31 (045) Susana Barrios From:Lynda Rudesill <lyndarudesill01@gmail.com> Sent:Sunday, October To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] SALT \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. I beg you not to approve this or any development of Deer Canyon. The traffic is already overwhelming. This would only exacerbate the issue. It took us 2 hours to evacuate in 2017. I can’t imagine what would happen if we added such a big complex. We are all having our homeowners insurance canceled. How would that many more homes/apartments get Insurance. Without insurance they can’t get a mortgage. Also Deer Canyon is a preserve. Please leave it that way. Thank you. 1