31 (439)
Susana Barrios
From:Emily Jenkin <efjenkin@roadrunner.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October
To:Public Comment
Cc:efjenkin@roadrunner.com; Emily Jenkin
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Dear Anaheim City Council Members,
As a 20 year resident of Anaheim Hills, I implore you to NOT APPROVE moving forward with the SALT development.
It has become increasingly difficult to drive home from work due to the current traffic conges?on from our local
community and drivers using our roads as a bypass for the eastbound 91 freeway.
I found on my days off, it is difficult to make a quick trip to Target because I have to wait up to 3 light cycles to turn onto
Serrano because the le? has turn lane is backed up with all the commuters headed to Weir Canyon.
Please, please pause and look for an alternate plan for these developers outside of Anaheim Hills.
Thank you,
Emily Jenkin
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