31 (029)
Susana Barrios
From:Paul <paloo83@gmail.com>
Sent:Friday, PM
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Hills Preserve
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As a resident of Anaheim Hills, I’m opposed to building a large scale residen?al area on the vacant land. I live in an area
where there is no exit outside of Santa Ana Canyon. I already have a hard ?me with traffic leaving my home and the
street cannot support the added traffic. In cases of emergency, this will be incredibly disastrous since there is always
traffic with the slightest change to the normalcy of the area (e.g., people diver?ng from the 91 to skip traffic for 3 miles,
parades, accidents on the street, etc.).
If there are plans to expand Santa Ana Canyon in both direc?ons without resul?ng in choke points then there might be a
reason for this development.
Alterna?vely, if the developer wants to build several SFR in the area that might work.
However, building a mul?story building and the number of residences that will occupy the area is not sustainable. We
live in Anaheim Hills for the peace and don’t want our streets to turn into a crowded downtown traffic infested area.
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