-.� -� y. e`•� r 1 ,:�r+ �._._._, Lei
Cita V:.•.t3 L.r -.v_� �:_ ._it.._. ...1 .•aJ v_..,. IJ
l,.%i �a:i _�.�.�_ A�. _i•�r�yi �.�T:..`���i_'t. ll 1, .1.��._':w .j. L� i�y. .". /l�i,ry.. iaC-i
::tiLt .,tJ.i J.:ai1 .L1 i! �Y\!_1�.-it�'r 1. is i.`l �i• .J .i �ii, tAi :'1. �1J���•�:V d1r.LJ
til_)O _ .iC i 7L SI-CO.1 1 iii .-�._-., ._ 4' 1 Cai)isV J—
� r_ xJ,Fll, F01", _..I:.��'J 'y11 .:1:_�vs �_��J�., i � f.�iU :�1,. ��t 7,!L
7'"E"'EAS, L.ile Co")
City o--': 1`_ la'leir' ( lerei lc_ _'Ler referred to as the ""''.eC'''velo-x.ient
C"Olm"ission") to the Cali" -Gr .ia `:
equirec.'. by lai-., have been taken by
T�711`"-'I� all actions - r
all appropriate public agencies.
S1_A �- f'�--�--,JO-1. 7 1.
,Zhc pur-ooses and iii-Li--en-IL o -Z ti-ile City Council, ze-
Cina-�e all Co�-j-: 4 I-ior
spect to tale Proje 4- L- area, arc-, -"--o L� i- is O -C:
.LI ---e gyro jeC-iL are f. -e,
_a anti's insure, as at as possiol
that all causes of i te,L- c 0 n (:� i t i on s w i 11 ',De e idler .2 1 i i ,.I n a L e
or prot-ec-'.-.e('AI wG--.hist,--, and -'L-.o -,)rovic:.e for -L."ne par-1--ic—pation of
owners in tie Project area to insure anc. encoarae tile redevelop -
men -IC of the Project area and, ti -ion, Z-0 assist anc". 2"oster the
economical revitalization of the area; -!_-o r--Ioca-L-.e ay,.C,. assist -tile
owners and occupants as needed wit-Iiin the area; to iaavzloI:) and
rebuild the public facilities in -L-I'lis area; -(--o providie a safer a-ri i
for t.''qe -�Deo-,D e W; 0 - 411
more efficient service W occu-,:)y fire area or
-make use of its services and" the as a whole.
SZ--`Cr2IO* 2.
Mile City Council I-iere.�-)V --<eteri;-Lincs t -at tie Seconc'I 2 cnL
i„ent to t e aedevelo- � n, Plan for 2ec,Ievelo-or-ient Project Al-, lia, as
Lh jqrme, 1- .1-
C 01,U�- 4 S S 4 0.-
�-L " 'I, -iecess y nJ -
recormiendeCl. !Dy -,rhe Redevelopr,,,ent is i a e
Sisclfiol; 3.
1he SeconcJ 1-Vmcndi,.;ent to the Plan for
vclo-,t.:),qen-L Project as reco-I-L,,.,,-Le31C','c(7 b . 7 -I'--Iie
CoriviAssion, is hereby approved and adop-*L--&c: ana, as a-p-provcc, and
adopted, is incorporated herein by re-f"crence and ii.iade a -part
hereof as if fully set out at lengt"--i herein.
S'L-]C7-`IO---, 4.
The Rec-Ilevelopment Plan --'oj- Redeve.'Lo-mient- Project Alpha,
as hereby amendled, is hereby dOrificialesignated the Orificial rcdevelo4-
Project Al;)ha.
plan for I-10developme,n4-
S E C'-I'I 0 -,, 7. 5 .
The City Council finds and de -termines - at:
1. The Project area was anc" still is a blig-'ate.-I area, "ui.e
redevelo-p-menI-- of which was and is necessary to ef-.2"ec-'k--uate the pub-
lic -purposes declared in -Eie Co,.,mmnit-v Redevelops rent luwo o17 t1le
State of California.
2. The Redevelmxaent Plan, as herebv amiended, will redevelop
the Project area in con-for.md-ty 471 til -6-ie Coyruiunity Redevelop Tient Laa,7
Ori. the State of California and in -'the in -Ceres -'C -s of the nublic
Peace, health, safety anc, welfare.
"I" -' t� "-,% d e e -,Di,-,.en-- Plan,
he ac
io-�--)tion ansa carrying out of ie ', e 3 v lo
as hereby amended, is econoi-Acally soun,-" and feasible.
4 '-(;he -Red' eve lo pme nt Plan, as hereb-v amenCied, conforii.,Is to
-the General Plan o -l' -the, Cit -V of zunancLi-L.
5. '1`11e carr-ing out of the 'Ite.f eve lo pyi,,ent Plan, as hCxcb1,7
amended, will pro -mote --the public '0CFACC
lcalt 1, sa-f-et:, and wel�.�are
of the City of Anaheim and will ef-15_::cctuzite the -Durposes and -,poli-
cies of the. Coy.,-a-Lmniltty _1-_,_'eveJ_o-,)ment LaTv7 of -'Ciie State of California.
6. The con(aemnation of real pro-pertv as -orovic-1ec,; for in
L..Lie Redevelop_ -,lent Plan, as :sere Dy a,!,,endeC is necessary -!--o the
e:,,ecution ofthe 1:e6.eveloz)j-.icnL Plan, as hereby aiaendec, anch ade-
quate provisions have been mmada for nxr�.-,.ent- for property to be
acquired as provi(1e,-_1 by lau.
Agency has a feasible --othoiJ ancl !ao
n for tr
Lie eloca-
tion of families anQ--L persons to be ter.,_-,porarily or perr,ianent-l c:.is-
placed frorm housing facilities in Project arca.
r -"ic K,C_L`_C_ -'_'-0V1CLeL 111 -tile Project area, or
C, . 1-1 _,re arc o- rc � .1
in other areas not generally less C-,'esi-_aTDle in. regaru to -,�u'Dlic
utilities anC,. -ou,Dlic and, facili-ties an;L*A' at rents or
.,)ricc-s wit-liin tiae -"Hnancial .-_-,cans of an.,,l �crsons �.is_
--laced from the Project area, safes anl'C_�:rx
l 7 S
oqual in nuzjDer to the nui,,L�Der of lavaila,"'D1,E; -t'-o
fazailics and persons anc'. _--asoi-la"Dly to O.
9. The Redevelopment Plan, as hereby arcended, will affor� a
1 a�-L IULI O-P-Oor-iClmity coylls-st-ent ',7_4-'C__Z1 s�)-an,,, I 0 ie 1 z—
ity as a, WI-A.01C for the Ci_ -L-ic az-.-a oy e-rivatc ai-_tcr-
11) . - - ac�114a.
as ii�:,raby aiL,,c'-n-f,�.�,ea
0. 1 1 a i -i i -t- is 2"07:.nc- an-
t-iiat certai.,-. o-f-.t1cial action be t -a." -.en 1`T %fle C'tV
c ot"ier t �3_�js, t0 c.ianq-es in
,:ouncil with re-Zcrencc , ar.10-i k-
-the vacatincf and o -F st-reets, alleys, an'," o-C1icr ways,
estaT_11s1.1.i.cnt_ o:: st-ree-t- -oa-t-'Ceriis, `k_ -he location anreloca-
tion of sower anL water o-t-11cr u-J)-Lic -facili'Cies, anC'
other .ul lic action anC1,, accorC,,incely, `C. -ie (.-_'ity Council ler e'JY:
(a) -J?le(-` 'ces its coo-per_a-L_ion in hel-Dinc, -,.--0 carry_ out
#_fie 1as heredevelo-Di�Lent Plan, eh)y a:r.enaed; ani;.
(b) '1:,,erjuests - e va:C40US o.L J_ pfficials, Jearti7Lionts,
boards amc-' a' encies of -Eic Cit -7 0 7\,a
J.-lavilic ,adn..inist-restive cs-onsilh-,iiities in trio
nrerL,,ises li,1:cn,7isc LLO cooperate to slach en:.�
anC. to e-.:ercise their respective functions and,
powers in a Y_-.anner Consiste-1-1-t- ,wit_h_1-L'-.11c
._1 , -ia
o-p'-Plan,:ient Pla, as '.Lerc3_, 7 - -enc�'.ca; cd
(c) StcanCs _reac!17 -to z
a72-cropx-iate action upon
1 orals an(-,;. 71, -1 1 -
o, easures !,-lesig"nea o effectuate
tine _Rec1ovelo;:;iLie-.at lan,, as '1'1ereb-,,7 a:-:iend&-d,.
SJ_1C11I 0'L'_.l 6 .
- 1- a10us C
,�_Ihe city Couricil is satis-i-fie'C' -that us n_;
facilities will be available within three years froii the time
occupants of the Project area are a_n(.',', that: penu"Ang the
develoame-Int of such --i"acilities, t -he --re will be available to such
-its adequate, t riporar-y liousinq facilities at rents
Lisplaced occupai Ce
corLi-oarable to those in the of Anahei-m at th.e tiy:C of their
,_`�'isDl a ce,--,ien t. -L�o persons or _-"'wnilies of --low 0-11�1 itloe�,erate income
shall be C,is-,,-)IaceC! frcg:resiciences u3.-,",ess aria until there is a
suitable housing unit available and ready for occupancy by such
ais-olaced! person or family at rents coy-_-i-oarable to _16 -lose at -the
ti 1e of their Lfliisplace,ent. Such housing units shall be suitable
to t1ie needs of such disT)lacc-(-',' or a:-,Alies ant`. i-1.11st I)e
2:1 L
Lecent, safe, sanitary anu othen,7ise stanCLarcl. Li,?ellings. The
Agency shall not displace such person or family until sucli housing
units are available and readv - for occupancy.
All written and oral objections to the Seconc_ �uenv ment
to t: -ie RedeveloDment Plan for Redevelop-ilten-L. Project I-oha, as
reconmiended by the Redeve-lopritent Comay,-.ission, are nerebv overruled.
SEC-TIO14 8.
The City Clerk is herebyhereby1:irectei' to cause the incor-
poration of the Second Amend�ment to the Redevelopment Plan hereby
aDprov4cF anti adopte(. into the _Redcvelo-,37:lent Plan for ?,edevelopment
Project i�,lpha. ---"he Cite Clergy is "further directed to send a cer-
tified co-,ov of this Ordinance to the Agency,, anc:, the ZGency is
hereby vested, with the responsiblility for carrying Outle
vClo":)ro,ent Plan, as hereby ame_acLea'�, subject to the oViS-L4n-F
os o-
sai`_-I nedevelopn.-ient Plan.
The City Clerk is here;Dv L'Lirecte6_ o e-i-i-ect-ual--a recorda-
it--ion with the County Recorder of Orange County in cor,ipliance wit -Ii
-"---ie provisions oftn io'M95 of the ( e
ovrniient C ' e to the
C,x.tent ar.,' icable.
C 1 2110117, 10.
The 'C'itv Clerk shall certi-i'_'LLr to -Lie pas sac.fe of this
ordinance and shall cause the sarne to be o--.,.ce
fifteen (15) ways z,,-J'-f"ger i_s opt iol'i i-4,11 tl-i- T -_,aa, -La a
_icwsoa-per of qe-nera-1 circulat-ion, pu:ilisr-led anr_ circula--
ra'I -ic: in 2 e City o4� Anah e s ordiiai C shall take effect and
be in full force immediately upon the final passage thereof.
THE FOREGOLNG OILIDI1,4ANCE is approved and signed by lie
t ---lis 30th Clay of November - 976.
Ur"T'-, CIT z 0�1is i
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 3631 was introduced at a
regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Anaheim, held
on the 23rd day of November, 1976, and that the same was duly passed
and adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the
30th day of November, 1976, by the following vote.of the members
AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kaywood, Seymour, Kott and Thom
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved
and signed said Ordinance No. 3631 on the 30th day of November, 1976.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official
seal of the City of Anaheim this 30th day of November, 1976.
I, LINDA D. ROBERTS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is the original Ordinance No. 3631 and
was published once in the Anaheim Bulletin on the 10th day of December,