31 (090)
Susana Barrios
From:Rouhina Mehregan <rouhina.m@gmail.com>
Sent:Monday, October 28,
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Deer canyon
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Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you
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Hi, I'm a resident of anaheim hills and I strongly oppose the rezoning of deer canyon.
I was here when the fires happened and there's no way even with "know your way" in place we aren't going to be
affected for an evacua?on.
Also daily life is miserable around rush hours. We never go to the store around that ?me because there's no way you can
go past Santa Ana canyon without at least double the driving ?me.
I was lucky enough to go into labor at 5 pm on a Friday recently. I can't tell you how panicked I was that we weren't going
to make it to the hospital.
Please stop cramming units into an area that really doesn't have infrastructure to handle it.
There's a much bigger issue in all of Southern California with freeway traffic spilling onto street surface. That needs to be
managed somehow.
I hope our city representa?ves represent us and do not cave in because of personal interests or because the developer is
threatening them. The threat of builders remedy won't automa?cally mean cramming more units in the area.
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