31 (086)
Susana Barrios
From:Jenny Stewart <stewartmonkeys@sbcglobal.net>
Sent:Monday, October
To:Public Comment
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I grew up visi?ng my grandma who bought a home in Anaheim Hills in the 70's and lived there un?l her death over 40
years later. We chose to plant roots in the same area when we got married. We have been homeowners in Anaheim Hills
since 1999 and love our community! A?er moving from our first home off of Weir Canyon 18 years ago, my husband and
I have in our home on the Mohler Loop. Over the years we have experienced several wildfires, faced
mandatory evacua?ons, and experienced gridlock as so many tried to escape the area. I can't even imagine the daily
traffic on Santa Ana Canyon if the proposed apartment building and addi?onal structures are allowed. It is well known
that many drivers take Santa Ana Canyon through Anaheim Hills to avoid the traffic on the 91 freeway and we live right in
the middle of that path. It is currently so bad on any given day with regular traffic. Even worse is imagining the
evacua?ons in the event of more wildfires. It will be impossible to get out! Several years ago as a wildfire quickly spread I
watched parents abandon their cars on the side of the road to run to get their kids from school. It was chaos! I couldn't
even leave my house to get my kids and my family member who was able to get to them was unable to get them to me.
It was horrific!
Every day our family drives on the stretch of Santa Ana Canyon that will be impacted the greatest and honestly it's
unacceptable to even consider this building proposal, whatever it looks like. Addi?onally we do not need more
commercial space as we already have quite a bit si?ng empty. This development does not make sense in the proposed
Nobody that I have talked to is in support of this building project. Not one person! It will s?ck out like a sore thumb in
our community of tradi?onal single family homes. The need to rezone the area in order to build it is a good indicator that
it is not the right fit. We are not interested in the aesthe?c of a large apartment building, or even worse, more than one
as we know there are plans for another in the Fes?val Center. Our family lives in a neighborhood with no sidewalks and
no streetlights. It is peaceful and quiet. It feels rural and we see wildlife in our neighborhood daily. The devasta?on to
everything that lives in Deer Canyon Park is also unacceptable!
Changing our zoning laws to suit a developer is not okay. I have tried to keep up with all of the accusa?ons of corrup?on
and promises made to these developers. It is sickening. Just because they were told by previous leaders that they could
build here, does not mean it has to be approved by our current leaders. A?er listening to every single speaker at the
planning commission mee?ng and then watching the commissioners vote to approve the development when they
couldn't even provide the necessary reasoning was awful. One commissioner in par?cular said she couldn't support it
because our current evacua?on plan hasn't been tested and then voted for it! Huh?! Over and over I heard them
basically say can you just write what the EIR says or ask for help with verbiage to jus?fy approving it. Unacceptable!
Please please listen to all of us! We do not want the Hills Preserve Project in our community. The leaders of our fire and
police are against it! They spoke repeatedly to the planning commission, voicing their opposi?on. What does that tell
you? It is not safe. The way this whole thing has unfolded is not right. The developers dishonest tac?cs to try and get
community support are disgus?ng. They know the actual residents of Anaheim Hills are outraged. Thank you for your
?me and a?en?on.
Jenny Stewart