31 (213)
Susana Barrios
From:Rachele Woodruff <rachelewoodruff@gmail.com>
Sent:Monday, October
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] NO on Hills “Preserve” Project
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I live off of Santa Ana Canyon in the Bel Air Community and we are literally working with the City to help us with the 91
overflow that gridlocks our neighborhood. It is impossible to get in and out of our neighborhood most days to even take
our kids to prac?ces or come home from work. How is the City even allowing this Hills “Preserve” to be considered s?ll?
Adding 1000+ more cars to this part of our city that’s already overrun is insane. I’m sure you are also aware of the
evacua?on dangers from the Canyon 2 fire. It is only a ma?er of ?me before another fire happens. My kids were stuck on
a bus on Serrano/Canyon Rim trying to get away from that fire. I pray it doesn’t happen when it’s between the hours of
4-7pm because this part of town would be at a serious stands?ll. I suggest watching the documentary “Fire in Paradise”.
This is a huge public safety issue and I ask that everyone involved look at the consequences of this project. Thank you for
your ?me.
Rachele Woodruff