31 (262)
Susana Barrios
From:Kathleen Rossi <tchrisin@me.com>
Sent:Monday, October
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Opposition to Deer Canyon Salt project
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I want to be on record with my opposi?on to this project. When I purchased my home here in 1975, I was inspired by the
promise of natural surroundings and a safe family community. This project threatens that ideal more than anything else
Na?ve animals will be displaced and killed, natural growth will be destroyed to make way for concrete and buildings
taller than anything else in the area, and residents will be unable to evacuate safely in the event of fire threat. (We all
remember 2017.) When a project is unwanted by the people who live in the area and who will have to deal with the
results, city officials should not be able to force acceptance of said project. Do any of the officials suppor?ng the project
actually live anywhere that is impacted by the project? We all know the answer. The reason for our officials’ support of
the project over common sense and factual arguments in opposi?on must be money. If we follow the money from the
backers of this project, it leads straight to our mayor (among others). Her connec?ons to the investors are no secret. This
is reprehensible.
So that the mayor can line her pockets, we lose the natural area we chose when we moved here, get stuck with concrete
in place of trees, have to make room for lots more people in an area already crowded and impacted by daily traffic, and
are expected to rely on fake promises and unrealis?c projec?ons of how we might be “safe” in any future fire evacua?on.
(Again, we all remember 2017.) City officials should at least have the decency to admit they don’t care at all about
Anaheim Hills and its residents. It’s pre?y obvious in everything we have seen and heard from them so far regarding the
SALT project. They do not support our well-being and safety. We are on our own here.
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