31 (444)
Susana Barrios
From:Megan DeWert <megandewert@yahoo.com>
Sent:Tuesday, October
To:Public Comment
Subject:\[EXTERNAL\] Disagree with proposed development in Anaheim Hills
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To whom this may concern,
I’m wri?ng to express my disagreement with the proposed Hills Preserve Salt development in Anaheim Hills. A beau?ful
community has go?en overcrowded to the point where it is becoming an unse?ling place to live. Another huge concern
is for the safety of our residents, when we need to evacuate for a fire. There are not enough roads and too many people
as it is. There are plenty of other areas in Orange County that are not nearly as populated that would be be?er suited for
this type of proposed project.
Thank you,
Megan DeWert