31 (388)
Susana Barrios
From:castledoug2 (null) <castledoug2@aol.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October 29,
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] SaveDeerCanyon
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To whom it may concern,
I am wri?ng this email in opposi?on to the redevelopment of Deer Canyon. I have been an Anaheim resident for 46
years and an Anaheim Hills resident for 39 years. I could live anywhere else I want but chose to stay here where I grew
up. All the residents here love this part of Anaheim because it is an escape from the major city and feels like you are
living in a more rural area. The traffic has go?en horrible over the past 10 years and if there we put any more buildings
and cars in the area it will only get worse. Everyone who lives in the inland empire uses our streets to escape the hell
that is the 91 freeway. We are already crowded enough and your for vote will make it even worse for the residents. Why
is it so bad to actually have open space in our town that everyone can enjoy? There are plenty of other places to build
high density housing. Maybe the city could redevelop it into more trails and have a nice park; building a few pickle ball
courts/tennis courts or other facili?es that we are greatly lacking in Anaheim Hills. There is absolutely nothing to do up
here now that the 2 movie theaters have also been closed.
I am also a Fire Captain/Paramedic, Wildland Fire Academy Instructor at the local college, and a former wildland
firefighter. In my expert opinion by adding more homes in the Wildland Urban Interface you are endangering the
residents who currently live and visit here. I stayed during the last fire to protect my house and my neighbors homes;
and it took my family over 2 hours to get out of Anaheim Hills. I should have just kept them with me at home since the
city did nothing to protect them. I believe that if you allow this project to be built and there is a fire where someone
unfortunately loses their life that whoever on the council that votes for this should be personally held liable for their
It's not always about money and you need to think about the residents quality of life that have built this city. Do the
right thing and don't build these apartments and commercial buildings.
Thank you,
Captain David Douglas
Anaheim, Ca 92807
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