31 (096)
Susana Barrios
From:Lawrence Harrison <lawrenceharrison18@icloud.com>
Sent:Monday, October 28,
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Proposed Deer Canyon development
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My name is Dr. Lawrence Harrison. I have been an Anaheim Hills resident since 1986.
The Planning Commission recently approved sending a proposal by the Salt Corpora?on to do a major development in
Deer Canyon to the City Council for further evalua?on. The Planning Commission made this decision despite
overwhelming opposi?on to the proposed development by those who would be most affected – the residents of
Anaheim themselves.
The proposed development would be in the middle of what is a box canyon that is at extremely high risk for fire. They
want to build a huge structure that would encompass approximately 500 apartments, as well as restaurants, a bar, and a
bowling alley. They also want to build a strip mall and several individual homes within this canyon. Yet there will be only
one road into and out of this development. The Anaheim Fire Chief himself pointed out that when a disaster hits, no
ma?er how much planning goes into massive evacua?ons, it nearly always devolves into chaos. Assuming full occupancy,
in the event of a rapidly moving brushfire, there could be over 1500 people within this fairly small area, all trying to leave
via a single road. At the same ?me, fire department, and emergency personnel and equipment would be trying to enter
via the same road.
The developers claim that with a retaining wall and using fire resistant materials, that there is a li?le risk of the main
building catching fire, and that residents could shelter in place. You know, a turkey or a brisket can cook in an oven
without being directly exposed to flames.
There is already significant traffic on Santa Ana Canyon Road and Weir Canyon Road. A rapidly moving fire fueled by
Santa Ana winds doesn’t care what ?me it is. If it happens at 4 or 5 pm on a weekday, there’s already near gridlock in this
area. And they’re proposing having the evacua?on route going eastward on Santa Anaheim Canyon road - in other
words, directly into the fire.
I am hoping you will make the correct and courageous choice to deny the Salt Corpora?on from ripping up a pris?ne area
of Southern California chaparral and exposing poten?ally thousands of people (and their beloved pets) to a horrendous
death by fire. We don’t need this development, we don’t want this development, and you don’t want to be the ones
responsible for another Lahaina or Paradise.
Thank you for your a?en?on.
Lawrence Harrison, MD