31 (338)
Susana Barrios
From:Joanna Van <qbjv98@gmail.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October AM
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Save Deer Canyon
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To Whom It May Concern,
Please reconsider before going ahead with this development project. Have you seen the traffic and
gridlock in the last few fires? Fires are spreading fast and with the traffic and smoke, it is a trap. Please
consider all the humans and the wildlife at stake.
I'm aware you did a traffic survey but that was done in the middle of the day. Look at the afternoon and
evening rush hour traffic. We have many residents sharing pictures of cars backed up for miles. The other
day, I couldn't get out of my neighborhood to quickly pick up an item at the grocery store. That was
around 5:45pm!
And here you have a City Council meeting in the middle of the week at a time where most people are just
leaving work. This is outright intentional, not allowing us residents to have a voice. I urge you to please do
the right thing.
Thank you.
A Concerned Anaheim Hills Resident
Anaheim, CA 92808