31 (079) Susana Barrios From:Carol Jacobs <krazy4krfts@aol.com> Sent:Monday, October To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] SALT project \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. To our City Council members, I have been a resident in Anaheim Hills since 1975, Santa Ana Canyon & Imperial was a 4 way stop sign. Two moves later we are near Serrano & Weir Canyon where we have lived for 30 years. We have watched this area grow & we have dealt with the fires on many occasions. I was first to reach my 2 grandsons at Elementary in 2017 before they were put on a bus to be evacuated. We prayed that our daughter’s home would be spared & thank God it was. NOTHING can describe the nightmare the traffic has become over the last several years. Serrano & Weir are nothing more than addi?onal lanes for the 91 freeway. We must plan ahead to allow for the extra ?me it will take to drive anywhere in the later a?ernoons & evenings. This is every weekday, usually worse closer to the weekend. These are non-emergency situa?ons, I shudder to think what would happen if it were a true emergency, even for emergency services to reach us. It is UNCONSCIONABLE to think that our elected city officials would even consider approving the SALT project & jeopardize the lives of those who elected them. The fact that our fire & police are opposed speaks volumes of the danger. I am not opposed to growth, there will also be apartments built where the Regal theaters were, but the SALT project endangers so many lives as we will be living on edge as we wait for the next fire. Evacua?on during this scenario will be another Paradise where lives are lost. I pray the SALT project will be denied & addi?onal areas be considered for addi?onal housing. The Deer Canyon area needs to be le? alone. We DO NOT need the high end community that has been planned for that area. Thank you, Carol Jacobs Anaheim Hills Prayer Changes Things! Sent from Carol’s iPad 1