31 (042) Susana Barrios From:noreen francis <noreenjfrancis@yahoo.com> Sent:Sunday, October To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Saving Deer canyon \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. To members of the city council, I’m wri?ng in regards to the proposal, Deer Canyon/Salt project and urge you to vote against it.As a resident of Anaheim Hills, traffic in our neighborhood is already a significant issue with the 91 freeway causing severe conges?on on Santa Ana Canyon, Weir Canyon and Serrano. I already deal with the conges?on we have on a daily basis. I am also very concerned about the impact this will have on our local schools,increase in students per teacher, added buses, if necessary,and more children walking along Santa Ana Canyon to get to school. We already had one boy crossing to go to school and was hit so hard he literally flew out of his tennis shoes. As a hiker, I am also deeply concerned about him the environmental impact of this project. The remaining wildlife in Anaheim Hills is minimal and further developing of the hills would likely disrupt their habitat leading to a loss of biodiversity. I probably do not need to men?on the very real concern of the fire evacua?on. I know the city council has already heard a lot about that, but it is truly a serious problem. If members of the city council would drive around Anaheim Hills into all the neighborhoods they would realize, how this project will s?ck out like a sore thumb and also open up the avenue for more high-rise apartments in adjacent areas. I realize we can’t stop progress but it needs to blend well with the surrounding neighborhoods, building, high-rise luxury apartments, and commercial buildings does not accomplish this! Thank you! Noreen Francis 1