31 (181) Susana Barrios From:Christine Ragenovich <ragenovich@yahoo.com> Sent:Monday, October 28, To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Deer Canyon \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. I am a senior ci?zen and I live in Anaheim Hills off of Santa Ana Canyon. I am appalled and disappointed to have learned that there is currently a plan to develop Deer Canyon and build an extensive apartment complex. The traffic on Santa Ana Canyon and Serrano is already terribly impacted during go home and end of school ?mes. I am amazed that the city is considering adding to this already impossible situa?on considering the poten?al issues that will definitely make it dangerous if there is a call for evacua?on due to fire. In addi?on, as a 77 year old individual with I’m painfully aware that if I have a medical emergency during those impacted ?mes, it would be virtually impossible for an ambulance to reach me in a ?mely manner. How sad that the city leaders are dismissing the danger to its ci?zens, including the impact on our environment, and are falling prey to big business and the lure of adding revenue to the city’s coffers. How shameful! I’m sure if anyone of you(mayor and council members) live here in Anaheim Hills the proposal would never have le? the drawing board. Chris?ne Ragenovich Sent from my iPhone 1