31 (039)
Susana Barrios
From:Jen McCool <mccooljen@yahoo.com>
Sent:Sunday, October
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Salt
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I am very concerned about this project or any in the direct area.
The impact is not accurately studied and it’s not realizing most of traffic is IE commuters.
The impact report sta?ng an extra 20 plus min added to the already ridiculous 2 hour evacua?on was based on traffic
from last fire and now traffic is 10x as bad.
The sugges?on of road expansion is a nightmare idea in the sense it only creates more traffic for people coming through
and will relive 91 traffic into our streets.
The school situa?on has not been addressed for god knows how many new students.
Disappointed in comments that were out of line made my planning commission.
Police and fire and having a difficult ?me responding in traffic as is.
Residents, fire and police all realize we are in a high fire zone where people are not even able to get insured, aside from
that we can not control the IE traffic which is probably 75 percent of the issue.
Please refer to Savi Ranch area two complexes were build here and right a?er three things happened. One traffic
impossible to get in and out. 2 businesses suffered from this and most have closed and 3 it has turned red on the crime
map and become a not so great abandoned area with the excep?on on Costco and Home Depot, which is guarded by
police a lot of the ?me.
It is unfair to be able to walk to des?na?on quicker then driving it is unfair to any sort of re zoning that puts residents at
risk. Even state housing man Tate will not build in a loca?on the puts people at risk or in danger and this is both.
It’s unfair to re zone for profit not considering the a?ermath or even caring. Let’s s?ck to the plan and the zones and our
master planned community where people have also heavily invested and sacrificed so much to live. We have suffered
enough Sent from my iPhone