180 W ELM ST (3)CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Anaheim This structure has been inspected pursuant to the applicable provisions of the CBC-2013 Edition as adopted and amended by The City of Anaheim. Any change in the character of occupancies or use of this building which would place the building in a different division or group of occupancies requires a new Certificate of Occupancy. DESCRIPTION OF OCCUPANCY: Mixed Use Structure: 7,239 sf. - 1st floor Commercial Industrial Building (address 180 Ste. A. B, C, D, E). New Residential Construction: 1,199 sf. (Caretakers Unit address 190) OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: R3, B. S1 NO. OF STORIES: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB BUILDING OWNER: BUILDING ADDRESS: 180 W ELM ST. ANAHEIM, CA 92805 DATE OF ISSUANCE' 07/29/2024 PROCESSED BY: MARY M BUILDING PERMIT: BLD2016-05402 FLOOR AREA: 1199, 845, 7674 TERRANCE ALFORD BUILDING OFFICIAL