CITY ur ANAI►►rrA4
RgMNNN WAR/MNa �n♦ rivamrnA r rwrts
Mr Ae awn.#W. 114 ayr✓u
e4✓w, a stone °:�.ol�[si r
wsedMm nee/MwMee
µrmbori34U20L3 w 1(16 Dow
address: V 3b A) u It,
owr t 1 V- tirh
r u/Merabrsod dos erty am propowner Of the above WWWW ed
oerpa 1 I�Nlher oerllry (hat anaAe elwme OKI (ANUM rrwwwx,da alwum of,, present oral
10111Ml lln aM eN k0owing locatlont. All bom mutt be dw*od below
ke Alarmr and Carbon Monoxide Alarm: On the rwlling or well ouulde rA each eeperm
Ing area In the Immediate vicinity of bedroom/# or In each hallway outelde of the roortr.
r Alarms: In each room used for sleeping purposes.
Pisrm and Carbon Monoxide alarm: in each scary, induving any iheudaole i'iaaertlw�
n dwellings or dweti(ng units with split levels and without an Intervening door h� a-- rl
card levels, a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide detector Installed on the upper bW
Ice for the adjacent lower level provided that the lower level Is less than one U an
h upper level.)
mitt with attached gala'get require/carbon mono hr defsefors.
tl Code (GRGI 8ertton R374.6.2,GRG R315.2 states In pan that exieWV dwMMps be
e detectors and carbon monoxlde detactore when a building permlt Is Issued for work on or
Clued at $1,000 or more.' CRC Section R314.3, CRC R316.2 defines required baftne as
Is only used when normal access to the Interior of the dwelling by the Clty of AnW*kn
1 during the course of project construction. 4 Is normally used for exterior pr** such
alb rovers, solar pholovoliair, installations, and simlier exterior runatruction work.
f 11Na 146 Anshelm, Cabfomb UM (7141/6"163 Fhona 1714170S4607 Fax Fatima
wvNl wholm.notbu6dlnp B842