31 (231)
Susana Barrios
From:Tom Schultz <tomschultz@roadrunner.com>
Sent:Monday, October
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Please Save Deer Canyon
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> I, as well as numerous other Anaheim residents, are not in favor of the currently “proposed” rezoning and the
construc?on of a large 498 apartment structure near Deer Canyon Park on Santa Ana Canyon Road. These type of
complexes may be appropriate for downtown Los Angeles, New York, Chicago loca?ons, but not for suburban Anaheim
> I am also opposed to the two commercial buildings that are proposed to be built next to these apartments. Upscale
single family homes would be a much be?er fit in our community.
> I am asking that you, as an elected official, stand with us Anaheim Residents and do what is best to maintain Deer
Canyon and in the best interests of the community.
> I, and the community, have many concerns over this 7 story, 498 apartment complex with a bar/nightclub on the roof,
with speakers, music, and lights. These apartments are simply out of place on Santa Ana Canyon Road. Traffic is already a
nightmare. Commuters are already using this road daily as the 91 freeway is o?en at a stand s?ll. During peak ?mes,
Santa Ana Canyon Road has bumper to bumper traffic. This main road is integral to our city and adding close to 1,000
more cars is s disaster wai?ng to happen. In 2017, we had a fire, where we were told to evacuate the area. Traffic out of
Anaheim Hills was horrendous. By building this apartment complex and adding on 1,000 more cars could cause deaths to
many residents as they are unable to leave the area in case of emergency situa?ons. I know you would not want this to
happen to your own family and friends, so please stand with us and save us from disaster and poten?al death. These
apartments alone create an even greater fire risk to our community.
> Anaheim Hills has been under mandatory water restric?ons for many years now. The residents do their best to reduce
their water usage by cu?ng down yard irriga?on days, etc but adding on 498 addi?onal apartments and possibly 1,000
addi?onal people or more, is not a solu?on to our current water shortage. These apartments would not only impact
water but also electricity. The costs for these resources will only go up due to high demand. The residents deserve be?er
than this from people they have elected to represent our city and we expect them to do what is best for all of us to
maintain or improve our quality of life.
> Wildlife preserva?on is also important. Deer Canyon has a fantas?c ecosystem and we as a community need to protect
> This apartment complex is not good for our local residents. It impacts our quality of life, and will bring more fire
hazards, traffic, poten?al death, impact out wild life and the tranquility of life as we currently know it. My home is on
Eucalyptus Dr and yes, we will back up to this poten?al monstrosity. It will light up the canyon with the roo?op bar and
the speaker system and music will create a noise factor.
> I am hoping you will vote and do what is necessary to save Deer Canyon. We are coun?ng on you to care enough about
us to make this happen.
> Thank you for caring about our community and the residents and please reject the rezoning ini?a?ve and these