31 (003) Susana Barrios From:Ly Nguyen <eyedocly@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] NO to Salt Development Apartment Complex \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. Dear Anaheim Planning and Building Department, I am a recent first ?me home owner and I live in the East Hills community. One of the main reasons my family specifically chose this neighborhood to live in is because of the mostly manageable traffic on Santa Ana Canyon Rd and Weir Canyon Rd, with the proximity to the 91 freeway. I’ve realized from the 2 years residing here, many commuters use surface streets through Anaheim Hills in an a?empt to pass the freeway traffic. If the Salt Development Apartment complex is built, the surrounding streets that are already easily congested, will become a death trap for me and my neighbors, in the event of a fire, earthquake or other disaster. Evacua?on routes are currently minimal. Adding more people and vehicles to this area will not only worsen traffic and conges?on but will increase panic and chaos during a disaster, for example, during our yearly fire season. My family and I implore your commi?ee to stop the build of this apartment complex in Deer Canyon, and find a safer and more beneficial loca?on for everyone affected. Sincerely, Dr. Ly Nguyen 1