2308 W VALDINA AVE (12)Anaheim Union High School District501CrescentRO.Box 3520,Anaheim,CA 92803-3520 12X^0 ILC^Z.O ~D^ (714)999-5454 UNLIMITEDYOU RECEIVED MAY 1 6 2022CERTIFICATEofCOMPLIANCE PAYMENT of SCHOOL FACILITY FEES CITY OF ANAHEIM NOTICE:The 90-day period in which you may protest the fee described herein will begin on the date this fee is imposed by the City or County as a condition of approval for your project,and you have received the requisite notice,the 90-day protest period began at the time your project was approved.Returned checks (NSF)are subject to a $30.00 administrative fee. HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT: Anaheim Union High School District ELEMENTARY DISTRICT:RECEIPT NO.: 1 OWNER INFORMATION: Name; Address: Phone Number:Homei']j^-l iX)--brnkm^-oh ^'Uo\ Cell (714)'2AC1 ~ 2 APPUCANT INFORMATION: Name; Phone Number:Homef7J^) -yamsop ,^lc<uaK3 Cell r/14'1 PROPERTY INFORMATION: Project Address:(A)'A\y^-'/VlPL'KA^tlA.'CA Development Type:()Residential -New ( )Single Family Project Name:JD 2X)Xf)-03 ()Commercial:)Residential -Room Addition { )Multi-Family Condos/Apartments # of units: 4 RESIDENTIAL:COMMERQAL: Total Square Footage: Multiplied by Current Rate Total Square Footage: Multiplied by Current Rate .^^0^--i Eiem.= $Elem.$-+rsr^$5 H.S= $ = $Equals Total Fee:$= $Equals Totaj..Ee^5 FEE WAIVER: Fees Waived:( )Yes ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:^ The above respresentations as to square footage are true,Developer/Applicant agrees that if it is later determined that such respresentationsandtheap^^priate City/County shall be notified. 3 If yes,reason:No 1 not true.Certificate shall automatically terr^ Developer/Applicant Signature: are CERTIFICATION: This certifies that the above named Developer/Applicant has paid school facility fees in compliance 65995. with Government Code Sections 53080 and Represfefl^ativ^-Anaheim Union High School DistrictDate AaUAL FEES PAID:ZllCheckNo. Check No.Anaheim Union H.S.Dist. Distribution;Developer/Applicant.AUHSD Accounting Department.Elementary School District Accounting Department BLD2020-05109