31 (392)
Susana Barrios
From:Li Lo <lloveng@att.net>
Sent:Tuesday, 1:44 PM
To:Public Comment
Cc:Linda Loveng; Natalie Meeks; Ashleigh Aitken; Norma C. Kurtz; Jose Diaz; Carlos A.
Leon; nrubalcaba@anaheim.net; Stephen Faessel
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] 2024 1029 City Council Meeting - Vote No, against Salt Development in
Anaheim Hills CA
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Deer City Council members,
I've been a homeowner in Anaheim Hills since 2001. I've been through two wildfires that threatened and
burned in Anaheim Hills.
The Anaheim Fre Department and assisting fire departments did a great job of keeping all of us safe. Not
all structures were able to be saved.
During the Canyon 2 Fire:
It was terrifying trying to evacuate and being unable to do so due to traffic in our neighborhoods. We
watched as the landscape in our town burned in our rear view mirrors. We sat in our cars with our
belongings on local roads at a complete standstill, hoping we would be able to get to safety in time.
Wondering as we sat unmoving if we were going to need to grab our kids our pets and run.
It was truly frightening being unable to escape a wildfire and I hope you never have to go through
something like that in your life.
We have all seen what can happen with wildfires, they burn out of control. Santa Ana winds are a part of
life but also make battling wildfire difficult.
Some cities in California like Paradise have not been so lucky and have lost many lives. I hope that
Anaheim Hills will never be one of those statistics.
Please protect Anaheim Hills. We are your constituents and ask all of you to vote accordingly for our
safety where we live, work and play. You may not live here but you're responsible for our lives.
Please vote against the Salt Development in Deer Canyon.
Linda Loveng
Anaheim CA 92808