
work neoessary to construot, install and oomplete, in a good and
workmanlike manner, in strict aooordance with the speoifications,
plans and drawings therefor on file in t~ offioe of the Oity
Olerk of the Oity of Anaheim, together with the appurtenanoes
thereto of said public improvement herein~bove more partioularly
desoribed and set forth, in the City of Anaheim, b~ said oon-
tractor, be, and the same is hereby, aooepted, subjeot, neverthe-
less, to all the terms, oonditions and provisions of the oontraot
doouments, and that the balanoe due said oontraotor for said work
be paid to it thirty-five (35) days from and after final
aooeptanoe of said work as evidenoed by the adoption of this
resolution, but not sooner than thirty (30) days after the date
of the filing of notice of completion, exoepting only such sum
or sums as may lawfully be withheld in aooordance with the pro-
visions of said oontraot and oontraot documents. That acoeptanoe
by the oontraotor of said payments made in accordance with said
final estimate shall operate and shall be a release to the Oity of
Anaheim, its officers, agents and employees from all claims and
liabilities due the oontraotor for anything done or furnished or
withheld or for anything relating to the work or any aot or neg-
leot of the Oity, its officers, agents and employees, exoepting
only olaims against the City for any amounts withheld by the City
at the time of suoh payment.
AND BE IT FURTHB:R RESOLVED that the Mayor and the Oi ty
Clerk of the Gity of Anaheim be, and they are hereby, authorized
to exeoute and file a notice of oompletion of said work as required
by law.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was signed and approved by me
thi8~'h day of .....o.b. , 19 51 .
~-' '-~-' .
/. /71 'j /--/:L~
. . .. OLEM OF '1'~altI OJ' ANAHEIM
l:QJ)(tI OJ OUIGE )88.
cm OF PmtK )
I, DElE M. WTT.T.TDB, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Recolut~ol\ was duly passed and adopted
at a regular meeting of the City Council qf the City of Anaheim., held on
Karch 12, 1957, by tlte following Tote of the ~rs thereof:
I{(IJS :
cotnrCIUCEN: Pearson, Ooons, Fry, Schutte and Wisser
C()tll{CIU!D: None
AID I .ru~ cliTrrr that the Mayor of the City ofAnaheim
approved and signed Mid Jleaolution on the 12th day of March, 1957.
III W1TQB8 WHUIOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the City of .lJtaheim. this 12th day of March, 1957.