31 (066)
Susana Barrios
From:Elizabeth Henry <lisa1222@icloud.com>
Sent:Monday, October
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Opposition Deer Canyon Project
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The day of the Canyon 2 fire started off as a beau?ful windy morning, that soon turned into a nightmare. We no?ced the
smoke outside and my husband went to check. He assessed and came quickly in telling me we have to leave NOW! There
were flying embers and palm trees were on fire out front. We had no evacua?on warning and many fire trucks were
away helping other fires. Imagine our fear knowing there was no help. We pull out of our driveway as the police cars
were pouring into the track. We almost collided. There was panic all around. We lived on Columbus and Serrano. We le?
with our animals and our 2 cars. We made it out to Serrano only to find gridlock. I sat in my car going nowhere, watching
the hills burn watching the fire coming nearer and nearer. I was very upset worrying about my Mother who was at the
Meridian. It took a crazy amount of ?me to get anywhere, no one was moving the smoke and fire was looming
overheard. It was terrifying. It took about an hour and a half to make our way to a friends house at Imperial and Via
Escola. We were there about an hour or so and le? there. We were trying to get out of town to go to our place in the
mountains. It took all day. We made it to The Hat in Brea and it was dark. We ate and went to get back on the freeway
and the GPS took us back towards Anaheim Hills saying it was a faster route the place we had been trying to escape from
all day.
We were exhausted and scared, we ended up staying in the evacua?on zone that night because we could not get away
from the area. With the new project and all the more cars, we are being set up to be trapped in a fire again, maybe with
full conseque this ?me. This is not right, you will have the blood of many on your hands. I don’t think there is any living
with that. If you would like more reference. Watch the YouTube on the Paradise fire. My brother and sister-in-law lost
everything and almost their lives and they have been too trauma?zed to ever talk about it.
Cars were melted and the ground was so hot shoes were mel?ng. Do not do this, you have an obliga?on to the people as
our elected officials, to keep us safe! We trusted vo?ng for you, If you go ahead, I am going to say when it happens it will
be on you, if you can live with that…….
Lisa Henry
Anaheim Hills Resident
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