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PIUS 'auJl ^~upunoq 10T~lsJa 100q09 palJJun a6 8~0
aql uI lUIOd a!6UB ^l~alsBaqlnos 8ql 19 6uluUl6aa
..,-.. .
3. That each of said cities agrees with the oth~
to make appropriate adjustments in the above described
boundary line in the event that the same are desirable and
necessary in connection with the servicing of areas lying
adjacent to said common boundary. line.
4. That it is further understood and agreed that
there is now pending before the City of Anaheim an annexa-
tion proceeding known and desIgnated as "Northeast Annexa-
tion No.2" to the City of Anaheim for the annexation of
certain inhabited territory to said city, and that there
is pending before the City Council of the City of Orange
an annexation proceeding known and designated as n
Anne~~tlon ~o. 88 n for the annexation of
certain erritory to the City of Orange, and that the pro-
posed boundary lines of these two annexations conflict with
each other and overlap, and that a portion of said North-
east AnnexationNo. 2 to the City of Anahe.im lies south of
the above mentioned common boundary line, and a portion of
the proposed annexation to the City of Orange lies north
of said common boundary line, and that upon the execution
of the agreement to be made and entered into by and be-
tween said cities that they, and each of them, shall termi-
nate said annexation proceedings and commence new annexa-
tion proceedings, if they so desire, which, in either case,
shall not extend beyond said common boundary line.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed
by me this /--r day of ~ , 1957.
. . .~~dEiM-
~~ .
. ht -'
cm OF ~IM
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of AnaHeim" do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly passed and
adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Anaheim, held on the 1st day of March, 1951, by the following
vote of the lIl.BIIlbe,rs thereof:
AYma CQUNCIIKEN: Pearson, Coou,Fry, Schutte and Wisser
AB:lE!fl' : COUNC lOON : None
AND I FURTHER {:ERTIFY THAT the Maypr of the Citrof Anaheim
apptoved a.nd siqned said Resolution on the 1st day of March, 1951.
IN WITNiBS l'ffiIREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and. af,fixed
the seal of the City of Anaheim this 1st day of March, 1951.
+/~ Ix ~,..: .
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