31 (309) Susana Barrios From:Justin Wood <justin_wood@hotmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, To:Public Comment; Ashleigh Aitken; Norma C. Kurtz; Jose Diaz; Carlos A. Leon; Natalie Rubalcava; Stephen Faessel; Natalie Meeks; Roshie Wood Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] No Deer Canyon Development Project!! Vote No to Unsafe Developments!! Some people who received this message don't often get email from Learn why this is important Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and are expecting the message. Hello, My family and I live next to Deer Canyon and are extremely opposed to the proposed almost 500 unit, 7 story luxury apartment complex due to the evacuation hazard it will cause! I am very concerned for my family's safety in the event of a fire or an emergency where evacuation is necessary. During the 2017 fires, myself and others were stuck for hours to get out of our neighborhoods. It was terrifying! Adding thousands of more cars and people to an already congested area is putting my and other families in danger! The Fire Chief, Chief of Police, and other high ranking city officials are against this dangerous project, and you should be too! Please vote no and do not approve this dangerous, irresponsible project! Sincerely, Justin Wood Anaheim Hills Resident 1