31 (429)
Susana Barrios
From:Bryan Wadkins <btwadkins@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Oppose Deer canyon Developement
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To Whom it may concern,
As a resident of Anaheim Hills for 25+ years I am wri?ng to express my opposi?on of the Deer Canyon development. The
development would add strain to an already strained infrastructure, and be a disastrous situa?on should a major
emergency occur.
As a police officer of 30 years and now a Captain, I recognize poten?al dangerous situa?ons, and trying to get thousands
of people out of a densely populated area with minimal roads is a very dangerous situa?on. In 2017 this area was
evacuated for a major canyon fire, and thank God the fire shi?ed or many would have lost their lives si?ng in traffic
trying to evacuate. Rather than add to the problem, a be?er solu?on would be to fix the roads, traffic and infrastructure
that is already here.
Be responsible, take care of your ci?zens.
Bryan Wadkins
Anaheim Hills
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