31 (373) Susana Barrios From:Siobahn Haut <siobahnhaut@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, October To:Public Comment Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Deer canyon \[You don't o?en get email from Learn why this is important at h?ps://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIden?fica?on \] Warning: This email originated from outside the City of Anaheim. Do not click links or open a?achments unless you recognize the sender and are expec?ng the message. I would like to voice my opposi?on to the deer canyon project. I am an ac?ve member in this community both through service clubs who benefit the area and with other local groups who bring value to the area. This project does not meet the needs of the community which is affordable housing. The group trying to build is pushing through ideas without fully developing them or considering the consequences. The environmental damage with na?ve species and open space for wildlife is something we can never get back. With the orange heights project we are in danger of con?nuing to lose spaces that the community values and is important. If the city was working on more environmental measures perhaps it would balance but when they con?nue to fund fossil fuels and other destruc?on globally, they should protect as much wild space as possible. The informa?on that local unions are also being lobbied to show up to show support but aren’t given the facts are just bodies feels unjust. The wildfire risk of this new community and the issue with evacua?on should be enough to dissuade the council from approving this project. Our communi?es need to protect wildlife. Our communi?es need to be able to afford to live here. Our communi?es need to be safe from being placed in harms way. Please do the right thing, say no to more development and money at the cost of our community. Siobahn haut Sent from my iPhone 1